How do You Take Care of Yourself - Staying Young and Healthy

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : none...I don't really do anything
Weaknesses ? my t zone gets really oily
Strenghts ? the rest of my face is perfect
Any personal beauty secrets ? only my hair routine but if I told you it wouldn't be a secret...actually I'm too lazy to type it out

Water ? a lot... I always keep a water bottle in my purse
Alcohol ? nope
Cigarettes? noooo
Vitamin Supplements? no
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? uh...I eat normal
Weaknesses ? starbucks, soda, junkfood
Strenghts ? none

Yes/No ? yess
If yes what and how often? I have to walk to school and back, which is half uphill and half down and its 2.5 miles each I walk 5 miles 5 days a week . It takes a half hour each way. Then I have pe where we have to run a lap (1/4 mile) everyday

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no
Have massages (if yes how often)?no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)cuts

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : i guess kind of
Pollution? what?
Harsh winds ? they mess up my hair
Dry / Humid ? makes my skin dry/ makes my hair frizzy
Sun ? makes me red :angry:

Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? sometimes..idk how much
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) only when I'm going to the beach or pool otherwise I'll look like a salmon
If yes
With what frequency ? ?????????????
What spf do you use ?the strongest I can find which is like 35-50

Is your life stressful ? yessss
Do you get enough sleep ?no...its 12am I should be sleeping

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? no but they all smoke so I can't really tell


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? sure
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? I'm 13 and look my age I don't have problems with looking old
Looks fun:

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis :
probably 30 mins total
Weaknesses ?
large pores
Strenghts ?
skin is soft
Any personal beauty secrets ?
Prada Bio Firm Complex

Water ?
I drink about 72oz or more a water a day.
Alcohol ?
A few drinks....two to three times a week
One a day
Vitamin Supplements?
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ?
Meat eater...mainly lean meats like chicken and turkey with lots of veggies
Weaknesses ?
General Tsaos Chicken and Martinis, and Sugary candies
Strenghts ?
I dont care for chocolates or they are easy to avoid.

Yes/No ?
If yes what and how often?
Cardio on the bike three times a week, and weight training three times a week

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?
Probably twice a year
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?
Once every other month
Have massages (if yes how often)?
twice a year with my facials
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?
very rarely. I do my own mani once a week at home
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)
I shave my own head once a week

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No :
A bit more than back home in Florida. Plus I have bad allerigies up here.
Harsh winds ?
Dry / Humid ?
Dry in winter and humid in the summer
Sun ?

Yes / No ?
Only when on vacation
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful ?
Not really
Do you get enough sleep ?
I typically get 8 hours

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?
Yes...everyone in my family looks about 5-10 years younger than they really are.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ?
I could probably do more
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?
People think I'm younger than I am.
Hanne said:
Staying young and healthy looking - What do you do? - a survey.

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 5 minutes, probably less, just to wash and moisturize
Weaknesses: none really, a little redness around the nose, oh actually a big one-i think my skin is a bit green-i'm olive skinned but i hate the sun.
Strengths: clear skin that never breaks out, smooth, yay!
Any personal beauty secrets: moisturize!! stay out of the sun? don't smoke.

Water : a lot a lot of tea....not too much straight water though, i should probably drink more.
Alcohol : hardly, three times a month.
Cigarettes: just quit!!! but socially smoke when offered...oh dear.
Vitamin Supplements: protein/multivitamin Nutriclear shake, don't always drink it though.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan : i wish i was vegan!! but i am alas, a carnivore....i do intend to change that for political reasons.
Weaknesses : chocolate!!! candy! anything bad for me.
Strenghts : could easily live without pasta, bread, cheese, meat, milk, soda, coffee, fries, etc...

Yes/No : ha....i hike sometimes,
If yes what and how often: very erratically, i used to run but i get sooo bulky...

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often): never
Go to Spa's (if yes how often): never
Have massages (if yes how often): never
Get your nails done (if yes how often): never
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc): i do my own.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : No, not really
Pollution: None really in Boulder, CO
Harsh winds : sometimes
Dry / Humid : SOOOOOO DRY esp. in winter, its terrible
Sun : too sunny here. i should start wearing sun screen.

