The Interior Decor Thread! #1

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Sea Of Love.. what style are you going for?
Modern, Minimalistic, Shabby chic, Country, Nantucket sea-side chic, Scandi-white, Gothic, Moroccan.. ?
What would be your 'theme' color and texture wise ?

IKEA is pretty cheap.. and there's an interesting site that deals with customising IKEA pieces in very surprising ways.. :flower:
I just got done going through this thread myself and I loved it! I love those modern red kitchens.
I have been going through every page of this fabulous thread for inspiration. We are building a new house so I think I have too many ideas now. The thing I hate about interior design is how much all of the furniture costs that is anything that could remotely be considered nice. $900 for one bamboo chair is going to send me broke! the furnishings cost as much as the house!!
Anyone have any pics of interiors that would suit a big house in the country that is not even designed yet?

I go for years and years without things because I can't find exactly what I want, and within reasonable cost. :blush:
I have to search and customize things a lot
^^^^ it is such a nightmare jml2 isn't it!

Hanne- My dream house is a bit country but not what you would necessarily associate with a country house if that makes sense. I am not a minimalist in the slightest I like big cosy rooms with comfy sofas and loungechairs, sort of a 'this is my country house in the hamptons' sort of vibe :lol: . But that being said you can add me to the hoards of people that are inspired by the french look.
It is kind of hard to explain but I want a home that screams a 'family lives here' not some artist and his girlfriend who is a model and everything the own is from a flea market a la the Selby:lol: . Somewhere you want to be when it is cold and rainy outdoors while you are inside warm and watching a movie.

Is that the most insane description you have ever heard :lol:
^^^^ I absolutely love Cat Power and she has a song called Sea of Love which is a cover of the Tom Waits song. My favourite song by her is called the greatest and it probably sounds a bit pretentious to have as a user name :lol: and no one would get the reference. Sea of love is a beautiful song though :flower:

to keep on topic: I love houses.
^haha, i knew it! i knew your name was a reference to cat power, i started singing the song when i saw your username. i love 'the greatest' as well, it touched me deeply

i like your mirror too, it looks nice with the white desk
^^^^ it is such a nightmare jml2 isn't it!

Hanne- My dream house is a bit country but not what you would necessarily associate with a country house if that makes sense. I am not a minimalist in the slightest I like big cosy rooms with comfy sofas and loungechairs, sort of a 'this is my country house in the hamptons' sort of vibe :lol: . But that being said you can add me to the hoards of people that are inspired by the french look.
It is kind of hard to explain but I want a home that screams a 'family lives here' not some artist and his girlfriend who is a model and everything the own is from a flea market a la the Selby:lol: . Somewhere you want to be when it is cold and rainy outdoors while you are inside warm and watching a movie.

Is that the most insane description you have ever heard :lol:

No..that sounds lovely!
Hmm.. that made me think of this : :flower:
Hanne i LOVE the house from something's got to give:heart:! My aunt always gives us bargain bin dvd's for christmas:rolleyes: and we always watch them through obligation and one year we got something's got to give and all through it I was like right I am having that house :lol:
Here are some of the interiors that I'm currently drawing inspiration from :flower:.

 (elle decor)
And here is basically my dream home. Jill Stuart has great taste!

How cool is her daughter's bedroom? (elle decor)
What struck me about the living rooms in #1408, #1410 and #1411 is that there's so much furniture in them! Too many sofas, too many coffee tables, too many chairs all stuffed in one room. The funny thing is that the colours are very minimal, but the decor itself is not minimal at all. I guess I'm just used to Scandinavian minimalism, you don't overload your house with furniture because...well, I don't quite know why. Most of us just don't. I think a lot of people here think it's tacky/pointless. I certainly don't like superfluous furniture, but then again I guess I'm a very minimal person :lol:
^^^^ I LOVE the bay windows in that house.

Here are some more my future house is going to be like every one of these all wrapped up into one with a touch of 'me' thrown in, and then I am going to spend the rest of my life wearing newspaper and eating ramen because I will have no meny left:lol:.

I got every single photo from







and just this last one because I would :heart::heart::heart: to have something like the thoroughbred studs you see in kentucky
Ida I am the complete opposite :lol: I love big couches with 20 pillows and a few throws and useless furniture covering the room, I love art all over the walls and personal photographs. And I love neutral colours but using lots of accessories to make the room 'pop'.

I actually don't think I could live in a house that is Scandinavian minimalist. I'd feel like I was in a mental institution and I wouldn't know where to keep all of my 'stuff' too. Personally I find that style a bit stark and boring.

I am not American but it seems like having lots of useless furniture is a very American thing, big cars, big houses, big furniture, big hamburgers etc.

Its funny how taste changes SO MUCH from one person to the next but I suppose it keeps life interesting :flower:
the shelving in the second last picture is great. i love shelving like that - it manages to hold all your stuff without looking too cluttered.
The Sowden House by Lloyd Wright (Frank Lloyd Wrigh't son) in Los Angeles
Magazine: Wallpaper* March 2010

scans by rox_yr_sox
I know this might seem weird but is there a proper name for the chairs with the stripes down them? like #1416 .. Its hard to describe other types that I mean Lol Maybe I will google it
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