On perfect items: I liked the article you posted
Twistelette. Guess everyone has a different definition for "perfect". I do not think an item is imperfect because it will date. Of course, by shopping minimalist style it is clever to buy items that will last more than a season but I do not find stuff imperfect because they might be out of style in 10 or even 5 years. And really, I do not expect my items to last that long, I guess. As we were talking about a couple of pages ago, I would maybe want something different by then anyway. And if i really like something I do not care it other people think it is "so 5 years ago".
@Ta-ta: Oh you know me too well

Right now I am having an "I want to take all of my vintage clothes/things I do not wear ATM to the attic - now!-attack Maybe it is not too bad an idea. My clothing racks are working overtime.
Guess I can always ship it off too you or
Eizhowa to store -
such a nice offer of you gal's
BTW: I love, love, love your new leopard top. Think it will look beautiful with a pencilskirt and your
Miu Miu bow heels.
@Eizhowa: if you are a size 3 we could maybe do our own community closet

btw, you totally made my day with your comment about Eva offering to donate the cardigan. Sometimes I wish I knew you guys in real life
@Twistelette: I know how tempting it is to purchase something that you want to be perfect, especially since your partner also loves them, but I think shoes should be comfortable when you try them on. In my experience there is no such thing as breaking in a shoe. Have you reached any decission about the ones you purchased from yoox?
@Eva: very generous of you with the cardigan

Sure it will make someone very happy.
I think one should dress for one self and not for anyone else. Maybe you should tell your fiancé that you respect his opinion and that of course you like him thinking you look nice but that the most important thing for you is to feel comfortable. That is my belive, anyway.
My boyfriend often jokes and says
my style is "grandma-like". I respond by telling him that
that is how I roll 
I like my vintage clothes and as Eizhowa I am very conservative and feel best by wearing something not too revealing. I have accepted and embraced that I must be an old soul

And allthough I sometimes think that I might regret covering up as much as I do, when I am thirty and my body not all that .. firm, I do not feel like being uncomfortable for the sake of dressing my age.
Generally it sounds like your boyfriend do not quite understand or support your decission to do 5pfw. Have you talked to him about why you are doing it and what it gives you? Maybe he will understand. Any way I do not think it is his business at all. Pardon my feminism
@Fewormany: I am sick of ironing too! I hate high maintenance clothes but the thought of wearing jersey for the rest of my life makes me sad.
Me: bought my
Zarah Voigt earrings yesterday. They are b-e-a-utifull and I love, love, love them. I wore them today with a silk-slip dress, leather jacket and pistol boots (all black).
The earrings were supposed to be my only purchase this month since I actually took a vow of not shopping but right now I am finding it hard to resist temptation, since a bag I have had my eye on for a year just was put up for sale at a crazy low price. And although I find it a bit pathetic that I can not even hold onto my own decissions for a couple of days I think passing on this opportunity and being able to cross the "
cognac bag" of my list because of my own principles is a bit stupid.