The Hair "Down There"

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i guess that's the thing about living in a hot feels like almost year-round pressure to be hair-free...:doh:
I shaved a week ago and now the hair is coming I'm going to wax away again :lol: Never noticed that some of my hairs down there are blonde, others aren't :blink::rofl:
I don't see why conditioner wouldn't be safe to use down there, as long as you're only applying it externally. :ninja:
I don't "down there" is natural..I don't see the need to shave it off, it looks rather pre-pubescent.
I did it for many years back, and it always showed stubble a few days later. Wasn't so attractive..and I wasted so much shaving cream & razor blades...:innocent:
I wish I was brave enough to get a wax. I just shave but I dont shave it so short to where it is rough like my bf's face when he hasnt shaved for a couple of days and that hurts!
I second that. Maybe it's because I'm so used to shaving that area now that I feel like I have a lot of pubic hair if I don't do anything. But I wish the asian genes really did work on me and I wouldn't have to worry about it, ugh.

I wish my Asian genes would work more all over because it isn't just that hair I'm bothered about. I wish I could have hair-free legs like my full-Asian cousins, for one.

jadedskies said:
I did it for many years back, and it always showed stubble a few days later. Wasn't so attractive..and I wasted so much shaving cream & razor blades...

I was shaved completely once in my life for surgery... Never again! It was so itchy and prickly and looked terrible when it was growing back. I only shave the edges to neaten things up and trim everything else.
Ive gotten waxed once. They used this really thick wax which dried up and became hard like plastic. Then they peeled it off. It hurt less than I imagined it would.

But now, Im getting it LASERED! They use a cream to numb the area before they start. So its almost painless.
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Yeah I have started to plick the hairs I find it is easier (but it takes forever) doesn't bleed though, and it does hurt a little but to be honsest it is worth.
I don't "down there" is natural..I don't see the need to shave it off, it looks rather pre-pubescent.
I did it for many years back, and it always showed stubble a few days later. Wasn't so attractive..and I wasted so much shaving cream & razor blades...:innocent:

I didn't start shaving down there until I was like 18. Having hair down there just made me feel dirty. :ninja: Not to be really gross, but whenever I had my period, I just felt like I smelled down there when I had hair, even though I showered daily! I also feel like I wouldn't be as relaxed having my boyfriend go down on me if I had a lot of hair down there. I know he wouldn't mind, but it just makes me feel better about myself to be clean-shaven.
I know he wouldn't mind, but it just makes me feel better about myself to be clean-shaven.

:innocent: Me too. Yet no one has access to there.

It just feels good that it's now easier to clean because there's no hair in the way. I haven't had to deal with in-grown hairs :doh: yet. Thankfully.
^ I've never had an ingrown hair, luckily! Just be careful shaving and make sure you exfoliate well before shaving with warm water. :flower:
I can't say I have ever exfoliated down there. Lots of soap, a Venus shaver and warm water do the trick just fine for me.
What's everyones view on those Veet/Nair hair removal creams......the ones that your supposed to leave on for a few minutes and then wash off in the shower

Any good?
^ In theory, they work, but using Veet it always felt like it was dissolving my skin rather than the hair. Afterwards my skin always felt really "raw" and was extremely sensitive.
And that was on my legs which are far less sensitive than the bikini area.
i used nair just once and it smelled sooooooooooo bad. it did remove the hair but made no difference to shaving. i did the waxing thing for a long time but it was such an event to do that myself. now i just shave everyday in the shower. it doesnt feel good when "hairy", not at all.
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