Teen Girls' Heels?!

I am currently 15 years old and I want to experiment with high heels! I'm usually just a comfort-oriented person, but I want to make my venture into the fashion: pain = beauty-world. I was wondering what type of high heels would look good? I don't want a really mature look, just something cute, hot and chic. Any recommendations? I have small-ish feet (about size 5.5) but they're not very skinny feet, regular ankles, and pretty muscular calves (thick-ish). Help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

The trick to high heels is just practice and a little bit of balance. Make sure you keep your feet straight in your shoes (I've noticed a lot of people that walk on one side of their foot without realising it), or you might go over on your ankle. I started wearing heels from a young age, I've always loved high shoes, I'd try all the high ladies' shoes on in shops as a little girl, get used to walking around in them, and would always choose shoes with a bit of a heel for school, and then in the past couple of years I've gotten more adventurous, buying much higher shoes than before. The highest I can walk in are 5" heels, I tried 6s but my feet aren't big enough to have shoes with heels that big, I can't straighten my leg in them.
If, one day once you're used to smaller heels, you're feeling daring, visit mapledrive.com and order some lovely high high shoes. I got both of these from there, I adore the first ones, how they make my legs look. The second ones are the ones I can't walk in, but if your feet are bigger than mine maybe you could !
Smallnfeisty said:
The brand is 'Kit', they sell it in loads of clothing catalogues like Littlewoods Extra, Argos Additions, etc. but I got mine from Abound. They were only £13 on an introductory offer.

Aww.. that means... I probably won't be able to find them in the US.

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