The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #2

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I don't think I'll ever be able to stick to 5 pieces, but seasonal wardrobe cleanouts are the best way to keep things organised/minimal for me! I need colour, colour, colour though!
We're having some unusually hot weather right now - typically June is rather chilly here - and this has exposed some holes in my summer wardrobe, namely a lack of one or two casual, lightweight cotton blousey tops. I was looking for one anyway, but I didn't realise what a pressing "need" it was. :lol:

I was looking through a couple of thrift stores today in search of the afore-mentioned top, and found something that was to be on my fall/winter list: a long-sleeved tee for layering (pinkish purple, from American Vintage, €1.60). Normally I don't buy t-shirts from thrift stores since they're all worn out and shapeless by the time they get there, but this one is in top condition, can't tell if it's been worn lightly or not at all. I'm kind of looking forward to wearing it, it feels so nice and soft!
I've been too unfocused the last month. I've bought a lot of stuff, good stuff, really, but too much. My goal hasn't been to buy only 4-5 items 2 times a year, but I still think I've bought too much stuff the last month. I think 3 dresses, 2 pairs of shoes, a bag, a shirt and what not is way too much for just one month. Fortunately (?) i really have to save money the next couple of months so I think the only things I'm going to buy is a scarf I've been eyeing and a couple of classic, black pumps, which is really needed. All my black heels have other colours on them as well.

Also've got a lot of DIY projects planned, think that will keep my mind of shopping :)

I find that my shopping kind of 'clumps' ... it's usually in just a few months a year. So far this year, I did no wardrobe shopping at all in January or April. I still haven't found a good pair of cargos, and I haven't bought any flat sandals ... those will wait until I feel there's a need, maybe till next year or fall ...

I agree that the very best way to determine what you need is to discover a true 'hole' as elle mentions. Theories are all very well, but there's nothing like the reality of there truly being nothing in your closet to fit the present need. This definitely happens when the weather changes, and also when your life refocuses in some way ... you go on vacation to a different place, you change jobs and the 'dress code' is significantly different, you start going out more, etc.
I find it hard to prioritize right now. I always do a budget for shopping because otherwise I'd just buy and buy and buy and bring myself into trouble. Now I do have some money left but the things I want / need are so money and I don't know what is most important. The thing is, we will have to watch our money very closely from August to spring since we will have significantly less income in that time due to our family situation so I think I won't be able to spend much then. So it seems to be all the more important to buy the right thing.

Now the things I'm eyeing for are:
- Tees in basic colors and flattering cuts. Not an exciting thing to buy but I feel these are really missing from my wardrobe right now. A navy, a white and a grey tee seem to be missed a lot and most of my tees and summer tops are really old and need replacement.
- A swimsuit. No, I didn't buy that Norma Kamali yet. I have swimsuits but they don't make me feel like a goddess. Now I'm not really sure how important it is to feel like a goddess the few times I'm going to swim this summer but then again you really want to look good at that moment.
- Cardigans. Still feel I could need more cardis. They make my things work. I've been wanting one in camel or gold/bronze for months now.
- A dress: I think dresses look best on me, still I don't own that many since it's hard to find a good one. But a multipurpose dress is something I really miss.
- A bag: I could need a good work bag, an elegant leather bag that can carry papers and stuff. Don't own one yet, I have only small bags. I think that would be a major investment and in a way I don't want to spend that much on one thing when I think how many tees and cardis could be bought for that money. But then again it's something that really makes your look work and if bought well can last for decades.

Any recommendations????
Hmm ... I would look at your list and decide which one missing item is bugging you the most, and focus on that.
I find that my shopping kind of 'clumps' ... it's usually in just a few months a year. So far this year, I did no wardrobe shopping at all in January or April. I still haven't found a good pair of cargos, and I haven't bought any flat sandals ... those will wait until I feel there's a need, maybe till next year or fall ...

I agree that the very best way to determine what you need is to discover a true 'hole' as elle mentions. Theories are all very well, but there's nothing like the reality of there truly being nothing in your closet to fit the present need. This definitely happens when the weather changes, and also when your life refocuses in some way ... you go on vacation to a different place, you change jobs and the 'dress code' is significantly different, you start going out more, etc.

It also seems that I, ATM, shop in clumps. I bought one, very cheap dress in December. In January i bought a lot of stuff, in february and march i bought one thing (each month, one I sold again, because I didn't fit me), in april I also only bought in item and in May i bought ... a lot. I really depends on wether there is anything in the stores, that I want. I think I'm pretty good at only buying stuff i really want.

I'm thinking about doing the 30 for 30 challenge next month, which also involves no shopping next month, which I think will be fine, since I'm going on vacation and need the money. I am thinking to cut loose about the no-shopping part, the week I'm in Florence, so that I can buy it, if I find something pretty.
^ I like bringing things back from vacation ... I always try to go antiquing while I'm out of town and get little things ... it's fun to look around and see things you got from all these different places. Also fun to give people gifts you bought on trips. (I shop all year for birthday and Christmas presents.)

