How do You Take Care of Yourself - Staying Young and Healthy

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10 min
Weaknesses ? lazy with applying body lotion , can't get rid of my blackheads
Strenghts ? cleansing
Any personal beauty secrets ?
-aloe vera gel around the eyes instead of eyecream

Water ? 1 litre a day
Alcohol ? no
Vitamin Supplements? iron tablets
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? vegetarian
Weaknesses ? i should try to eat more fish and eggs
Strenghts ? i eat lots of fruit and veg

If yes what and how often? jogging 3 times a week, muscle work 2/week

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?every two months
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no
Have massages (if yes how often)? once in a while
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) every two months i go to the hairdresser

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : yes
Pollution? yes (live in the city)
Harsh winds ?no
Dry / Humid ?no
Sun ? yes

Yes / No ? no
Do you use sunblock ?Yes
What spf do you use ? 30

Is your life stressful ? VERY!!!
Do you get enough sleep ? no

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?
on my mum's side of the family - not my dad's


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? yes
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Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 30ish
Weaknesses: I overwork it sometimes (like over-exfoliate)
Strenghts: I keep it clean and moisturized.
Any personal beauty secrets: Exfoliate, and use gycolic acid peels/lotions.

Water ? Tons
Alcohol ? Sometimes.. maybe too much
Cigarettes? Rarely. I smoked for 5 years but then quit. Now I'll smoke socially sometimes, but rarely.
Vitamin Supplements? Multivitamin when I remember
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian/vegan (I go vegan on and off, depending on my living situation)
Weaknesses ? Drink too much, maybe.
Strenghts ? Good diet, low fat, high fiber, lots of fruit/veggies

Yes/No ? Not really, just about 30 min of walking a day.
If yes what and how often?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? I do a gycolic acid face mask 2 times a week
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no (poor!)
Have massages (if yes how often)? nope
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? nope
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Never, I do it myself. But I trim/color it about once a month.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes, it's freezing cold here in the winter so I have to make sure my skin is well hydrated though it's oily.
Pollution? Average?
Harsh winds ? Yes.
Dry / Humid ? Humid
Sun ? none, ever. (lol)

Yes / No ? Never, I hate tanned skin (sorry, just my preference!)
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? Religiously in the spring/summer
What spf do you use ? 45-50

Is your life stressful ? Yes
Do you get enough sleep ? No

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Well I think so, more or less. but I'm still young!
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Younger, but it's because I have a kid face.
Wait a second...most answered spending 30 min to 1 hour on your daily skincare, what DO you do? :shock: I only spend 10 minutes to cleanse, massage, wash, tone, and moisturize, sometimes there something I'm missing...? ...panics...:unsure:
lol ..I included shower, lotioning, make up, styling my hair, the extra things that take time that I might do once or twice a week (roughly estimated how much time that would be on a daily basis if divided up) + I have a baby that makes me less effective, having to stop what I do all the time :flower:
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Aww, Hanne, thanks for clearing that up! :p Yes, and such a lovely baby too :heart: ! You are an inspiration for taking good care of yourself despite a difficult schedule.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : about 20 minutes
Weaknesses ? nothing that i can recall...
Strenghts ? allways cleanse my skin (morning and night)- and i mean allways!!! since i was about 14. after i shower allways use a body moisturizer since i was 15
Any personal beauty secrets ? get a good moisturizer and allways cleanse (morning and night)

Water ? lots
Alcohol ? ...when going out, but only beer and sometimes wine when dinning out
Cigarettes? about 3 a day
Vitamin Supplements? sometimes i take centrum for like a month and then stop for another 3 months
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? was a vegetarian for about 4 years then quit! ^_^
Weaknesses ? eating whatever i want (pork meat is not v. good for me)
Strenghts ? love water and i am able to keep routines

Yes/No ? no, don´t really like it....but i walk a lot!
If yes what and how often? i walk everyday

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? no, i do my own at home, once a week i exfoliate and then apply a mask
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? sometimes my bf gives me a nice back massage when my back hurts ^_^
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? no, i do them myself
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) lately not that often, but usually every 4 months i get it trimmed or coloured

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : no when it´s cold, in summer my skin looks better because it sweats more
Pollution? a bit, but not much
Harsh winds ? no
Dry / Humid ? dry
Sun ? only in summertime when i go to the beach (allways using protection)

Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? never
Natural sun (if yes how much)? yes, in summer and only after 4 pm
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes
If yes
With what frequency ? moisturizer with spf everyday, several times a day in summer
What spf do you use ? spf 15 all year and in summer spf 30

Is your life stressful ? a bit
Do you get enough sleep ? yes

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? yes, my mum is 63 and looks fab for her age, no wrinkles!...and she doesn´t take any special care with her skin.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? sure do!!!
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? allways younger! i am 30 and people allways think i´m about 24
Melisande said:
Wait a second...most answered spending 30 min to 1 hour on your daily skincare, what DO you do? :shock: I only spend 10 minutes to cleanse, massage, wash, tone, and moisturize, sometimes there something I'm missing...? ...panics...:unsure:
I do extra things sometimes like exfoliate, masks, ets, so I added a little extra time to my average time, I guess. I usually spend about 10 min or so on myskin in the morning, and the same at night, but i said 30 to balance out days I do more.