Yes / No :HELL NO
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes): not really, in the summer.
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ? 45

Is your life stressful ? YES
Do you get enough sleep ? TOO MUCH

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? quite well.^_^


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? no not really
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?
depends people think i'm anywhere from 15-20, i am twenty but short so people always think i'm young, i guess i have a bit of a baby face, although it is changing every year.
Originally Posted by Hanne
Staying young and healthy looking - What do you do? - a survey.

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : Double cleanse, tone and moisturize twice daily. All in all, it would probably add up to about 45 minutes for everything to be done, and that means everything!
Weaknesses: My skin is basically clear but I have horrible red marks left over and that is as upsetting as actually having a pimple.
Strengths: Clear skin otherwise, small pores, healthy hair.
Any personal beauty secrets: The basics! Drink water, eat a balanced diet, sun protection, be happy! Finding the right products for you are essential. What one person says is great, may be horrible for you, but keeping trying. It'll all be worth it.

Water :'s a bit on and off, but at the moment i'm drinking a lot and there's an obvious difference.
Alcohol : Never anymore, I'm on medication so it's not totally for vanity but a heavy night will show up on your face the next morning.
Cigarettes: Never.
Vitamin Supplements: Sometimes a multivitamin, but I intend to start taking Vitamin C, Omega Fish Oils, Vitamin E and maybe Echinacea.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan : I do eat meat but I don't particuarly like it. I only really eat chicken regularly.
Weaknesses : The usual, too many carbs! My diet is generally not balanced enough most of the time. Plus I skip meals a lot, my eating is generally very erratic.
Strenghts : I don't drink coke etc anymore. Never eat fast food.

Yes/No : Yes
If yes what and how often: I was 7.5 km to and from school everyday, and I also use an exercise machine at home as well (but not that often!)

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often): never
Go to Spa's (if yes how often): never
Have massages (if yes how often): never
Get your nails done (if yes how often): never
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc): When I've got the guts to cut my hair..I like it long but that does need more maintenance than I give it.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes.
Pollution: It's a huge factor in walking to school, lots of busy roads in central London, makes my hair dirty very quickly and I generally feel grubby when I get back home.
Harsh winds : sometimes
Dry / Humid : It can be dry.
Sun : Not so much of a problem but it can be, so always wear sunscreen.

Yes / No :No
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes): Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ? 45

Is your life stressful ? Yes, but partly that stress is that which I put upon myself.
Do you get enough sleep ? If I slept better, I would probably realise I needed more. But a good nights sleep really is beauty sleep.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? quite well.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Yes, and I know I will be glad I took the time now to start working on it.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Generally they're surprised I'm going to be 21, but they would imagine me to be around 18-20.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis :1 hour each day, 1/2 an hour in the morning and the same at night
Weaknesses ? black points
Strenghts ?it looks really flawless
Any personal beauty secrets ? i never go to bed without cleaning my skin, i do this each day, morning and night since i was 14 even if i am really tired or in a plane or wherever i have cleaner in my hand bag and a hidratant. I get very picky when i am wearing make up, i use special towels and then i use a soap and the tonic and finally an hidratant:rolleyes:

Water ? 1 lt a day sometimes less sometimes more
Alcohol ? i dont like it
Cigarettes? i quit 14 days ago but even when i smoked it was only when i went out to dinner or dance
Vitamin Supplements? in winter vitamin C
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? i nearly dont eat meat, but a lot of fish
Weaknesses ? sometimes i eat fast food and too much diet coke
Strenghts ? i eat lots of salads, and fruits and dont make excesses(i stop myself)

Yes/No ? yes
If yes what and how often? i have reestarted and i walk each day 1 hour and then i do abdos and weights

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? 1 time a months if i need it
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? 2 times a month
Have massages (if yes how often)?i do them myself, special masks
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? once a week
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) minimum once each 15 days