With clothes, it's nice to have a different selection from what you have at home ...
^ I like bringing things back from vacation ... I always try to go antiquing while I'm out of town and get little things ... it's fun to look around and see things you got from all these different places. Also fun to give people gifts you bought on trips. (I shop all year for birthday and Christmas presents.)

With clothes, it's nice to have a different selection from what you have at home ...

That's excactly what I'm thinking. We're also going to an outlet mall I think. I've heard that shopping in Florence is not that exciting though.

ATM I am thinking about buying a pair of black suede pumps from ASOS. They're on sale for 24 pounds which is really cheap for real suede pumps. I just hate buying shoes online, and my netshopping-karma hasn't been good the past time, so I'm a little weary even though there cheap, because returns are so expensive and I do not have the money to buy clothes i wont wear. Kind of a dilemma.
Buying shoes online: I've recently done it again and after that I've sworn I just won't do it again. I just don't have the feet for it I guess. It often happens that I really fall in love with a shoe that I see online, order it, love it (visually), put it on, tell myself it's okay and I can walk in it and then, after putting them on for more than ten minutes, I have to admit they may be gorgeous but killing me. I've too many shoes I've hardly worn or when I wear them my feet have to wear sneakers the week after that to survive. :rolleyes: I can imagine that I break the rules again but probably just to realize I shouldn't. The only shoes that I bought online and that wear a real success are loafers from TODs, they are probably the most comfortable shoes I own.

My list and my purchases: I am really not sure what to spend my money on. I have seen a gorgeous gorgeous bag but it's too expensive. I think I will wait to see if it goes on sale and if I could afford it then, otherwise it just wasn't meant to be. I've decided not to buy a new swimsuit right now, the one I own will do. I don't go swiming that often after all.

If I don't spend the money on the bag I will probably just try to renew some of the staples like tees and cardigans. I've realized it's just so important that the basics are there and good. If they are missing, the more exiting things don't work either.
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^ I agree, I don't usually* buy those items that need to have a fairly precise fit, such as shoes or trousers, online. I know returns are an option, but it's just so much hassle, not to mention expensive, to return internationally.

* I do slip up sometimes... :ninja:

In shopping related news, I received my All Saints cardigan this week! Trying it on, I discovered that belting it under the bust rather than at waist creates a much more flattering silhouette on my short and short-waisted self, so I will probably remove the belt loops and resew them a little higher. The sleeves are super long which I love. This is definitely one of those pieces though that is at risk of remaining hanging in the closet... so when the weather cools down, I will have to make a concerted effort at wearing it. :lol:

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I'm always amazed that people can shop for trousers online. I could never. It is so hard to find a really well fitting pair for me, the chances that I would find that pair online are near zero. I hate shopping for trousers cause I always have to try on twenty pairs until I feel comfortable. Tops are so much easier and they are also something I can easily shop online cause 75% of the tops I try on look fine.

I own a pair of nude Louboutin pumps that I ordered online. I saved a lot until I could afford them. They look gorgeous on my feet but truth is... they hurt. :doh: And I can't go to work with a pair of shoes that hurt nor would I wear them to a party. Honestly, they are pretty but that was the worst purchase in my life cause it feels I just threw that money out of the window. Never doing it again. (Initially I talked myself into "they are okay, they will be really comfy after wearing them a bit at home". That was an illusion. I've learned from it.)
^ At a certain point not that long ago, heels became higher. Suddenly 100mm heels were common. I bought a pair and wore them to a party :doh: They are gorgeous, but my feet were burning, it felt like they had gone to hell. However ... now I wear them a lot & they're perfectly fine, even relatively comfortable (it's a nice sturdy heel).

So what I learned was, if it's a new heel height, your feet have to adapt. I'm sure there's new muscle development and whatnot.

The YSL sandals I got this season ... the first time I wore them was bad news. I had new holes punched so I could tighten the straps, got Foot Petals for them ... much better. (There is virtually nothing holding them to your feet, and there's a lot of shoe there--all in the sole, platform, and heel.) They are a different height from my other shoes, so there is a learning curve ... Once I wear them probably 2-3 more times, it will be much easier ...

Same thing when I got a pair of open back kitten heels with just three little straps in the front. I had never worn that type of mule before ... now I'm totally used to them.

Not to say there isn't a 'wrong' shoe for you ... I have very high arches, and there are a few shoes that literally make me scream in pain just putting them on my feet. But for each different height and style, there's a learning process, for both your feet and muscles, and you learning to walk in them.