Don't worry if you're doing only 10 if your skin is happy! Besides, sounds like you have a good regimen to me. Maybe you're just extra fast about it!! :lol:

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : Around 30 minutes I guess.

Weaknesses ? I should apply body lotion much more because the chlorine in swimming pools dries my skin.

Strengths ? I eat fruit and drink water and all that stuff although I’m not sure it shows cause I’ve always done it so I don’t know how my skin would look if I didn’t.. :huh:

Any personal beauty secrets ? No


Water ? Umm, I drink plenty, the thing is I only drink a little bottle at school, and when I get home is when I drink it all, and a lot of it is at night, which means I sometimes wake up ready to explode.

Alcohol ? Hardly ever .. :innocent: .. Seriously I don't.

Cigarettes? No, I've never tried, not after seeing in biology what effects smoking has on you. I don’t get it when some of my friends smoke cause it’s supposed to be cool. :(

Vitamin Supplements? No..

Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ?
I hardly ever eat meat, but I do eat lots of fish.. :meow:

Weaknesses ? Chocolate (I know :ninja: )

Strengths ? All the fruit I eat.


Yes/No ? Yes

If yes what and how often?
Swimming- 3/4 times a week , aerobic class- twice a week.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? No

Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No

Have massages (if yes how often)? No

Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Myself.

How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Cut it every 3 months or so.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No :
Don’t think so, I don’t get the question.

Pollution? Yes

Harsh winds ? Sometimes

Dry / Humid ? I suppose it varies..

Sun ? Yes, a lot.


Yes / No ? Yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? Never

Natural sun (if yes how much)? Yes, whenever I go to the beach. And I guess while I’m outside I get tanned cause I always get the T-shirt marks on my arms.

Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)
While at the beach.

What spf do you use ?

Depends on the day, usually like 15/20 but if I notice the sun’s burning I put on a higher one.

Is your life stressful ? A bit :wacko:
Do you get enough sleep ? Yes, I always got like nine h but I get 8 now.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? I think so.

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Yes

Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?
They guess right.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 30-90 mins

Weaknesses ? Very hot showers, pick at blemishes

Strenghts ? Even skin tone, and thankfully i don't get many blemishes ( to pick at:p )

Any personal beauty secrets ? Wash your face everynight... no matter what!

Water ? 1-2 liters a day

Alcohol ? I have a drink almost everyday with lunch or dinner but only get drunk a few times a month

Cigarettes? Not since early January:D

Vitamin Supplements? C, zinc, fish oil pills

Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? carnivor

Weaknesses ? ice cream and skipping meals

Strenghts ? I am good at not overeating, knowing when I am full and knowing when I am truly hunger or just bored.

Yes/No ? No, I am a lazy cow but trying to change that

If yes what and how often?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?No

Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No

Have massages (if yes how often)? Only by my mate a few times a week

Get your nails done (if yes how often)? toes in the warm weather

How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) about every 6-8 weeks

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Hmmm...
Pollution? No
Harsh winds ? Yes, my hair
Dry / Humid ? Yes
Sun ? Yes

Yes / No ? Never, I am a pale redhead

if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? Very little. A few mins. a day

Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? and everyday

What spf do you use ? at least 20, usually 35

Is your life stressful ? Yes

Do you get enough sleep ? No

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes, they are all very beautiful esp. my mum!


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Yes, usually. Unless I am PMSing

Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? I am 21, people usually say 18
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : about 5 mins morning and night
Weaknesses: It's on the dry side, which wrinkles more easily
Strenghts: No breakouts
Any personal beauty secrets: Just the basics
Water ? Yes, quite a bit
Alcohol ? Too often, about 4 times a week
Cigarettes? Yes:ninja:
Vitamin Supplements? Multi, extra c and calcium
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Everything in moderation
Weaknesses ? Too much alcohol and sweets
Strenghts ? Eat fairly well, lots of fiber

Yes/No ? Yes
If yes what and how often? Cardio and weights, I aim for 4-5 times a week but it's more like 2-3 times a week the past few months

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Yes, 4 times a year
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?couple times a year, not including facials
Have massages (if yes how often)? few times a year, I wish more
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? every three weeks
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Cut and highlights every 7-8 weeks

