The Hair "Down There"

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I would recommend against shaving. I have a friend who had what you might call a treasure trail? (what some guys have..the hair between your bellow button and pubic region) and she had a stubble as the result of shaving it. the hairs also looked a little bit coarser. Honestly it looked a little gross. Waxing might be a slightly better idea because I would imagine your hairs would get finer the more you wax it, and thus might be less noticeable as time goes on. But if you really want to get rid of the hair, perhaps consider laser treatment? I imagine it would be quite an investment though.

I have virtually no body hair (legs, arms, bikini). And where it does grow, it's quite sparse.. as in.. it's not bushy at all :ninja: Sometimes I like to see how long I can go without shaving my legs :innocent: (and yes I have a boyfriend :rofl:, I think he barely notices anyway)

i am so jealous! i have to shave everyday...i have pale white skin and black hair. so sometimes i'm paranoid that you can see the hair even when i do shave
I had hardly noticible hair on my belly, so I shaved it a few times and now its become a lot darker, thicker and more noticible... :(
i tried outs nads (?) the australian brand, i thinks thats what it is called. i used the all over body one, on my bikini area, back and stomache! i can't wait to do more! anyway it is FANTASTIC! i highly recommend it! it's so easy to use, easy to remove and when you're done if there is any bits of wax still on your body it washes right off. i used sally hansens onces and the wax took forever to wash off. plus it didn't remove any hair and hurt like hell.
i'm so relieved as this was really worrying me!
I don't like Nair, but i do LOVE Nads. I'll rave about it. Nads naughty bikini is good quality and it's no mess.

the trouble with me, is i constantly exfoliate my front bottom but after i wax because my skin is sensitive it seems to leave little scared purple dots everywhere.

Know anything that could help lessen the appearance of the purple dots?

bio oil helps a little but it's too greasy and not good for my knickers.
waxing constantly like every week and a half helps too. but i never have the time i work 7 days.
I always wondered what to do with hair on the stomach. Some girls I know don't have it, and some do. I heard that shaving/waxing makes it even worse...and I also heard about "bleaching" the stomach you think that would work?
I once cold waxed the tiny bit of fluff I have on my stomach (it's barely noticeable to others, but it kind of annoyed me in summer) and the result was pretty good, actually. I only did it once, though, and the hair didn't grow back thicker than before. I'd definitely try waxing if it bothers you..
i try to only wax, but always get annoyed waiting for it to grow and end up shaving :( i hate the inbetween phase.
i tried outs nads (?) the australian brand, i thinks thats what it is called. i used the all over body one, on my bikini area, back and stomache! i can't wait to do more! anyway it is FANTASTIC! i highly recommend it! it's so easy to use, easy to remove and when you're done if there is any bits of wax still on your body it washes right off. i used sally hansens onces and the wax took forever to wash off. plus it didn't remove any hair and hurt like hell.
i'm so relieved as this was really worrying me!

this is gonna sound like a weird question but is it just as painful as normal waxing?
because I remember watching something on telly years ago about an australian woman who had created a pain free wax... I thought (hoped) this might be the one.
i want to go get a full on wax, but i don't know where to go, how to approach the salon about it etc. i'm scared i'm the only male who's wanting to do this.
i'm scared i'm the only male who's wanting to do this.

You're definately not! My friend is a beautician, and she says 40% of her customers are men! I'm sure the staff at the beautician will be helpful if you call them and tell them it's your first time :flower:
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^ haha i definitely will. i convinced my best friend to go with me, she's been there before.
Sounds crazy but I read on a message board a stripper suggested dry shaving with baby powder for the smoothest of smooth shave.

So I tried it (I was in a dire situation, LOL!) and it works beautifully. No lie. It sounds crazy but I couldn't believe it. It works SO well.

Just make sure its completely dry, use a lot of baby powder and a new razor.
I'm not sure if this has already been discussed (couldn't really find anything)
Does a shaving cream for down there exists?
I'm not ready to use wax every time, and usually when shaving I get those irritatin bumps you all know.
I would actually use a body oil instead of a cream-I am not one to talk, as I don't like the foamy shaving creams-but I would use oil because you can see the progress, and it will help to condition the bikini area.
I would actually use a body oil instead of a cream-I am not one to talk, as I don't like the foamy shaving creams-but I would use oil because you can see the progress, and it will help to condition the bikini area.

Just a plain body oil?
It makes sense though, it's definitely not harsh or anything
Oh I use body oil instead of soap/shaving cream. It works WONDERS. Seriously I will never go back to anything but oil. It makes your skin soooooo soft.
i live in the middle east and waxing is part of culture here.
no matter where any1 is from, every1 does it.
yes, it's painful at first, but if you stick with it - at least for two weeks you don't need to worry about "that region" and hair that grows back is thinner and fewer, therefore making the next waxing session shorter and less painful.
also,whatever is your method of hair removal, exfoliate in the shower - it prevents those nasty ingrowns.
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