The Acne Thread

Guessgirl96 said:
I tried differin before, it got rid of the larger cysts, but I had little tiny zits all over my face which I actually found more annoying and hard to cover up since it wasn't in just the one affected area. But I'm sure different skin reacts to it differently, hoping it gets better for you :)

Do you think the Differin caused the tiny ones? I feel like a major pizza face. All day yesterday at work I was paranoid that people were staring at my zits.
marcy248 said:
Do you think the Differin caused the tiny ones? I feel like a major pizza face. All day yesterday at work I was paranoid that people were staring at my zits.

I'm not sure, but it definaltey seemed like it, I never had tiny little bumps until about 2-3 on differin. I know the feeling of feeling like everyone is just staring at your zits :doh:
Guessgirl96 said:
I'm not sure, but it definaltey seemed like it, I never had tiny little bumps until about 2-3 on differin. I know the feeling of feeling like everyone is just staring at your zits :doh:

It's terrible, because I'm an attorney and I have to sit in meetings with people who are 40-60 (and don't suffer from blemish issues). I just feel gross and I want to hide in my office!
cosmogrl5 said:
Anyone try this?

I saw it on E today and it is supposed to zap away any up-coming or existing zits. It is sort of expensive though.

I ordered it and should be getting it in several days! :D I saw a report on it on the local news, and supposedly it works very well. I'm hoping it's going to be my end all be all acne solution. I'll keep you guys posted on how well it works!
If You want to clear you Acne and or Scars:

EveryDay Regimine Morning and bedtime::

Cleanse with Cetaphil
Tone with 1/2 Apple Cider Vinigar + 1/2 water (dab,dab with a cotton)
Moisturize with Rose Hip Oil (Fantastic for red marks, rosacea, and scars)
Once a week::
Mask-> Egg whites with half a teaspoon of lemon, mix and apply with a cotton boll

---If you do the following *consistently (because it is very important to be consistent) Your acne or scar problem with clear fully. I have friends who have done this who had horrible skin and know its repaired, and baby soft

Other Tips::
Drink 8-12 glasses of water a day. Some people say water doesn't do anything but boy it does, it refreshens, and cleans, also keeps your skin supple and restores elasticity.

Eat Vegetables the brighter the colour the better
Salmon and other foods with good fatty oils are amazing, especially for scarring. If your skin is very bad 2-3 peices of Salmon a day can work wonders.

Bathe regularitly. I know its obvious but some people don't and think every other day is good enough. Well its not, Don't use bar soaps on the skin ie. Dove. Separate the ones from your body and face.

Exercise or do some Yoga if you can. It gets the blood flow going and you sweat the crap out.

*Don't touch your face for any reason, some people have a habit of resting their head on their hands or scrathing, Don't! Don't touch your eyes or any sensitive area on the face either, there are so many harmful bacteria on your hands that causes acne.

get your sleep. at least 6-8 hours, if you can't get it all in a row than atleast take cat naps...

Don't stress out, Your acne will clear sooner or later but choose a regimine and stick with it. It's the most effective way and fastest way on a road to a clear complexion.

I hope I helped with these tid bits, If you have any questions feel free to PM me ;)
maybe_tonight said:
I ordered it and should be getting it in several days! :D I saw a report on it on the local news, and supposedly it works very well. I'm hoping it's going to be my end all be all acne solution. I'll keep you guys posted on how well it works!

yes let us know how it goes:woot:
sexy_bitch... great tips, i completely recommend, advice and agree w/ all of them except one thing.. the egg white mask. studies and experimenters show that the egg white mask works wonders at first.. but those who do it over an extended period of time (im sure how often they do it is also a major factor) have found that it actually really messed up their faces, and did damage in the long run. I know, it doesn't really make sense? but it's true, and tons have experienced it. if you'd like to see a HUGE thread of people's experiences w/ eggwhites... search it on (its interesting how the massive thread begins w/ tons of success stories- and ends with the exact opposite). ok.. thats all, good tips though :D
maybe_tonight said:
I ordered it and should be getting it in several days! :D I saw a report on it on the local news, and supposedly it works very well. I'm hoping it's going to be my end all be all acne solution. I'll keep you guys posted on how well it works!

If that thing works, I will jump for joy! I can't wait to hear!!
thanks for the tips sexy_bitch! but if egg whites isn't that good then what would be a good mask for combination skin?
Have you tried using Lydia Jordane Vegicel, or Demicel?
It stings like hell, and can be very drying if used too often but it works :) If you apply it 2 - 3 times a day, your pimples should disappear in a day, or a few days if used once a day...
maybe tonight-- let us know as soon as you get it!!!! I will order it in a heartbeat if it works!
marcy248 said:
Differin update: My skin isn't looking too good right now, but I'm holding out for some results!

I've been having the same problem of late. I'm just hoping my dr.'s promise of it takes awhile and gets worse is still the case.

I know its hard, but I try not to stress about it because I find that makes it worse!!
shoegal2183 said:
I've been having the same problem of late. I'm just hoping my dr.'s promise of it takes awhile and gets worse is still the case.

I know its hard, but I try not to stress about it because I find that makes it worse!!

I know. I just feel like I'm not seeing any progress. Actually, I'm seeing lots of progress, but it's all in the wrong direction!
I have only heard great results through using egg whites, if has a huge concentration of vitamin A which the skin needs and is a natural cleaner when mixed with lemon. The problem arises when mixing yolk and egg whites together, thats a big no no.
Don't use it every single night if you have very sensitive skin just like anything else. When people have acne or skin problems people tend too put way too much 'crap' on their skin wheather it be to clean it or cover it it up thinking that the more= the better= quicker results. DON'T. Let the pores breathe.
But I still recommend egg whites sparinlgly maybe once a week for sensitive skin. For people that have had problems with it may have not used it properly or overly used it, remember that too much of a good thing can be bad for you!
^^i have a question.. when using the egg whites mask, what are the effects? does it clarify your skin, prevent/help acne and such, make your face softer.. give it a glow.. etc?? thanks!!
ok so i did a little research to refresh my brain as to why this egg mask ruined tons of peoples skins (again, you can check at to hear tons of peoples stories), and the general consensus is, because the egg is raw, there is TONS of bacteria trapped/floating around within it, which then gets deep into your pores and counteracts the positive effects.. for some reason, this usually only takes place over a long period of time. egg masks are suggested for one time uses only, or once ever couple of months....
I tried the egg thing a few times and honestly didn't see a husband thought it was pretty funny, though :p
I feel a mother-of-all-zits coming on....It's on my nostril and it hurts, but it hasn't come to head should I deal? I've had one of these twice before and they were AWFUL. I popped one and one went on for a month!
What should I do?
Don't pop it- it does leave scar if you do so, trust me.
Try to get something that will dry it out, many skincarelines have products like that, starting from cheap ones like L'Oreal to expensive ones. I use one by Clinique, though I have noticed that just leaving it alone helps the best. You can also try putting toothpaste on it-that really works.

And drink a lot of water and avoid "bad" foods.
you really have to careful with toothpaste though because it could end up essentially burning it dry and leaving a scar. although the scar went away with time, i learned this through experience :(

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