How do You Take Care of Yourself - Staying Young and Healthy

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis :about 30 minutes
Weaknesses ? very dry, spots
Strenghts ? none :(
Any personal beauty secrets ? I love putting on olive oil over night and I'll try Aloe Vera

Water ? usually 2l/day, sometimes 3
Alcohol ? only when partying
Cigarettes? never
Vitamin Supplements? none
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ?vegetarian
Weaknesses ?chocolate, anything sweet
Strenghts ? I love fruits

Yes/No ? used to twice a week, but atm nothing
If yes what and how often? endurance training (1x/week), karate (1x/week)

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no
Have massages (if yes how often)?not on a regular basis
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?I do them myself
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)I've only been twice in my whole life at a coiffeur :ninja:

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : yes
Harsh winds ?no
Dry / Humid ?differs
Sun ?not too much

Yes / No ?yes, but I don't mind if don't
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?no
Natural sun (if yes how much)?I don't do it on purpose, so I'd say everytime I'm in the park
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)no

Is your life stressful ?when I have a lot of exams and work to do, yes
Do you get enough sleep ?no

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? my mom has less wrinkles in her whole face than I have now around my eyes :p

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ?um...I am fortunatley still young and quite healthy
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? older, most of them think I'm about 21-25 which is quite shocking
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : about 30 minutes
Weaknesses ? I hate using toners
Strenghts ? I take vitamins for skin regularly
Any personal beauty secrets ? less fatty foods and sugar, try keep a diet with lots of vegetables and fruits

Water ? I try to drink lots of water, no soda and fizzydrinks
Alcohol ? not too much, it depends
Cigarettes? I'm a smoker
Vitamin Supplements? complex vitamins, calcium
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? i do eat meat
Weaknesses ? I should cut on eating so much pastries
Strenghts ? I stopped eating junk food and try to eat healthy

Yes/No ? too bad, but no
If yes what and how often?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?I have, but not often enough
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? once in 10 days
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) colored and trimmed once a month

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : no
Pollution? not sure
Harsh winds ? no
Dry / Humid ?humid
Sun ? it's ok

Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? I used to go to tanning beds twice a week or even more often, but I stopped cause it's bad for my skin
Natural sun (if yes how much)? yes, during vacation
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes
If yes
With what frequency ? during vacation - reaaplying every hourand
What spf do you use ? from 8 to 4

Is your life stressful ? yes
Do you get enough sleep ? sometimes yes, sometimes not enough, usually I need 8-9 hours

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? I think yes


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? yes
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?[/QUOTE] definately younger
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : about an hour
Weaknesses ? deep scrubbing
Strengths ? I dont know, I'll be mixing face masks targeted for the same purposes to save time?
Any personal beauty secrets ? olive oil.

Water ? yes, i should drink more than what i drink nowadays.
Alcohol ? Yes, but less now than before.
Cigarettes? oy. about 10 a day
Vitamin Supplements? none for now.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? I've been doing white meat a lot lately.

Weaknesses ? anything these days.. diet kills me
Strengths ? I can do whole wheat and nonfat milk and it doesnt kill me.

Yes/No ? I walk everyday, and I run sometimes.
If yes what and how often? everyday...

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Yes, weekly.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No
Have massages (if yes how often)? I wish
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? I check them everyday for neatness, that's about it.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? I havent dyed my hair in a long time, im trying to live with what i got. but I cut it everytime i look in the mirror, cause i can cut hair :D

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes very much, miami is dirty, and humid, so I wash my face twice through the day and morning and night, that counts as four.
Pollution? So polluted.
Harsh winds ? Not really
Dry / Humid ? SO HUMID
Sun ? Its burning outside all the time in miami, i have to wear spf 70

Yes / No ? no
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?never
Natural sun (if yes how much)? I have to get natural sun everyday cause i walk everywhere
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? Everyday, reapply when im outside too long
What spf do you use ? 70 on my face, 45 on my body, its hard to find something higher.

Is your life stressful ? Very, I work with stressful people.
Do you get enough sleep ? I sleep more than what I should, but I like to be fresh.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? My mom looks fierce for her age.

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Yeah i mean, I dont want to see myself without NOT doing all of these things, imagine how i'd look? haha
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : like 30 minutes
Weaknesses: lips are dry
Strenghts: i have clear skin
Any personal beauty secrets: face packs/masks!