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : I like the humidity in the summer, my skin is too dry
Pollution? Above average
Harsh winds ? Not really
Dry / Humid ? Humid
Sun ? Lots of sun here

Yes / No ? Not in years, too aging
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? I like to sit on my patio in the afternoons with a magazine and a glass of wine
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Not really
If yes
With what frequency ?
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful ? Sometimes, not too bad, but I'm a type A person
Do you get enough sleep ? Yes
Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? I think so, I'm 35 and people always think I'm in my 20s. I feel like my figure has maintained but it's harder the older you get.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Much younger
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis: 10-15 minutes, not including weekly mask which would take an extra 30 minutes I guess.
Weaknesses: Dreaded hormonal breakouts
Strenghts: No discernible wrinkles yet
Any personal beauty secrets: Laugh and love and you'll glow.

Water ? 1.5-2L per day
Alcohol ? Moderately
Cigarettes? No
Vitamin Supplements? Flaxseed oil caps.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Carnivore.
Weaknesses? Caffeine, salt, fat, sugar.
Strengths? Varied diet.

Yes/No ? Yes
If yes what and how often? Running every other day, and swimming/resistance training in between.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Too broke!
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? See above.
Have massages (if yes how often)? And again.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? And again!
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc): Every 8-12 weeks I get a cut, 1/2 head foils, and a semi.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No: My skin dries up a bit in winter.
Pollution? Comparatively little.
Harsh winds ? Sometimes
Dry / Humid ? Both
Sun ? Yes, a lot of it.

Yes / No ? Yep, I'm going to hell.
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? No.
Natural sun (if yes how much)? Sit out in the backyard or at the beach with a book or a couple of friends in the summertime.
[/I]Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) When sunbaking.
With what frequency ? once every hour or so, more on my face
What spf do you use ? 6 on my body, 30+ on my face.

Is your life stressful ? Yes
Do you get enough sleep ? Only rarely.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Very much so. Dad gets mistaken for my older brother.

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Not especially!
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? A lot younger. It used to annoy me, but now I like it. :blush:
Taking Care of Yourself

What do you do in general just to take care of yourself? What products, vitamins, foods, or anything else that you consider essential in your life?

Me, I take Airborne and lots of Vitamin C supplements to keep from getting sick, or before I go anywhere where I could get sick. I walk a lot instead of driving and I think that's why I'm pretty in shape. I eat lots of middle eastern food-hummus, rices, kebabs, fried veggies, and ever since I've been eating that way, I've felt a huge change in my body.

I tried to search for a thread like this, but didn't find anything similar, really, so sorry if I missed it.
Good idea for a thread!:flower:

To take care of myself I:

- Exercise at least 4 times a week for about 45mins each time
- I eat really healthily and consume around 1200 calories a day
- I take Vitamin C if I feel a cold coming on
- And I take Spirulina (spelling?) daily for energy
I like this thread :) I just started to really get back into my routine, since spring is coming & whatnot :)
I've been...
- exercising 3-4 times a week (usually for about 30-45 minutes)
- taking vitamin B for energy
- watching what I eat & trying to educate myself on making more healthy choices :)
^ It's been absolutely fantastic! I went from having no energy and always feeling really weak (It even got to the point where I fainted) to being full of energy even when I'm working lots! I would really recommend that you try it because it has been fantastic for me. On the bottle though it recommends that you take around 6 tablets a day which I don't think is necessary. I only take 1-2 each day and maybe two every day for a week or so if I know I have alot to do that week but you definately don't need to take as many as it says. Let me know how you go with it if you try it! :)

-try to take good care of my skin, by always cleaning it well,putting on lots of moisturizer and using as little make up as possible

-eat 'rightly', and see a nutritionist. I try not to starve, but eat healthily. I don't eat that much red meat or heavy dishes, mostly vegetables, chicken, fish, rice or whole wheat pasta. And of course, fruits and berries. Yoghurt isn't banned either.

-try to walk as much as I can. I exercise about 4 times a week for an hour or so.

-drink at least 2 litres of water every day. I'm also a green tea addict.

-try not to stress or fuss about everything, especially my diet/exercise regime

I should start to sleep more.
-drink at least 2 litres of water every day. I'm also a green tea addict.

I'm a green tea addict too hehe! It just makes me feel so clean!

-1-2 dl red wine :D
-cup of jp green tea or ayurvedic tea
-sleep min 8 hours (at least try.. :blush: )
sYdneY__ said:
I'm a green tea addict too hehe! It just makes me feel so clean!

Nothing beats a BIG cup of sweet green tea. You feel energized and clean after you drink it.

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