Tanya Dziahileva (Diagileva)

Backstage Chalayan F/W 2014 Paris


Hussein Chalayan FW 2014

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^So beautiful! Like an Elven Princess.
One of the most beautiful models I've ever seen.:wub:

I keep wishing for a huge comeback...
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Jean Paul Gauliter F/W 2014 Paris

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I LOVE Tanya, I think she's one of the best models out there. So cool, so sweet, great look, always nice. I want to mention this though as my dad is an orthodontist and I write this with the kindest intention possible. My (orthodontist) dad noticed her photos as I was getting the above pictures to post and he remarked that her upper teeth/palate and lower teeth/palate have clearly moved forward/outward on her face in comparison to her photos I showed him from a few years ago. This can cause the "buckling" seen dramatically in the first photo above, and under the lower lip in the other photos. In his words, "STUNNING girl, and she could benefit very much from invisalign with a beautiful face like her's." He went into some speech about how in girls, the lower jaw and palate can continue to grow forward between the ages of 22-24, at which point I stopped listening, but I thought I'd put that out there. She might want to look into it as shifting of the palate and teeth in a forward motion like she has can gradually continue until the age of 24/25. Shifting the teeth backwards aligns the proportions, the chin, everything, and makes closing the mouth easier and more comfortable. I don't know how else to contact T sizzle ;) Gorgeous no matter what anyway <3
I almost had a f*cking heart attack! She looks like she just descended from the heavens! Imagine her walking Chanel!
I almost had a f*cking heart attack! She looks like she just descended from the heavens! Imagine her walking Chanel!
Her complexion is beyond perfect! I'm positive she'll be at Chanel. :cool:

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