The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #5

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^I think you are onto something... I decided not to get the dress. It would never get any wear considering its faric content.


I have found a new coat I like. After packing away my last summer dresses and fitted items, I now feel like a undefined blob. Decided I needed to get a fitted coat, not a A-lined one^_^ I have a waist. Probably should take advantage of that at some point. Also ordered a bunch of high heeled boots to try on. I plan to return all that does not succed in making me look tall:P

The coat is from J. Crew. I will order it as soon as I have decided whether I need a Petite size 4 or petite 6. I have learnt to not trust their size charts, so I have to do a lot of research of my own.



I also ordered the burgundy cashmere sweater from the outnet. My color palette feels very drab. I blame it on the Norwegian autumn. So much color everywhere - I want some too!:lol: Get some glue and paste the colorful leaves to myself, you say?
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The coat is from J. Crew. I will order it as soon as I have decided whether I need a Petite size 4 or petite 6. I have learnt to not trust their size charts, so I have to do a lot of research of my own.

I don't know why, but for some reason I imagined you to be quite tall!
That coat is great, I think it will look especially good if you're petite. :smile:

I have already purchased 5 items this season (cardigan, loafers, oxfords, rain coat, ankle boots), but since I am selling the ankle boots I may allow myself to splurge on one more item before Christmas.

Because of an injury I can't wear heels on a daily basis, and I don't have too many events or parties where I can't get away with some nice flats or low heels, but there are always a few occasions throughout the year. I had quite a dressy affair to attend this weekend, and after quite a serious wardrobe cleaning earlier this fall I realized I had left only one pair of heels that were remotely wearable - some black peeptoe stilettos that had me in agony the whole evening. It became apparent that I need to take some time and money and invest in a good pair of dressy shoes. I have very hard to fit feet, they are small (size 35) but wide across the toes (and shoes in small sizes are usually impossibly narrow), my arches are super high, and I have almost no heel, which means I need some sort of straps to keep my shoes from slipping off.

I have been toying with the idea of having some shoes custom made from somewhere like Shoes of Prey or Milk&Honey Shoes, as I'll be able to get a style I want in a height I can manage (3 inches is my limit) fitted to my strangely sized feet. As I sat down to think about what the perfect shoe might be I realized it might take me a while to find that out, though...:doh:
Great coat eizhowa!
Well done Caramel. Wow, tiny feet indeed! There are some pretty shoes on those websites. It's always irritating if standard stuff doesn't fit, I feel with you. Most of the time I have problems with shoes because my left foot is slightly larger (how is it even possible! We should be perfectly symmetrical :D).

I've ordered pants, waiting for them to arrive and curious for the fit. Wool 98%, Spandex/Elastane 2%.


I spotted a beautiful coat by Moncler but very probably it's too short, pullovers etc. will stick out underneath it. It had to be 10 cm longer!

How do you all feel about buying a cheaper piece in order to see how much you will wear it before actually investing in it?

I'm asking this because for a while now I have been thinking about a leather skirt... which imo is an investment piece, as leather is not cheap. My problem here is that I don't know where my life is going to take me or if it will live up to my expectations and whatnot. So I was thinking about buying a cheaper PU skirt to get a feel of how a leather skirt would work in my wardrobe...
I don't know why, but for some reason I imagined you to be quite tall!
That coat is great, I think it will look especially good if you're petite. :smile:

I am actually 5'5" (very short by norwegian standards;)), but I would rather have sleeves that are 0.5 inch too short, than 3 inches too long. Too long sleeves are a pet-peeve of mine. The coat is also 3 inches shorter, which I think will be more flattering with flat shoes. My feet would look very stumpy otherwise.

Nymphaea: Thank you! That moncler jacket is very pretty. Such a gorgeour color. Are you sure they never make longer ones?

I think everyone has something assymetrical thats bothering them. I am convinced my legs are of different length:P My trousers never end at the same spot on both sides. It drove me nuts for a while:rolleyes:

Barbaraa: There are lots of vintage leather skirts around. I've seen loads on Etsy. Kind of depends on what kind of leather skirt you want, of course. I don't know if a pleather skirt will give you the same experience as a real leather one. And after you are done with it, just give it back to a thrift store and it will still be a second hand skirt they can sell:P No damage done;)
^ Vintage sounds like a great idea!

My legs are .5" different from each other. I always tell the tailor that they will have to measure both legs, not just one. Occasionally I encounter someone stubborn, and then they get to revisit their work ;) And be reminded that I told them how it should be done in the first place. For my Dries pants, I had three encounters with the tailors, which is two too many.

My feet are also different sizes, and I won't get into what all else :innocent: Whole left side of my body, pretty much.
November is getting closer... So I'm thinking about what to get next. Now that I have the boots and the coat I feel suddenly so much freedom about what to choose!! The most important things are covered, so I can finally buy a nice-to-have-item again. There is so much out there though... Lovely sweaters, dresses, shoes, jewellery... Not sure what to focus on yet. Either that is a sign to wait a little longer until I know what really stands out. Or it could be a moment to get something very basic, like an LBD.
^I hope you find a LBD you love:flower: I am having no luck with doing so, and wouldn't mind some inspiration from your choice. And again, that coat, RedandNavy:blush::heart:

I recieved my Iris and Ink cashmere sweater and it is divine on. It is very light weight, but it fits beautifully:blush: Maybe it is a good thing they don't offer it in very many other colors... for my wallet, that is^_^

Left on my need list is a pair of leather gloves. I already know the pair, and I'll be able to get it during the christmas holidays. I could get a pair here and now, but if I wait till Christmas, I can get it from a store that specialises in traditional norwegian clothing and national costumes. I like supporting shops like that.

