"The Secret" A Book Discussion


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Jan 14, 2004
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I just read this book and very few books have ever inspired me to think in a new way. If you have read this book, I would love to discuss the concepts delivered in this book and to hear your thoughts about them. They are not new ideas but they are delivered in a way that makes you think,maybe I should give this a try. Maybe I am being naive but I always open to new ideas to inspire me. Who knows....I'll let you know what develops.

Please let me know what you think if you have read it....better yet go out and pick a copy up if you haven't.
I havent read the book but I saw when this was on Oprah a month ago...seemed hookie to me...but as you said they are not new ideas but are delivered in a different way- sometimes that is all you need to make a (positive) change. People seem to be connecting to what the book is advocating.
I actually saw the film on this many months ago and it is common sense in fancy wording IMO…

If you overanalyze everything you happen to come across in life you'll catch things. Set a goal. Make a wish. There are many opportunities everywhere you look to make something like this happen.

To pay extremely close [positive] attention to them by not taking them off your mind on a daily basis is an effective way of CATCHING these opportunities (which in any other case you may have walked right by without noticing) and taking advantage of them. To take advantage of every opportunity that will take you one step closer to the reality of your dream is the only way to make it happen anyway. Everyone should know this…

It is ultimately common sense... not the "magic" of the universe. If you have a positive attitude morning to night, you will learn to see any negative situation as something minor. You won't over exaggerate it.

Just have that positive mind frame and keep your eyes and head on your dreams and anything can happen... the movie was a waste of time, like a review of everything I already knew blown way out of proportion and made to seem like some magical phenomenon in the universe.

I don't mean to sound negative, I was just very annoyed at how blown up this was. Ugh.
It is really surprising how popular the book and movie have become. I have gone to one of the spiritual centers of one of the teachers, and since oprah it is a weekly battle just to get a seat at my own church.

I agree with much of what SheElectric said, but for me the movie was not a waste of time. It reminded me of things I know but it also refocused and inspired me.
I actually had to watch this in a class, pre the publicity blow up. I was extremely skeptical at first, probably because my teacher didn't present it properly (in my opinion) and at times, the way it was presented in the film was often eye-roll worthy. It's been months since I first watched it, but the concept has been actually growing on me and I've been trying to keep an open mind. ShesElectric covered a lot of the bases and I agree with a lot of what she said. For the most part, yes, it is common sense, but if it's not the way you're living your life, then is it completely? I do think it's silly to put $30 price tag on this, but hey, perhaps the creator was envisioning a way to make money and she's certainly found it now.

Overall, I think it's a got a good message. You don't have much to lose by putting it into action, except maybe a temporary letdown. Some of it didn't sit well with me, especially because the way it was presented gave the feeling that if you just think it and feel it, it will come. They didn't talk much about doing your part in action, which is pretty key.
I think from what you guys are saying, the author took a commonly known fact and dressed it up a little.
For the most part, yes. I still think it's worth checking out, but I'd look for other routes of going about that than spending my own money on it.
june gloom said:
I actually had to watch this in a class, pre the publicity blow up. I was extremely skeptical at first, probably because my teacher didn't present it properly (in my opinion) and at times, the way it was presented in the film was often eye-roll worthy. It's been months since I first watched it, but the concept has been actually growing on me and I've been trying to keep an open mind. ShesElectric covered a lot of the bases and I agree with a lot of what she said. For the most part, yes, it is common sense, but if it's not the way you're living your life, then is it completely? I do think it's silly to put $30 price tag on this, but hey, perhaps the creator was envisioning a way to make money and she's certainly found it now.

Overall, I think it's a got a good message. You don't have much to lose by putting it into action, except maybe a temporary letdown. Some of it didn't sit well with me, especially because the way it was presented gave the feeling that if you just think it and feel it, it will come. They didn't talk much about doing your part in action, which is pretty key.

Thank you!

They didn't make any mention at all of you doing your part to make *such and such* happen, but it was intentional. They made it seem as though having a positive attitude and constantly thinking about what you want is all you have to do and the UNIVERSE will hand it to you. The "universe" will not hand you anything. Opportunities are everywhere you look... EVERYWHERE! When you have your mind on the goal, only then will you discover these opportunities. After acheiving your goal (which is possible for anyone), they are hoping you'll look back and squeal "Oh my goodness. PHENOMENON!".


You have to sort of look beyond it all which is when you'll clearly see the marketing scheme. I agree that the message coming off is a positive one. Something everyone should incorporate in their lives. I just wish this film was made to be more of a... inspirational documentary/reminder/push in the right direction, rather than an "eye-roller" of a marketing scheme. Money was on this authors mind. It was a good idea. I must admit.
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if you think the book was about money, check out the website...that'll really get your eyes rolling...:rolleyes:
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^Holy @#!$%@^. They're really taking themselves too seriously.

I never believe in stuff that works for EVERYONE.
The book is no "Secret" at all. Most of the chapters in the book are about positive thinking,forgiveness,blind faith,self worth,empathy for others etc.etc. etc.....no matter what principals many of us were raised on or what religious beliefs you have(if any?). They are just presented in a different light by people who truly believe that by making these concepts a daily part of your routine you can turn your life around. I find it hard to believe that any one person could fit into every mold presented in the book but in turn think it's worth the effort to try a few of them out if what your doing now isn't working for you.

I'm always open to new ideas and if the day ever comes that I'm not then it will be time to turn the lights out.
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i saw the movie last year and you take from it what you can in my opinion. i don't think it's a waste of time but i agree with what most have said about its dual nature of positive thinking and money as its goal.
I haven't read the book, but I saw the movie. I like some of the ideas...the presentation was a little to "slick" and infomercial for my taste. The information is really interesting though, I have to admit. If you enjoyed this information you may also like a movie called "The Secret Behind the Secret" and "you Can Heal Your Life". They were a little better, especially the interviews on the dvds.
i saw the movie too i wonder if it really works :ninja: i might wanna try

has this worked for anyone? :blink:
just bought the book last week, once i finish with the book i am currently reading, i'll start on this one

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