The Hills

ITS BEEN CANCELLED? I know its really sad on my behalf but I'm really shocked :lol: I bet L.C is glad she got out when she did!
^I'm glad its finally over- I couldn't even stomach one episode in season 5! Its just not the same without lauren...
It's kind of a shame it's the final season. I agree that the show has run it's course but Kristen didn't really get given much of a chance, which to me is a bad thing because I think she is more real and genuine than anyone else on the show and I think if she was given more of a chance she could make the show quite interesting (thought to me she did anyway cause for me she was the only good thing about season 5, apart the little kid pissing spencer off all the time).
It's kind of a shame it's the final season. I agree that the show has run it's course but Kristen didn't really get given much of a chance, which to me is a bad thing because I think she is more real and genuine than anyone else on the show and I think if she was given more of a chance she could make the show quite interesting (thought to me she did anyway cause for me she was the only good thing about season 5, apart the little kid pissing spencer off all the time).

Agreed. They should've given Kristin her own show. Trying to save The Hills by throwing her in with the existing cast wasn't a good move.

Also, about Lauren... I read somewhere before that she wanted to leave the show while it was still doing good. Not wait until it flopped and got cancelled. Good choice on her part.
^i'm sorry to say this..but to was about time..the hills without LC was just like the O.C without Marissa..

That is so true. I didn't watch a single episode after Lauren left, MTV was stupid to continue the show without her (and I didn't watch the OC after Marissa was gone).
it was so lame. seriously nothing really happened in the entire episode!! the best part was heidi's family being unimpressed with her surgery (which was actually believable)
it was so lame. seriously nothing really happened in the entire episode!! the best part was heidi's family being unimpressed with her surgery (which was actually believable)

it was the only part that felt real!
So,I don't want to say anything that might get my post delete.But I really do think that Spencer is crazy and that he has a very important problem.The guy looks like he's not even his own self.We all know that Spencer a little craycray but seriously this season he took the crazyness to another level :blink:

And am I the only who saw Brody refusing to say hi to Ryan.When he tried to make some sort of peace with him.That was very rude and tacky.

Anyway this season is a mess.
this season is a total trainwreck. i want to look away but i can't! i think spencer and heidi both have some issues that should be dealt with. she said she wanted to get her boobs done again so they are size h for 'heidi'?! seriously, come ON. spencer has just lost it. i feel bad for both stephanie and holly that have had to watch fame ruin their siblings... big time.
Yea spencer has lost it!!! Im sorry but this is might be the worst season I think... Its just not the same any more its super super super fake... I just dont know about them hahahahaha && why did heidi do that to herself!!!!! She looks a mess &&& its sad because she was pretty before...
-I can't believe that Heidi said she might get her boobs made bigger again so that she has size h for Heidi.
-Spencer seems like he has gone insane with all of his crystal business and such.
honestly, did anyone else fear for that poor little lamb's life? i felt like it was going to turn into a bad horror movie at any moment and spencer was going to snap its little neck.

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