Water: all the time.. i drink sooo much..
Alcohol: only sometimes
Cigarettes: no
Vitamin Supplements: yes, vitamine B complexe & some other ones
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan: flexitarian... fish and soooometimes chicken only
Weaknesses: bakeries!
Strenghts i eat whatever and dont gain anything

Yes/No: yes
If yes what and how often: every day, walking, dance, bike, volleyball, lots of that stuff

Do you: yes
Have facials (if yes how often): yes, a few times a year
Go to Spa's (if yes how often): no
Have massages (if yes how often): yes i go to a physiotherapist person .. really lovely
Get your nails done (if yes how often): sometmies, like once or twice a year
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc): a few times a year

Does youkind of
Pollution: i dont like pollution but im in a city..
Harsh winds : in winter
Dry / Humid: humid mostly
Sun: in the summer

Yes / No: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? lots
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ? like SPF 30 or higher

Is your life stressful ? sometimes
Do you get enough sleep ? sometimes

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? yeahs


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ?
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?

well... i dont know im still young!
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Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 5 mins?
Weaknesses ? gets very dry in winter
Strengths ? low maintenance
Any personal beauty secrets ? no

Water ? yes
Alcohol ? occasionally
Cigarettes? no
Vitamin Supplements? sometimes i take omega 3
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? carnivore... haha

Weaknesses ? 7 eleven!
Strengths ? I eat my vegetables

Yes/No ? yeah, I walk alot and run sometimes
If yes what and how often? everyday for the most part

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? yeah, a couple times a year
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? around three times a year

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : yeah my face gets really dry when it's cold... which is most of the time here!
Pollution? no
Harsh winds ? sometimes
Dry / Humid ? mostly dry i think
Sun ? it's sunny, but not that hot

Yes / No ? no
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? in the summer and on vacation
What spf do you use ? I used 30 and 55

Is your life stressful ? it can get stressful
Do you get enough sleep ? not usually because i stay up for most of the night

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? some of them do, and some dont

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? sometimes... lol
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10 to 20 mins
Weaknesses ? spend more time, and getting rid of the redness
Strenghts ? I have good skin overall, just gets red(almost Roasachea)
Any personal beauty secrets ? good skin diet: vegetarian diet, omega 3 and antioxidents

Water ? Yes, even though I find it too bland, I drink for health reaons.
Alcohol ? Yes, but try not to drink too often.
Cigarettes? Non smoker.
Vitamin Supplements? Sometimes, when i feel my diet is lacking. Calcium, VitaminE, C and Bs
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Lacto/Ovo/Fish eating Vegetarian!
Weaknesses ? Eating too much or not enough, other times forgetting to eat and it makes me sick.
Strenghts ? I know what i like and have fun experimenting with different textures, smells and tastes.

Yes/No ? I enjoy to exercise, and try to often.
If yes what and how often? Lately, before I join the gym soon, walking, cardo, martial arts... up to a few times a week or some daily-depends on schedule.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Not professionally, but I work on them myself.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? Would like to.
Have massages (if yes how often)? Would like to.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Only by myself
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Very often with coloring...varies

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No :
Pollution? Off and on
Harsh winds ? Sometimes
Dry / Humid ? Too try, where I am now, but better than too humid I guess.
Sun ? I stay out of the sun(freckled redhead)

Yes / No ? NO!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)? daily
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes and no
If yes
With what frequency ? and Try to but often neglect it :(
What spf do you use ? highest possible at the time

Is your life stressful ? Stress comes and goes
Do you get enough sleep ? Depends because I have insomnia

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Good to fair, yes, with a small amount of ageing problems( dad still has natural hair color(auburn brown) at 57 yrs old).


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Yes to an extent, and wish to improve.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? It's a mix, but I usually think they see me as younger-do to being IDed and compliments.
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Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : a couple of minutes? to wash my faceWeaknesses ? its pretty good, normal. but i have some scars and when it goes haywire like right now, its uncharacteristically dry.
Strenghts ? normal, breakouts are rare, pretty even toned(especially important to me because im very fair skinned)
Any personal beauty secrets ? just let it be. the more you poke and put weirdo chemicals on your face, the more you irritate it. just let it run its course, itll be over before you know it

Water ?a bottle a day or sometimes less, hey it works for me
Alcohol ? never, i dont drink
Cigarettes? never, i dont smoke either but i had to put up with secondhand smoke when i was younger
Vitamin Supplements? none
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ?Carnivore
Weaknesses ?thai tea drink, pastas, french fries
Strenghts ?i love oranges and i try make healthy choices, eat good portions, but not deprive myself, balance

Yes/No ? no
If yes what and how often? ^ unless you count standing around for 4-5 hours straight at work..hey it burns calories!