I am always on the lookout for a LBD, but I have accepted that tge hunt might take awhile.
Nice to see everyone finding some great new pieces. :)

I haven't bought anything lately. Everything I run into just doesn't interest me enough to justify buying it. Maybe later this season I'll feel like buying something new. My latest purchase is completely non-fashion related, tickets to Iceland. I'm so exited! :woot:

Come to think about it, that trip might require some new clothing.. :innocent::lol:
^I just had to be a little stalker-ish just now and check your post history. I know someone who hasn't bought clothes in a while and is going to Iceland. Don't worry, you are not the same person:lol: You may stay:greengrin:

Iceland is beautiful...


I said I wasn't going to buy anything else, but I found a really great scarf to replace my ACNE scarf (which I am still not sure if I should sell or not) as my every-day scarf. It is a dark charcoal and a tad smaller than the acne one, and hence more wearable. The acne scarf was very over-sized.
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My pants have arrived, but they are going back, the fit was good just a little too short, but the main reason I'm going to send them back is because the material is very coarse, I didn't expect that.

Wednesday I'm going to shop and my list is:
- black wool pants
- black jeans
- cashmere sweater/vest
- wintercoat

Iceland is wonderful, a couple of years ago I did a car tour with my boyfriend in spring, we drived 4400 km in 2,5 weeks.
Nice Iceland! I've been to Sweden multiple times and I love Scandinavia. These are the thinks I still need to buy. I also want to buy a designer bag ( I already own a Michael Kors Jet Set and want a bigger one). But I still don't know which bag I really like.

Can someone tell me if Merino Wool is of good quality?

Black skinny (Dr Denim)
Merino- Wool navy sweater
Black day dress Zara
Black chic ZARA blouse
Cashmere scarf COS/Massimo Dutti
White tee
Black tee
French cami
Black boots
Small necklace
Black skirt
Black coat
Cashmere scarf
Breton shirt

I already own:
Taupe ankle boots
Black ankle boots
Grey jeans
Michael Kors watch
Michael Kors day bag
Which brands (that sell good quality basic clothes) do you actually like. I really like Fillipa K, COS and APC.

And I'm searching for leather flats. ANy advice?
Which brands (that sell good quality basic clothes) do you actually like. I really like Fillipa K, COS and APC.

And I'm searching for leather flats. ANy advice?

^Porselli. Depends on what kind of flats you are going for, but they make the best ballerinas imo.

Merino wool is basically a finer wool. It tends to itch less than othe wools, but more than cashmere. The quality will vary from one brand/supplier to the next. You can usually notice if they feel fragile/too thin though. If you can see well through them by holding them to the light, pretty much anything will make a whole in it. I looked at a 300 usd merino wool sweater from Rag and Bone and even that one had small pin-holes... So price isn't a perfect guide of quality either...

I have been very content with the quality of my two Iris and Ink pieces (one silk and one cashmere). I am not 100% happy with the fit of the shilk shirt, but the material is great. The seasm were better and the silk softer than other pieces I considered that were twice the price...

I think it is important to note that no-matter how expensive the wool, how you treat it is very important. If I threw my fine wools in a machine, they would be ruined...

I like Filippa K, but a lot of their pieces seem to be cut for very tall people (or average scandinavans), so I can only wear their sweaters. I'd love to try out APC. Hopefully I'll move to paris in 2-3 years:woot:
^ Totally agree with what you're saying about materials. Cashmere, wool, merino wool, linen ... nothing is a guarantee. There's good quality, excellent quality, poor quality available in every fiber.

Fewormany, I was wondering where you were :) Congrats on your vacation plans.

I saw a lovely skirt that I quite like, but don't think I can justify the expenditure right now, especially for an item that's not terribly practical.

Wore my new leopard shoes last night, and got a nice compliment on them. Wore them with narrow black pants, black tights, double layer assymetrical bias-cut wool knit top with sheer shoulders, and leopard-print bra. I never regret a good pair of statement shoes.

Recently one of my coworkers asked how many pairs of shoes I had, and was surprised to hear about 30. He seemed to be expecting to hear 100-200. I make those I have count ;)
as we're heading swiftly into winter (it snowed today…!) this wasn't the most well timed purchase, but it was on sale and it fits so beautifully, i couldn't resist. :heart: i love the colour too, and i'm not usually one for colour. i've already worn it once with tights and boots and it worked really well, so i think it will be fairly versatile in spring and fall.


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I take back everything I said about liking my Iris and Ink cashmere sweater. I've worn it twice and it is already damaged beyond repair. It has a 3inch long snag across the front that I doubt can be fixed, because the knit it so fine:angry:

Glad you are enjoying your dress, adorefaith:flower:
Eizhowa Too bad that it happened. I hope you didn't pay full price for it. That why I always wait for sale and buy my clothes in the shop. I want to see and feel them. I (almost) never buy something for full price, in case of those things happening.
I feel like they should have mentioned exactly how delicate the "fine knit" was on the page. I have no idea how I snagged it:( I just put it on and there it was... 250 usd thrown out the window. I want to cry.

None of my cheap cashmeres have snagged... Shame they don't come in as beautiful colors...
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