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : i have never think about that
Pollution? i live in the country
Harsh winds ? no, and in winter i use a lot of big scarves and hats
Dry / Humid ? dry mainly
Sun ? i especially hate the sun, i always hide my face

Yes / No ? i have done it twice in a spa and it didnt affect my skin
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?no
Natural sun (if yes how much)?no
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)yes, every day of the year i use fac 15
If yes
With what frequency ? everyday
What spf do you use ? 15

Is your life stressful ?sometimes and my skin feels it
Do you get enough sleep ? i try but sometimes i dont

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?my mother is my example she has the best skin ever and she takes really good care of herself


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? yes, but i still think i could look better
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?its weird when i was smaller people thought i was older, now they think i am younger:p
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis: About 20 minutes
Weaknesses? Forgetting to take my makeup off at night :doh:
Strengths? Drinking plenty of water
Any personal beauty secrets? Rosewater as a toner

Water? Every day, at least 2 litres
Alcohol? Uhh... Yes, most weekends
Cigarettes? Very rarely
Vitamin Supplements? No
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan? Lean Meats & Vegetables
Weaknesses? Energy Drinks
Strengths? Lots of water

Yes/No? No :ninja:
If yes what and how often? Walking/Running/Pilates

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Yes, once every few months
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? Not really
Have massages (if yes how often)? No, only at home
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? I do them myself
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Every 6 weeks

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes
Pollution? Not really, no
Harsh winds? No
Dry / Humid? No
Sun? Yes, the biggest factor

Yes / No? No!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful? Not generally
Do you get enough sleep? Yes, I get around 7 hours a night

Do members of your family age gracefully or not? Yes, my mother & grandmother have wonderful skin & are very youthful


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy? Yes
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age? Yes, I'm only 21, but people do say I look younger
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : about 45 min.
Weaknesses ? forgetting to pass hydrat lotin in my legs.
Strenghts ? cleaning my face very well.
Any personal beauty secrets ? see your (good) dermatologist in every 4 months.

Water ? about 2 litres
Alcohol ? just in weekend.
Cigarettes? No
Vitamin Supplements? No, they get me fatter!
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Carnivor
Weaknesses ? eating too much fried food and eating almost nothing in my breaksfast.
Strenghts ? eating salad and vegetables every mealt

Yes/No ? Yes, Gym, Running, tennis...
If yes what and how often?
Gym and running about 3/4 times a week.
Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?Yes, enery month
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No
Have massages (if yes how often)?No
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?Yes, every week
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Coloured and cuts in each 2 months

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes, a lot.
Pollution? Yes
Harsh winds ? For sure!!
Dry / Humid ? Most of the year humid, in the winter it´s dry.
Sun ? Yes! I live in Brazil!!

Yes / No ? Yes, natural tan!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?No
Natural sun (if yes how much)?Yes, every 4,5 months
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? yes
What spf do you use ? evryday I use a 15 but for activities outside 30 or 50 when I´m on the beach.

Is your life stressful ? Yes!! I study a lot and I´m a stressed person.
Do you get enough sleep ? No... about 6/7 hours.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?Yes, everybody says that momy looks like my sister!! She has a great skin, great body! Even better than mine! lol.. But my genetic help. My dad´s family is japanese and they seem to not get old!


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Young, yes.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Older, but I don´t thinks it´s bacause of the way I take care of my body. It´s because of I´m a teen, almost an adult, looking like one. I´m 16 but people say that grew faster than girls in my age!
I love surveys

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 30 minutes (if you count makeup)
Weaknesses: Touching my face too often
Strenghts: I know my way around ingredients and what works for me
Any personal beauty secrets: wash your face twice daily, don't be lazy, it really pays of. and leave your cleanser on for 1-2 minutes so it can really work

Water: loads
Alcohol: I'm going out too much
Cigarettes: see above
Vitamin Supplements: Zinc for my skin
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan: Vegetarian without eggs
Weaknesses: Pizza
Strenghts: I really (!!!) like fruits&veges and wholemeal products

Yes/No: Yes
If yes what and how often: Pilates, Cardio and sometimes Yoga
twice a week


