Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows *Warning - Thread WILL Contain Spoilers*

^ I really hope they do HBP justice, they certainly didnt for OOTP. I don't know, I thought Hermione was alright in DH- it was how I expected her to react in that situation, most of the characters had a glum and depressive demeanour
OOTP was the best IMO. Everyone had the right amount of screen time (except Ginny and Luna), it tried to stick to the damn book unlike the previous movies. Ron had some freaking lines this time and I actually liked him. It wasn't as peeved about the length, they just changed way too much sh*t that wasn't necessary. Like wasn't Hermione supposed to be knocked out in the beginning of the 'battle'? Marietta was the sneak not Cho? There was a whole bunch of other stuff, some made me fume. Well the movies will never ever hold a candle to the books anyway.
Ginny had more balls than Hermione did and she basically didn't do anything in DH. I thought DH was poorly written in some parts, it just seemed like a book that was there. It wasn't that great. The camping part was hell, I mean what like 300 pages of that crap? I don't care how long you sat in a tent freezing your ***es off, WE GET IT. Especially after the 3rd week of eating berries or whatever the hell.
The whole part about Harry being dead in hagrid's arms was dumb. Please like Hagrid can't feel the warmth of Harry's body or feel his heart beat? No I don't buy it. And what was with Harry, Ron and Hermione never getting hurt? Ron saves Harry from a pool of freezing ice water yet he puts some clothes on and he's automatically fine? WHAT IS THIS sh*t?
The Lily/Severus part was the best, i've been waiting for that since book 1. I always knew Sevvy was good from when he tried saving Harry from the bucking broomstick in book 1. So all you b*tches with your Snape Is Evil stickers can suck it. :p
^^ What I still don't understand is that in the earlier books, Ginny was such an outsider--and then bam! She and Neville and Luna are in the gang as well. Just sort of too fast.

Haha, I like Snape.
Part of me feels like JKR realized how many characters she had and thought "Crap. How the heck am I going to fit in good storylines compatible with each charater's personality and please as many fans as possible within a thousand pages? How about I just don't."
^^ Yeah, that's true... She had far too many loose ends to tie up. :flower: She did a good job though, although there were far far far too many deaths. :flower: (Remus and Tonks?! Fred?! Mad-Eye?! Am I forgetting someone...? :unsure:)
^^ Yeah, that's true... She had far too many loose ends to tie up. :flower: She did a good job though, although there were far far far too many deaths. :flower: (Remus and Tonks?! Fred?! Mad-Eye?! Am I forgetting someone...? :unsure:)

Doby and Hedwig.
^^ Oh yes, that sucks. That sucks big time. :( I felt sorry for Dobby and I've always loved Hedwig. :cry:
^ I know! Like S.P.E.W, when Hermione makes the badges and makes Harry & Ron the secretary & treasurers. There should have been more of Mrs Blacks portrait too. Basically, more action at 12 Grimmauld Place wouldve made me happy.

Doby and Hedwig.

And Snape.
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Do you guys think they will cut out Dobby's death scene? If they do I will be so pissed.
^ I don't see how they could as he's significant when he saves them all but it'll probably be Dobbys dead, next scene! The whole Harry burying him will probably be left out,
Yeah your probably right. Maybe they will have just a quick shot of them all standing around the grave.

I think Ginny is becoming my favourite character cause I was thinking if James is 12 years old and it's 19 years later that would make Harry & Ginny 36 and 35 years old that means they had James when the were 24 & 23. Ginny must be like "superwitch" to have finished her education, got married, had a baby and become an international Quidditch player all within 8 years. That's pretty cool.

How do you guys want the film to end? Last chapter, epilogue or different like they have done with the other films?

If they film the epilogue I hope they just let the actors play their older-selves and just ages them with technology. I have a feeling they will go with a different ending and it will be similar to the ending of Star Wars where the war is over and they all hug and smile at the camera.
I think Ginny is becoming my favourite character cause I was thinking if James is 12 years old and it's 19 years later that would make Harry & Ginny 36 and 35 years old that means they had James when the were 24 & 23. Ginny must be like "superwitch" to have finished her education, got married, had a baby and become an international Quidditch player all within 8 years. That's pretty cool.
:lol: I don't know why, it's not that I hate her or anything... but I think that she's just bland. First she was okay, and then SHE hangs out with the gang and she's Harry's girlfriend and... Her character has nothing that really intrigues me about her.
But I liked your theory about all of that.
How do you guys want the film to end?
I don't know why, but I imagine a few years later and the three of them are at a bar and talking about their lives together and apparently, later it hints that they hang out at a bar every Thursday night or something. :flower:
The epilogue does NOT need to be filmed. It shouldn't have even been written.

But, I'm sure they will though, and I hope they choose to age the actors. Though the idea of an old Daniel Radcliffe makes me giggle.
^hehehe yes I can't see how they can pick an older Daniel Radcliffe. He is already too old to find someone who he could possibly look like in 19 years.
oh, also I am now slightly wary about the whole Ginny/Harry pairing (atleast in the movies) after seeing this recent pic of the girl who plays Ginny... :ninja:
what was she thinking?!

Aww, I love Bonnie Wright. She always looks great in the movies to me and I think she'll be able to pull of HBP Ginny.
i like the actress who plays ginny, that's an unfortunate pic of her though! i think she'll be fine.

what i want to know is, did neville's grandmother make it? she went off to battle to help him and that's the last we hear of her!
^^ I hope she doesn't wear that in the film! :rofl: I don't know, but Bonnie is cute... but not that beautiful. *Don't attack me for that comment.*

It shouldn't have even been written.
Amen to that, Khaotic. I do agree: the epilouge was not by all means necessary.

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