I find that going out to dinner is a good time to break new shoes in ... anytime you won't be walking too far and will be sitting a lot.
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Fashionista-ta: THANK YOU! Now I have hopes again that I can finally wear some of those sleeping beauties :D:heart: In a way I must admit you are right. I have a pair of silver pumps that I wore out to dinner ones and they hurt a lot. Then I wore them to a wedding and they still hurt, but less. And nowadays I can wear them without to much pain.

I guess my problem nowadays is that when running around with my two small children I need comfortable shoes and when being at work the whole day I also need comfortable shoes. I go out less often since I have the kids so the occassions for wearing shoes in are less. But I have a dinner date next week, maybe I should just wear in my black suede pumps then :blush::p Or my Louboutins :innocent:
Buying shoes online: I've recently done it again and after that I've sworn I just won't do it again. I just don't have the feet for it I guess. It often happens that I really fall in love with a shoe that I see online, order it, love it (visually), put it on, tell myself it's okay and I can walk in it and then, after putting them on for more than ten minutes, I have to admit they may be gorgeous but killing me. I've too many shoes I've hardly worn or when I wear them my feet have to wear sneakers the week after that to survive. :rolleyes: I can imagine that I break the rules again but probably just to realize I shouldn't. The only shoes that I bought online and that wear a real success are loafers from TODs, they are probably the most comfortable shoes I own.

My list and my purchases: I am really not sure what to spend my money on. I have seen a gorgeous gorgeous bag but it's too expensive. I think I will wait to see if it goes on sale and if I could afford it then, otherwise it just wasn't meant to be. I've decided not to buy a new swimsuit right now, the one I own will do. I don't go swiming that often after all.

If I don't spend the money on the bag I will probably just try to renew some of the staples like tees and cardigans. I've realized it's just so important that the basics are there and good. If they are missing, the more exiting things don't work either.

I'm not that hesitant about buying shoes online in general, if it is from Denmark they're easy to return, and I haven't returned any shoes bought online yet. The problem is, that these shoes are sent from UK and it costs probably the same as the shoes themself, to return them. So that has me leaning towards a no, but on the other hand, when will I find suede pumps costing only 24 pounds, in real life? Nowhere.
I guess it depends a lot on your feet, too. I have feet that don't go too well with most shoes so I guess ordering online isn't really for me. If the shoes you want are not only cheap but look really good and pretty okay in quality, you could give it a try. If they don't fit you could still try to sell them or give them to a friend. I am always a bit sceptical with very cheap shoes because of some bad experiences in the past... but then again, I've made bad experiences with expensive shoes, too :-)
I guess it depends a lot on your feet, too. I have feet that don't go too well with most shoes so I guess ordering online isn't really for me. If the shoes you want are not only cheap but look really good and pretty okay in quality, you could give it a try. If they don't fit you could still try to sell them or give them to a friend. I am always a bit sceptical with very cheap shoes because of some bad experiences in the past... but then again, I've made bad experiences with expensive shoes, too :-)

My shoes can be difficult, mostly because my feet are really small. I've heard a lot of good things about these particular shoes though, also that they will feet if you have small feet. So I'm thinking about taking a gamble :)
Re: heel height and shoe comfort--I've found that now that I regularly wear 2-2.5" heel shoes all day, that when I throw on a pair of 4+" heels, the transition isn't as bad. I've got some boots and platforms that have the lower heel height, and they're comfortable enough to wear all day on my feet, so it's become a nice training for the higher heels.

However, going from flats all the time to a 4" or more heel height is murder!
Just to clarify ... I don't think shoes should be painful. Once I've adapted to a pair of shoes, they no longer are. My theory is that changing the angle at which your foot is resting is ... challenging. But I was frankly amazed how much better those shoes that started out such a misery became. Like I say, now they are comfortable ... I think you have to stick with it. If you tell yourself that you can't wear a certain type of shoe, well, you can't.

I do, btw, alternate between flats and 4" heels--but I wear heels on a regular basis. A heel the same height but at a different angle (like the funky angle of a lot of Dries heels) has a learning curve too. I think you develop muscle memory, though, so once you learn to walk in a particular pair, you remember.

The other thing is, I come home for lunch during the week, and often will change something at lunch. You could always wear the heels starting out, and change when they become uncomfortable.
Shoes: I think the change of the angle/height I can deal with. But I've realized (while trying on all of my pairs the last two days again) that my right small toe just has a weird shape and it's okay with some shoes, but not with all. And when it gets a lot of pressure the pains get worse and worse, so I guess those shoes really aren't meant to be. There are shoes that become more comfy once they are worn in, others don't.

Purchase strategy: I've decided first priority will be a spacious work bag that allows me to transport papers. Damn expensive but I think it will be something I'll be using for a looooong time. Since most of those that I like are too expensive I will wait for the sales. If the three that I really love are sold out before I can buy/afford them the bag has to wait and I'll invest in some basics like cardigans and tees and maybe a dress.
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