Do you :
Have facials: just had one but not getting them regularly
Go to Spa's: No
Have massages: No
Get your nails done: No
How often do you get your hair looked after: 6 weeks, I love my hair

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes
Pollution: Cleaning my skin properly
Harsh winds: not really a problem
Dry / Humid: not really a problem
Sun: SPF!!!!!

if yes
Tanning bed: NO
Natural sun: only in the summer whem I'm "doing" sth outside, so no classic tanning
Do you use sunblock: Yes
If yes
With what frequency: daily in spring/summer, don't need it so much in autumn/winter here
What spf do you use: 30

Is your life stressful: YES
Do you get enough sleep:No

Do members of your family age gracefully: Yes I'm so hoping I look as good as my mother, whem I'm her age (really!)


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy: Yes
Do people guess you to be younger than your actual age: maybe one or two years, but since I'm 23 I don't want to be guessed 17 :p
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : about 1 minute
Weaknesses ? My skin has patches of dark pigmentation
Strenghts ? no wrinkles...but I'm only 21
Any personal beauty secrets ? No. I wish!

Water ? Depends. If I'm working on a website I'll drink about 7 full tumblers in about 15 minutes (and then regret it, it seriously damages my workflow). Sometimes I can drink as little as 2-3 tumblers a day. I don't drink much else other than water though
Alcohol ? Yech. Never.
Cigarettes? As above.
Vitamin Supplements? I take iron tablets/vitamin B tablets about 2-3 times a month.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian, leaning on veganism (eat a bit of cheese sometimes)
Weaknesses ? CHEESE!
Strenghts ? I prefer kumara (sweet potato) to a chocolate bar

Yes/No ? No
If yes what and how often?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? No. I had one once and got a huge cyst on my nose which took about 4 months to clear up. Never had one since. I want to try microdermabrasion at some point though.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No
Have massages (if yes how often)? No...although I force my boyfriend to do the occasional massage.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? I bite my nails
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) About once a year if I'm lucky (so far its been a year and a half)

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes (auckland = super humid = super oily face)
Pollution? Yes (auckland = super dirty city = dirty face)
Harsh winds ? Yes (damn you auckland!)
Dry / Humid ? Mostly humid
Sun ? Avoid it whenever possible (3rd degree burns in 10 minutes, thanks to the hole in the ozone layer)

Yes / No ? No
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes (i'm in new zealand, factor 45 all the way)
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful ? Yes
Do you get enough sleep ? Eh..probably get too much. Don't get a good uninterupted sleep though (squeaky bed, young kitten, clumsy boyfriend)

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? ...not terribly.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? No
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? they usually get my age right..although I feel quite tired and worn down so I always feel like it makes me look haggard
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : I'd say around twenty minutes.
Weaknesses? My skin gets easily irritated and too dry.
Strenghts? At the moment my skin looks good otherwise.
Any personal beauty secrets? Make your routine as simple as you can and use a lot of moisturizer.

Water? Yes, two litres a day.
Alcohol? Not very often, sometimes at a party I'll have a glass of wine but that's about it.
Cigarettes? Just gave them up as a New Year's resolution and I am doing better without them.
Vitamin Supplements? I take multivitamin-, omega 3-, iron-, calcium- and zink tablets every day.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan? I'd aspire to be a vegetarian, but I do sometimes eat meat.
Weaknesses? Not exercising, but I do walk enough. Drinking too much water or tea.
Strenghts? Having an overall healthy diet.

Yes/No? When I am not too busy at school. I do walk every day though.
If yes what and how often? Well, I walk to school, to stores etc, and I also have a dog who I take out for a walk. When I do have time to do some "real" exercise, I like jogging at a forest near where I live.

Do you:
Have facials (if yes how often)? No, I don't. I believe in letting my skin alone as much as I can.
Go to spa's (if yes how often)? If I would have a little bit more money I'd go there every week to get treatments, but at the moment I am too poor to afford it.
Have massages (if yes how often)? Not very often.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Never.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? About every 8-10 weeks I get my hair cut.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes.
Pollution? Yes.
Harsh winds? Yes.
Dry / Humid? It's very dry here, especially at winters, which mades my skin irritated.
Sun? Makes me get a healthy glow.

