Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : none...I don't really do anything
Weaknesses ? my t zone gets really oily
Strenghts ? the rest of my face is perfect
Any personal beauty secrets ? only my hair routine but if I told you it wouldn't be a secret...actually I'm too lazy to type it out
Water ? a lot... I always keep a water bottle in my purse
Alcohol ? nope
Cigarettes? noooo
Vitamin Supplements? no
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? uh...I eat normal
Weaknesses ? starbucks, soda, junkfood
Strenghts ? none
Yes/No ? yess
If yes what and how often? I have to walk to school and back, which is half uphill and half down and its 2.5 miles each I walk 5 miles 5 days a week . It takes a half hour each way. Then I have pe where we have to run a lap (1/4 mile) everyday
Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no
Have massages (if yes how often)?no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)cuts
Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : i guess kind of
Pollution? what?
Harsh winds ? they mess up my hair
Dry / Humid ? makes my skin dry/ makes my hair frizzy
Sun ? makes me red
Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? sometimes..idk how much
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) only when I'm going to the beach or pool otherwise I'll look like a salmon
If yes
With what frequency ? ?????????????
What spf do you use ?the strongest I can find which is like 35-50
Is your life stressful ? yessss
Do you get enough sleep ?no...its 12am I should be sleeping
Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? no but they all smoke so I can't really tell
Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? sure
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? I'm 13 and look my age I don't have problems with looking old
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : none...I don't really do anything
Weaknesses ? my t zone gets really oily
Strenghts ? the rest of my face is perfect
Any personal beauty secrets ? only my hair routine but if I told you it wouldn't be a secret...actually I'm too lazy to type it out
Water ? a lot... I always keep a water bottle in my purse
Alcohol ? nope
Cigarettes? noooo
Vitamin Supplements? no
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? uh...I eat normal
Weaknesses ? starbucks, soda, junkfood
Strenghts ? none
Yes/No ? yess
If yes what and how often? I have to walk to school and back, which is half uphill and half down and its 2.5 miles each I walk 5 miles 5 days a week . It takes a half hour each way. Then I have pe where we have to run a lap (1/4 mile) everyday
Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no
Have massages (if yes how often)?no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)cuts
Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : i guess kind of
Pollution? what?
Harsh winds ? they mess up my hair
Dry / Humid ? makes my skin dry/ makes my hair frizzy
Sun ? makes me red

Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? sometimes..idk how much
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) only when I'm going to the beach or pool otherwise I'll look like a salmon
If yes
With what frequency ? ?????????????
What spf do you use ?the strongest I can find which is like 35-50
Is your life stressful ? yessss
Do you get enough sleep ?no...its 12am I should be sleeping
Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? no but they all smoke so I can't really tell
Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? sure
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? I'm 13 and look my age I don't have problems with looking old