Kimkhuu, I certainly understand where you are coming from.
I often question why so we readily accept the reality with which we are presented.
A lot of people think it's pretentious and naive to question this, as it has 'all been said before' - but shouldn't it be the other way around?
Of course, I doubt there will ever be an answer as such, certainly not one everyone will agree upon, so in the meantime, I suppose we'd all go insane.
I agree with your sentiments on religion. It is hard to say this without offending anyone, but I feel it is so ludicrous to believe a story about a God creating the world, in this day and age of scientific progress, an equasion, a drug, a theory, a formula to solve every problem.
I think therefore it's important to keep questioning our own lives, and constantly looking at things from a different perspective, finding meaning and quality in our own thoughts and activities.
I hope that made some sense.