Yes / No ? Never.
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes.
If yes
With what frequency? At the summer every day. I add it through the day, depending on how much time I spend outside.
What spf do you use? Around 40-50.

Is your life stressful? Yes and no. I think I am myself responsible whether I make it stressful or not. I try to take it easy, although I am good at worrying.
Do you get enough sleep? I try to get eight hours of sleep every night.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not? The ones that follow a healthy diet and exercise often do age gracefully. The ones who smoke or are slaved by their work don't.

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy? Yes, they make me feel good and give me energy.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age? Older, but I am young so that can even be an advantage.
Haha fun!

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10mins
Weaknesses? None really, im quite lucky with my skin, apart from undereye circles sometimes
Strenghts? clear skin, doesn't need a lot of product
Any personal beauty secrets? Sunscreen!

Water? 2 litres per day
Alcohol? Not regularly, sometimes if I'm out for dinner or at a party
Cigarettes? No i hate smoking
Vitamin Supplements? Multi-vitamin and omega three
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan? Everything except fish (hence the omega 3 pills)
Weaknesses? Chocolate :(
Strenghts? Very disciplined in that I ensure I eat lots of fresh food and low fat varities. I adapt all my recipes to make them healthier and I eat a wide range of fruits and veg. I also stay away from caffiene as I find it too drying.
Yes/No? YES! I do cardio everyday (either a couple of gym classes, running and x-training) and weights three times a week.

Do you:
Have facials (if yes how often)? No, I wouldn't mind trying it but can't really afford
Go to spa's (if yes how often)? I would love to! But again, money :(
Have massages (if yes how often)? Only at the physio
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? For special occasions I get french tips
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? About every 2months (I'm trying to go more often!)I get the cut the lowlights and the roots done

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes - sunscreen, especially in summer
Pollution? Yes
Harsh winds? Yes - i apply more moisturiser/lip treatment if I get windchap
Dry / Humid? Its not very dry where I am, but it is humid. This affects my hair styles
Sun? I put sunscreen on my face every day, because I love spending time in the sun. So I still get a glow from it

Yes / No ? Yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? Never
Natural sun (if yes how much)? Heaps in the summer, I love the natural sun and try to spend at least 1.5 hours in it every day
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes.
If yes
With what frequency? Everyday in summer on my face, and most days on the rest of my body.
What spf do you use? 30 on my face, 20 on my body.

Is your life stressful? Depends on what time of year: at the moment it really isnt, but when I'm at uni it can get nasty.
Do you get enough sleep? I love my sleep! I try and get at least 8 hours every night, and usually if I have less then I'm grumpy/tired.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not? I think it depends on their lifestyle. My father is very healthy and has aged well but he is very clean-living and doesn't have much to worry about. Other member sof my family I can tell may not be so llucky because their lifestyles are less healthy

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy? Yes, I wouldn't change a thing about my routines now. I just hope I can stick to it as I get older
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age? Probably the same. I'm only 22 though so I don't mind looking my age :)
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : half hour
Weaknesses ? large pores and acne
Strenghts ? nothing
Any personal beauty secrets ? nope

Water ? trying my best, average 4-6 cups
Alcohol ? none
Cigarettes? none
Vitamin Supplements? none
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? once a year
Weaknesses ? sweets
Strenghts ? self-cook often

Yes/No ? yes
If yes what and how often? runing and weights, 3-4 times/week, an hour each time

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) once every 2-3 month for a cut

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : no
Pollution? no
Harsh winds ? yes
Dry / Humid ? dry
Sun ? strong

Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? no
Natural sun (if yes how much)? only in summer
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ? 15 all year around on face, 30 in summer on body

Is your life stressful ? sometimes
Do you get enough sleep ? yes

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?
Average, a little on the no side


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? nope
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? older... but i am still in my teens
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : I dunno
Weaknesses ? I spend zero time on my face because a lot of cleansers will dry it out however I can't pay for a specific facial moisturizer until I start getting more hours at work.
Strenghts ? I always apply lotion after I shower, and working at Bath and Body Works has helped because I now have insanely soft skin.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Don't drink dairy products, a Dr. Pepper a day keeps the Dr. away, and lip plumpers by Patricia Wexler.

