The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

oh by the way, as far as ice cream, i love wholesoy frozen "yogurt" its sooo delicious, and low in calories, plus it contains fiber. :)
I don't eat much meat, maybe twice a week. And when I eat meat, I try to eat biological meat also with vegetables. It cost more, but its healthy.
I know about food, because my parents were always healthy freaks, kind of hippies. :lol:
My father is vegetarian, and he doesn't use anything from an animal, and doesn't wear leather etc. I think that is kind of overdone, but thats his choise. He eats lots of raw and cooked vegies and fruit, nuts, potato's, rice/grains, beans, tofu and tempeh.

It surprise me that people can't cook a decent meal without meat, most of the time its flavourless. You have to use herbs and spices salt and pepper to make it good.. you are not on a diet, and food must be enjoyable.

Twice, I eat with Krishna's in London, and in Peru, vegetarian food. I'm customed to salt, so for me it was tasteless.

If I had to choose to become a vegetarian, Asian or Peruvian food would be my favorite, its all about.. spices and herbs.

I don't have a averse against cleaning and making fish in my kitchen. I saw my family kill an animal, chicken or a goat, and let me tell you, its not a pretty sight to see. But it didn't stop me eating meat.

I think people should be aware of the food they put in there mouth, especially meat. Most of the time people don't want to know about things.. they should!
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just had "soy delicious" chunky mint madness ice cream. oh my gooddddddnesss child best ice cream ever. 200 cals for 1/2 a cup though? I donno if that's bad. Probably is. yiick I've gained like 20 lbs since I was sick..starting winter '04-'05. Now I need to start working out, eating better..even though I'm still out of school on the couch most of the time.

just had grilled chicken salad. chicken is the only meat that's been hard to cut out!
chanelnumber5 said:
pasta with a vegetable sauce could be a good low fat pasta dish

Agreed. Tesco's has got a great low fat, low cal tomato based pasta sauce. I add loads of mushrooms (very low cal) and veggies like capsicums, carrots, onions and whatever else I find handy. Throw in some italian mixed herb and YUM!!!
I was wondering if anyone has any tips for vegetarians? Like what not carb saturated foods are good? I try to eat as many whole wheats as I can but I still find that I dont eat a lot of calories or fat, but a ton of carbs.
if you're a veggie...
- make tofu a regular part of your diet
- add raw nuts
- oatmeal is great
- add flaxseed meal to smoothies, oatmeal, etc. (great source of omega 3 and fibre!)
- although it may sound dumb...if you're like me - i forget to eat as much veggies as often as i should (ironic since i am a vegetarian...) - remember to eat a lot of veggies. baby carrots, strawberrys, apples, salads. even pickled veggies and dried fruits.

i think there's a lot of vegetarians around tfs - any other tips?
Bluestar07 said:
Agreed. Tesco's has got a great low fat, low cal tomato based pasta sauce. I add loads of mushrooms (very low cal) and veggies like capsicums, carrots, onions and whatever else I find handy. Throw in some italian mixed herb and YUM!!!
sounds yummy! i make my own tomato based sauce it tastes good and is healthy. geussgirl on vegetairans someone suggesred tofu, which i agree with. another suggestion i have is quorn. also things like lentils, chick peas and beans (kidney beans etc) are an important part of a vegetarians diet. and for whole wheats try to eat granary bread more than white. :flower: p.s thnks for the karma hipkitten :flower:
^^^ Chanel number 5, can you please post a recipe for your homemade tomato sauce?

I'm a big meat eater, eat it at every meal, especially red meat and this isnt very good. I want to incorporate more pulses, whole grains and veg into my diet but I have never really cooked with them before! I wouldn't know where to begin!
Tushka_BeLLa said:
^^^ Chanel number 5, can you please post a recipe for your homemade tomato sauce?

I'm a big meat eater, eat it at every meal, especially red meat and this isnt very good. I want to incorporate more pulses, whole grains and veg into my diet but I have never really cooked with them before! I wouldn't know where to begin!
tomato sauce recipe (serves about 2 people depending in portion sizes):
400g of tinned tomatoes (you can use fresh but the results arent as good)
3 teaspoons of tomato puré
2 teaspoons of mixed herbs
1 small onion
2 tabelspoons of oil
slice the onion into chuncks
heat oil in the pan and when hot add the onion
when the onions are cooked add the tomatoes, herbs and tomato puré
leave to simmer for 20-30 minutes

if you serve it with wholewheat pasta, youll get some whole grains in their. you can also add some nuts, seeds or cheese to serve with it. :flower:
and i forgot to add to my recipe that you could add lentils or some kind of beans to the sauce if you want to
^ I add celery (esp the leaves), mushrooms, and garlic to mine. And always imported grated Parmesan on top ^_^

You should get additional complete protein with the wheat/Parmesan combination I imagine ... and green beans on the side would be good.
i sometimes and mushrooms but ive never tried with celery ill have to try that next time, thanks fashionista-ta :flower:
^ Hope you like it--I can barely start cooking without a bunch of celery ;) I always check for a nice heart, and I avoid the stores that sell them chopped off at the top :doh:

PS Celery is one of those "top 10 to buy organic" items.
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Guessgirl96 said:
I was wondering if anyone has any tips for vegetarians? Like what not carb saturated foods are good? I try to eat as many whole wheats as I can but I still find that I dont eat a lot of calories or fat, but a ton of carbs.

i :heart: carbs, i eat as much as i possibly can. they keep me a lean, mean, running machine.
i have just decided to become vegetarian (not giving up dairy or eggs though)-- i have gone 3 days meat-free and it was super easy... but was wondering, do you think i should continue to eat maybe poultry and fish (minimally of course) and ease my way out of meat, or keep going cold-turkey? is one way healthier or better? also, im not a big meat eater as it is, maybe beef 1 or 2 times a week, and small amounts of chicken, turkey or fish once every other day. let me know what you have done, or what you would recommend..thanks guys! (and i just made my very first tofu stirfry dinner-- it was TASTY!)
actually i also wanted to know, what models are vegetarian or vegan? i know lily cole is vegetarian, are there others?
^i would recommend to keep the fish at least in the beginning. don't start being fully vegan immediatly, go slow. so just little by little you could drop of the fish if you want to :flower: fish is very healthy because it contains so much vitamins and the fat is good for your body. i cut of chicken and meat fully but i'm still eating fish, and the turning from 'meateater' to veggie has been much easier

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