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?no, ive never had one but really want
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no
Have massages (if yes how often)?no, i dont really want strangers touching me or at least it just sounds really unappealing at the moment
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?i love it but its been months since
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? sometimes im in the salon up to three times a month! trims : i could go months at a time with no trim. toned : only when i do highlights. colored : every 1 and a half to 2 months. highlights : only when i want them so its random. cuts : every 6 months or 1 year, i like long hair!

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : i guess so, im not sure what the question means specificallyPollution?i dont know
Harsh winds ?i guess, it messes up my hair, thats for sure
Dry / Humid ?its just uncomfortable
Sun ?im not in it enough for it to effect me

Yes / No ?no
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?never, cancer in a box
Natural sun (if yes how much)?just enough to get my vitamin d but i dont try to tan
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes)only when i know ill be outside a long time, there is no more at risk for vitamin d deficiency than anything else

Is your life stressful ?yes, i find it stressful at times
Do you get enough sleep ?yes, its very important to me. i cant function on only a little bit of sleep and it makes me depressed

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ?yes my mom is so beautiful, im very jealous!

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ?im young so i cant tell
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ?younger for some reason, but i think i look like every other person my age *shrugs shoulders*
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 5 mins before bed
Weaknesses ? not thinking about my skin type and not sticking to a regular routine
Strenghts ? I dont use any make-up on my skin (only ever mascara and lip stuff) and dont smoke so it's in good condition-ish
Any personal beauty secrets ? less is more

Water ? not enough, but a reasonable amount.
Alcohol ? I very rarely binge, normally a couple of glasses of wine a week
Cigarettes? no
Vitamin Supplements? no, I can never remember to take them regularly so gave up trying
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? carnivore
Weaknesses ? Too much junk food and emotional eating. Cake and iced/caramel coffee, and late night snacks
Strenghts ? I never skip meals and eat lots of fruit and veg. I dont think I miss any of the key food groups

Yes/No ? yes
If yes what and how often? pilates 2-3 times a week, trying to do more. Lots of walking, and the gym on occasion...I go through phases

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? no, my mum is a trained masseuse but I dont like them...I get ticklish!
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? wish I could, but cant afford it
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) rarely. I dont have a regular hairdresser and like my classic cut. Am starting to get trims more regularly though.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Since I've just moved to a hot climate it is starting to. I need to start using sunscreen daily. And I care more about my physique as it's on show more.
Pollution? there isnt really any here
Harsh winds ? nope
Dry / Humid ? just drinking lots of water
Sun ? need to use sunscreen but I look much better with some colour

Yes / No ? yes, sometimes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? no
Natural sun (if yes how much)? still getting used to it. Trying not to specifically go out to tan but rather get a natural tan from being out and about. Have been badly burnt before so am now scared.
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes, although if I'm not out for long I forget and get caught out
If yes
With what frequency ? and depends entirely on where when and how long
What spf do you use ? start on factor 30

Is your life stressful ? no
Do you get enough sleep ? yes, although I go to sleep too late and wake up too late, but it doesnt matter right now so I'm making the most of it.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? yes. We live long and have good skin, although need to be careful with weight as it goes on very easily.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? no, I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. I havent found solutions to my problems yet, but I think I am overly critical too
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? younger, but I think that's because I have quite a full face and a boyish body. Am trying to look more sophisticated naturally, without relying on clothes and make-up, using posture and good grooming and haircut
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : Mmmm... 20 minutes I'd say.
Weaknesses ? Tend to pick when I get a spot. :hide:
Strenghts ? Drink a lot of water and tea, which I think results in overall okay skin.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Sleep enough.

Water ? not enough, unfortunately
Alcohol ? occasionally.
Cigarettes? never.
Vitamin Supplements? none. I try to get all my vitamins from eating a healthy diet.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Carnivore, but I rarely eat red meat. Mostly just chicken and fish.
Weaknesses ? Carbs and Sugar.
Strenghts ? I eat a variety of foods on a daily basis, including fruits and veggies.

Yes/No ? yes
If yes what and how often? I try to go for a 5k run 3 or 4 times per week.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? rarely.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? yes, once or twice a year.
Have massages (if yes how often)? yes, once a month.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? no. I prefer to do them myself.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) not frequently enough, but generally every couple of months.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : yes.
Pollution? no
Harsh winds ? yes, I have to use moisturizer in the winter or I would turn into a reptile!
Dry / Humid ? It's very rainy here.
Sun ? Not as much as I'd like!
*Other: We also have hard water, which I have to take into account.

Yes / No ? yes :hide:
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? Once in awhile
Natural sun (if yes how much)? not in the winter here!
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) When I go to the beach/pool, yes. Daily, no.
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ?