Also another thing that my boss told me (she used to work at makeup counters) is that it's okay to use some mild anti-aging products even at my age (18)-such as lip plumpers or regenerating serums-because it's like building the walls strong in case of enemy invaders.

Water ? No thanks, I'll drink soda instead.
Alcohol ? I'm not 21, so no, but even if I was, no.
Cigarettes? No
Vitamin Supplements? I've yet to find a good vegetarian no. I don't need it.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian
Weaknesses ? I work at a mall, where the food selection is bad for vegetarians, and so I've put on a little weight.
Strenghts ? I homegrow some vegetables so I like to eat them straight off the vine.

Yes/No ? No
If yes what and how often?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? No
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No
Have massages (if yes how often)? Never have, never will.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Never have, never will. I can get the bottle of nail polish for $8 and it will look decent.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) I'll use a demi-permanent dye once every couple months and if I'm inspired I trim it when I feel like it. However I look after my own hair, I haven't been to a salon in 2 years and since I'm barely getting any hours at my job I can't afford to.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes
Pollution? No, I don't think about it.
Harsh winds ? Yes-I apply lotion more because since I do not wear long pants, my legs can get really itchy so I bump it up to 2x per day or use a body butter.
Dry / Humid ? No
Sun ? A little, but not really. I have a bronzing sunblock that I use on my cheeks and then if it's really sunny when I leave the house, maybe SPF 15 sunscreen.

Yes / No ? Yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? Never
Natural sun (if yes how much)? If it's sunny, between late April/early October-an hour or two a day when possible.
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? Every day if I'm tanning
What spf do you use ? 15 to 30-15 at home, 30 if I'm going to waterparks.

Is your life stressful ? At times
Do you get enough sleep ? Yes

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Not particularly


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? No
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Usually younger
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : around 15 mins.
Weaknesses ? sometimes only wash my face once a day. :ninja:
Strenghts ? I'm pretty good about not touching my face a lot during the day.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Drink lots of water - it's the best friend your skin has!

Water ? I drink A LOT of water... It's basically the only think I drink besides tea and the occasional fruit juice.
Alcohol ? Rarely.
Cigarettes ? Never!
Vitamin Supplements ? Daily.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian/Vegan, I go back and forth but I really want to stick with veganism for good now!
Weaknesses ? I wish I could stick to a vegan diet, but it's just so hard doing that while in college... Still, I'm trying.
Strenghts ? Being a really healthy eater!

Yes/No ? Yes, I love it!
If yes what and how often? Nearly daily. Usually 5-6 times per week unless I'm super busy or sick. I run, bike, lift weights, and do different cardio classes.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Nope.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? Nope.
Have massages (if yes how often)? From my boyfriend, yes! :D
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? I always do them myself.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) ? Usually once every 2-3 months. I just get it cut.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes, occasionally there are some days/nights when I just don't feel up to walking across campus to go to the gym or eat when the weather is terrible!
Pollution ? Not something that has ever affected me where I live.
Harsh winds ? No.
Dry / Humid ? No.
Sun ? No.

Yes / No ? Kinda.
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? Never.
Natural sun (if yes how much)? Only during the summer do I allow myself to get some natural sun, but only with SPF on!
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes.
If yes
With what frequency ?
What spf do you use ? 25-45.

