The Hair "Down There"

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it's great! not to mention true. tho i've never used nair 'down there', i have used it on my legs and it practically gave me third degree burns! never again.
I shave, but as it grows so fast, I get a bit lazy and should do it more often. I don't think I'd ever dare try waxing!

For a long time I refused to shave down there because I thought I'd look like a little girl, but then... I dunno, a mix of my growing sex life, the feeling of being more clean when shaved and... I dunno, maybe I felt I should because everyone else were doing it, and now it has became a habit.
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shave around and trim. I don't think "he" even likes it when I shave completely..weird.
That is so very true! Sorry, I had to add that boldface "do" in there to clarify.

Thank you.

It is a very misogynist misconception that hair = uncleanliness. I don't think soap and water is any less effective if you have natural pubic hair, if you wax it all off, or if you shave slogans into it. You could have labia majora as bare as a baby's butt and still be stank if you don't take care of your bits.

If you're an adult, you're going to have some amount of hair down there--that's natural. It is a signifier of sexual maturity, and possibly a leftover biological bullseye that states "Yo! Over here! Here's where the fun stuff's at."

this post made me :rofl: :lol:
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i have tried hair removal, normal shaving and waxing myself and because i can handle the pain i use an electric bikini trimmer.. it has 5 settings so i put it on the shortest one and it takes the most off.. i prefer to have sex with just a bit there its so much more comfortable but not alot there so its a win win.. I got it free with an electric leg and underarm shaver from a shaver shop
how old were you when you got your first brazilian wax? I'm 18 and I'm tired of shaving. such a hassle.
Age doesnt really matter I guess you start to be aware of it when you're a bit older but you should go for one if you want..
So I recently decided that I didn't have time to go to my appointments and that I'd do the waxing myself... I thought you hard could it be? Uh, yeah. No. Wax hurts when one does not rip it off properly! Maybe with more practice I'll become good..... :lol:
I wax myself (that sounds dirty) with no problems at all. I think I'll do it today while BF is @ the gym...relationships need secrets :rofl:
I got a brazilian at strip waxing bar ( in Notting Hill) yesturday, it was the best place i've been to so far- they had TVs in the rooms so at least there was something to distract you from the pain :doh:
^ That's a great distraction. I went yesterday just after i woke up early in the morning, and being half asleep kind of worked as a distraction too!

For me (and this for the ones who wax), the best tip i can give about waxing, is that you have to find the right person. It's like having a hair stylist, once you find one that you like, you stick with it :lol:
Ugh, I am never shaving again (I say that now b/c I'm in pain but it's a lie). I used a dull razor which caused irriation then later that day I got some action and it became infected. I have a gyno appointment in the morning to see what I can do to clear it up because it is SO painful.
Lesson learned: use a sharp razor!
Hair down there...belly-wize.

I always wondered what to do with hair on the stomach. Some girls I know don't have it, and some do. I heard that shaving/waxing makes it even worse...and I also heard about "bleaching" the stomach you think that would work?
i have thick hair, everywhere. i have to shave my underarms and legs everyday. is it really okay to fully shave your bikini area, every day? I really don't want any bumps down there, as i sometimes get them on my legs. are you suppose to shave the same direction as your legs? because i always find that a little difficult. ahhh i'm so confused as to what i should do. i need to be prepared for my new man. i was thinking of getting laser hair removal. how often do you have to do that though? thanks
I always wondered what to do with hair on the stomach. Some girls I know don't have it, and some do. I heard that shaving/waxing makes it even worse...and I also heard about "bleaching" the stomach you think that would work?

I would recommend against shaving. I have a friend who had what you might call a treasure trail? (what some guys have..the hair between your bellow button and pubic region) and she had a stubble as the result of shaving it. the hairs also looked a little bit coarser. Honestly it looked a little gross. Waxing might be a slightly better idea because I would imagine your hairs would get finer the more you wax it, and thus might be less noticeable as time goes on. But if you really want to get rid of the hair, perhaps consider laser treatment? I imagine it would be quite an investment though.

I have virtually no body hair (legs, arms, bikini). And where it does grow, it's quite sparse.. as in.. it's not bushy at all :ninja: Sometimes I like to see how long I can go without shaving my legs :innocent: (and yes I have a boyfriend :rofl:, I think he barely notices anyway)
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