OK, I saw all that other stuff too. But you've all completely missed the most profound moment they had in the film; and it's understandable because unless you're a filmmaker or have studied cinema intricately you would tend to miss this sort of thing (but it's a testimony to David Yates' brilliance).
The biggest scene is when Harry is being possessed by Voldemort at the end. He's lying on the floor, and Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Ginny come out to see what's happened. Well when the camera shows Harry on the ground, with Dumbledore kneeling over him, it is directly from Ginny's point of view; not Ron, not Hermione, nor anyone else. Ron comes out, and to his right is Hermione. Neville is to Ron's left and behind him is Luna. But to Hermione's right, just behind her right shoulder (exactly the point where the camera angle is directed at Harry, and the angle, where we, the audience, see him), stands Ginny. That entire moment is seen from Ginny's POV. No other character, I don't think, beside's Mad-Eye in GoF, has ever had that before.
If anyone has screencaps of it, it would be great. Pay careful attention. right behind Hermione's right shoulder, from the exact position that Ginny's standing in. It was brilliant.