Is your life stressful ? Nope. ^_^
Do you get enough sleep ? Yes, probably too much! :lol:

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes! :D


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Yes they do. I feel very young and healthy!
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? People ALWAYS think I'm a lot younger than I am.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10-15 min
Weaknesses ? I pick at my skin and touch my skin too much
Strenghts ? I use good products and use them regularly
Any personal beauty secrets ? not that I can think of

Water ? about 8 cups a day mostly through tea
Alcohol ? Rarley , like 2-3 times a year
Cigarettes? no
Vitamin Supplements? no but I plan to start
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ?vegetarian
Weaknesses ? I live in pretty much fruits, veggies, and dessert
Strenghts ? I eat lots of fruits and veggies

Yes/No ? Not right now
If yes what and how often? In the summer when it's warm and I have more time I like to go running about twice a week

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? I do my own hands but get pedicures about once a month
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) about once every 3 months, I get extentions once every 6 months

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Dont think so
Pollution? no
Harsh winds ? I put my hair up if it's really windy, it tangles so easily
Dry / Humid ? I skin gets soo dry in the winter, I need to pile on the moisutizer
Sun ? I wear sunscreen everyday in the summer and sometimes in the winter if it's sunny

Yes / No ? never, I like being pale :ninja:
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes
If yes
With what frequency ?
What spf do you use ? 45 I think
Is your life stressful ? school can sometimes get stressful with all of my other responsibilities but it's not always
Do you get enough sleep ? no except for weekends

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? not at all


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Not really -- I feel like I'm taking good care of my skin and preserving it but inside I dont feel so healthy. I dont feel like I'm eating enough and depriving my body
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? people guess me to be older, but at 16 that isn't a bad thing :p
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis :
Weaknesses ? none... :S
Strenghts ? -
Any personal beauty secrets ? -

Water ? I try to drink a lot, but sometimes I'm lazy.
Alcohol ? 1-2 times/month
Cigarettes? no
Vitamin Supplements? yes, every day.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? vegan
Weaknesses ? I have a sweet tooth.
Strenghts ? -

Yes/No ? yes
If yes what and how often? I haven't really gotten into a routine yes, and I have been down with a cold for a few weeks, but once that is over (in a day or so, hopefully), I hope to be able to go like 3 times/week. mainly doing aerobics, gymnastics and a little bit of spinning.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? never
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? never
Have massages (if yes how often)? only at home :p
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? never
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) only at home

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No :
Pollution? no
Harsh winds ? no
Dry / Humid ? no
Sun ? no

Yes / No ? no!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes
If yes
With what frequency ? as high as they come
What spf do you use ? as often as I can

Is your life stressful ? I don't know, I guess that depends.
Do you get enough sleep ? yes, I can't complain.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?
I would say so.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? not really.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? younger actually, but I guess that might have something to do with my personal style as well.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 2 minutes or less, washing it with Cetaphil to remove the dirt and unclog pores and Clean and Clear for zits.
Weaknesses ? Touching my face.
Strenghts ? Don't have much zits.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Drink lots of water.

Water ? LOOOOTS. It's all I drink.
Alcohol ? No
Cigarettes? No
Vitamin Supplements? No
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian
Weaknesses ? I count calories and have an average of 1000-1200, even though I probably should have more.
Strenghts ? I avoid anything too high calorie.

Yes/No ? Yes, I think
If yes what and how often? I just dance for about half an hour...depends on my mood, but usually once a day.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Nope
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? Nope
Have massages (if yes how often)? Nope
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Nope
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Just get it trimmed every four months or so

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Sometimes
Pollution? ....what?
Harsh winds ? again...what??
Dry / Humid ? see above
Sun ? " "

Yes / No ? Nope
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful ? You'd think it would be but I feel chill most of the time.
Do you get enough sleep ? Usually

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yup


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Well, I'm only 15; I think I would feel young and healthy no matter what, lol.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Depends on what I'm wearing.
Hanne said:
Staying young and healthy looking - What do you do? - a survey.

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 1 minute?! wash with cetaphil (if i remember...otherwise just with water) and then thin layer of moisturiser with SPF 30 (also if i remember).
Weaknesses ? don't really use any product consistently and hate the feeling of moisturiser (i just hate having chemicals on my face)
Strenghts ?
Any personal beauty secrets ? If you have a hormonal imbalance go on the pill!

