Tanya Dziahileva (Diagileva)

Title: 10 Years Later
Magazine: Vogue Russia September 2009
Photographer: Terry Tsiolis

source | snailscans.blogspot.com
Oh my goodness so utterly cute and adorable as a little toddler!
Wonderful to know you live in San Fran. Tanya, I'm going to be attending college there in a few years. :D I hope you enjoy it here a lot in California.
on greman vogue site there is a video about TANYA!!!!

in the middle of the vid i almost began to cry but at the end she gave me the smile back again and made me so happy!

THATS THE MAGIC OF TANYA!!!!! blublubblublub i thought :D

and the interviewer with very german accent seems very cute too :)

Tanya has matured so much!
She really is such an intelligent young woman, now.^_^ She has a good head on her shoulders. I'm very happy for her!
Thank you for sharing this! :flower:
I love her interview on the Vogue website, her personality is SO sweet. I didn't realize that it was so lonely but I think she's doing well for herself. Love you Tanya!
BTW she looks adorable as a baby but I would have never guessed that was her if they didn't show the comparison.
just watched the interview on vogue.de. it kind of touched me and believe me, this doesn't happen often :)
very very honest ... she seems to be a very sweet girl. the interviewer was great as well ^_^

karl comment was pretty funny :D here's what he said:
die is sehr witzig, wie die ganz jung war, die hat mit 13 oder 14 angefangen da war die frech wie ? jetzt ist sie etwas zivilisierter geworden aber das war beinahe eine gewisse unschuld, eine gewisse schüchternheit. aber ist witzig was die für einen mut hatte wie die 14-15 war

and for all the non-german speakers:
she's very funny, when she was pretty young ... she started at the age of 13 or 14 ... she was pretty perky (in a positve way, hope i chose the right word) now she became a little more civilized, but it has been almost a certain innocence, a certain shyness. but it's funny how brave she was at 14-15

wish her all the best :flower:
Aww Tanya is awesome! So young and smary. :) I was surprised she was only like 17. She has a great smile too in the video.
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it souded like a touchy subject. i woudlnt tell some random person about my life either
i wouldnt answer that question either, its part of you privacy. just ignored it a go to the next question. she really did it right. [sorry for my really bad grammar]

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