Water ? if i'm gyming, alot! used to drink up to 3 litres a day (need to get back into that). Usually alternating between diet coke, water and tea.
Alcohol ? never
Cigarettes? never except second hand smoke from my serial-smoker friends
Vitamin Supplements?
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Love Vegan food at restaurants but am a carnivor when self-preparing
Weaknesses ? bingeing :shock: :doh: :ninja:
Strenghts ? eat very clean when i'm not bingeing

Yes/No ? yes
If yes what and how often? when i'm bad- 3 times a week, good- 6 times a week, 90minutes-2hrs

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? only twice in my life
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?
Have massages (if yes how often)? used to go every week (sometimes twice:p)
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? never
How often do you get your hair ---soooo lazy, maybe twice a year

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : more consistent with moisturiser on face when it's winter
Harsh winds ?
Dry / Humid ?
Sun ? i try to stay out of it as much as i can.

Yes / No ?--- hell no
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) in my moisturiser but i know i should use it serparately
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ? 30+

Is your life stressful ? haha, yes and i don't help myself make it any easier
Do you get enough sleep ? probably ... 8hrs minimum usually

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? yes!:flower:


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? when i'm exercising most of the week and eating clean i feel fabulous.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? younger or my age

this was interesting, thanks.
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Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : Hmm about 15 minutes
Weaknesses ? Too many - I pick at my blackheads/pimples, tend to rub at my eyes a lot, touch my face too much...a long list really
Strengths ? I actually wash my make up off every day and look after it relatively well
Any personal beauty secrets ? Not really

Water ? Not enough!
Alcohol ? Too much!
Cigarettes? I quit cold-turkey 3 years ago this month!! Go me!!
Vitamin Supplements? When I can remember
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? I barely eat meat (no pork, no beef, no lamb, barely any seafood) but I'm not a vegetarian
Weaknesses ? Too much fat, too much alcohol, not enough water
Strengths ? I eat relatively healthy other than the above - I never eat take away foods

Yes/No ? Yes almost every day
If yes what and how often? On weekdays I use the gym and walk uphill on the treadmill, use the bike, weights - on the weekend I go for hour-long bike rides with my boyf

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? No but I will start soon
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? When I can afford it!
Have massages (if yes how often)? No - don't like them
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Yes, I try to get pedi's once a month
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) When my blonde re-growth becomes noticeable

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes - I live in a tropical environment
Pollution? Yes
Harsh winds ? No
Dry / Humid ? Yes
Sun ? Very very sunny - I wear a lot of sunscreen and cover up

Yes / No ? Hell no! I am so pasty white I burn in 2 seconds flat!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful ? Can be
Do you get enough sleep ? I try to

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? They aren't bad - they look their age basically


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Nope, not enough :( Need to do more
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? About the age I am, maybe a year older. Although I ALWAYS get asked for ID!
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis :
half an hour daily

Weaknesses ?
i pick at my zits/blackheads

Strenghts ?
i take zinc supplements and use an organic moisturizer

Any personal beauty secrets ?
zince to keep my skin clear


Water ?
at least 2 litres a day

Alcohol ?


Vitamin Supplements?
vitamin c & b-complex, calmag, DHA, zinc, multi

Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ?

Weaknesses ?
i love bread too much

Strenghts ?
ive eliminated all sugars, transfats, saturated fats, etc. from my diet.


Yes/No ?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?
no sadly

Go to [COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Spa's[/font][/font][/color][/color] (if yes how often)?

Have massages (if yes how often)?
i wish :rolleyes:

Get your [COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]nails[/font][/font][/color][/color] done (if yes how often)?
nope - salons are very unhealthy as is nail polish

How often do you get your [COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]hair[/font][/font][/color][/color] looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)
when i feel like it - i have no set routine

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and [COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]health[/font][/font][/color][/color]? Yes/No :

probably - most likely im ignorant to its effects on me

Harsh winds ?

Dry / Humid ?
maybe in the summer

Sun ?

[COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=orange! important][FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]TANNING[/font][/font][/color][/color]
Yes / No ?

Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)

If yes With what frequency ? and What spf do you use ?
i use a natural spf 30 on vacations

Is your life stressful ?

Do you get enough sleep ?

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ?

Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?

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