Is your life stressful ? Yes.
Do you get enough sleep ? I try, but usually no.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Some do, some really don't.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Eh, I could feel better.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? I think I look about my age.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis: 5-10 minutes
Weaknesses? picking at my skin
Strengths? i hardly use any make-up, and stay away from anything loaded with chemics
Any personal beauty secrets? mesitran gel

Water? i do my best!
Alcohol? on the weekends
Cigarettes? rarely
Vitamin Supplements? loads :lol:
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan? pescetarianist (i do eat fish and other seafood for health benefits)
Weaknesses? my diet could use more variation
Strengths? very little fizzy drinks

Yes / No? yes
If yes what and how often? dancing (2 hrs a week), stretching, toning abs (daily)

Do you:
Have facials (if yes how often)? no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) i cut my own hair every so many weeks :ninja:

Does your environment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes / No: yes
Pollution? not really
Harsh winds? no
Dry / Humid? no
Sun? on occasion

Yes / No? never

Is your life stressful? no
Do you get enough sleep? 6-8 hrs a night

Do members of your family age gracefully or not? my mom's side yes but my dad's....

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy? i guess so
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age? they're never way off, give or take 2 years
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10 minutes daily
Weaknesses ? Getting regular facials
Strenghts ? Washing, using toner, removing eye makeup
Any personal beauty secrets ? Steaming face before washing and after applying products

Water ? Not enough sometimes
Alcohol ? 1-2 glasses of WINE ONLY per week
Cigarettes? Never
Vitamin Supplements? Yes: B12 mostly
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? RAW Foodist (vegan) Just like vegan, but no cooked food, breads and other processed grains, no sugar, pasterized or heated foods, NO soy products and anything else processed.
Weaknesses ? Need to drink more water; more juicing
Strenghts ? My diet in general

Yes/No ? Yes
If yes what and how often? Daily, cardio, weights.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? About once a year; not often enough
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No
Have massages (if yes how often)? No
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Pedicure once every 4 months
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Never

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes
Harsh winds ? Sometimes
Dry / Humid ? Dry
Sun ? Sometimes, but rarely any extreme weather

Yes / No ? NO
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Sometimes
If yes
With what frequency ? and
What spf do you use ? 30

Is your life stressful ? Yes
Do you get enough sleep ? I'm getting better at that

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes!


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? I think so. My diet is the biggest factor in my overall health, looks, weight, etc,
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Younger most of the time.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10 mins
Weaknesses ? Dry skin, very sensitive skin, Keratosis Pilaris.
Strengths ? Very few pimples or other blemishes
Any personal beauty secrets ? Look after yourself holistically.

Water ? I drink heaps of it.
Alcohol ? Very rarely.
Cigarettes? Not for years.
Vitamin Supplements? None.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian with a dairy intolerance and allergy
Weaknesses ? None.
Strenghts ? Very healthy eater.

Yes/No ? Yes.
If yes what and how often? 3-5 dance classes a week, plus flexibility and core strengthening.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? No.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No.
Have massages (if yes how often)? No.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Done this twice in my life.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? Every 4 or 5 months. I should do it more often.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes.
Pollution? Yes.
Harsh winds ? Yes.
Dry / Humid ? Yes.
Sun ? Yes.

Yes / No ? No.
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
Natural sun (if yes how much)?
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes.
If yes
With what frequency ? When I'm going to be in the sun.
What spf do you use ? SPF 45+

Is your life stressful ? Yes.
Do you get enough sleep ? No.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes thankfully.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? No.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? People usually guess me as early to mid 20s. I'm 25. So, they're mostly accurate.
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Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis :um i'd guess about an hour max
Weaknesses ? I pick :'(
Strengths? very good at routine, just working out what my skin likes and think I have finally figured it out :) my skin is oily so theoretically I should age better
Any personal beauty secrets ? Cold water rinse of face after washing product of.

Water ? 2+ litres every single day
Alcohol ? a bit, normally red wine which is meant to be ok anyway :)
Cigarettes? never ever ever ever!
Vitamin Supplements? Zinc
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian
Weaknesses ? trying to cut out sugar and dairy atm
Strengths? drinking loads of water and herbal teas

Yes/No ? not enough
If yes what and how often? running/swimming/dancing

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)?no
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)?no I wish (might ask for my birthday :P)
Have massages (if yes how often)? no
Get your nails done (if yes how often)?no
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) hardly ever, I cut it myself mainly, it's all one lenght and v long so its not hard :P

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : yes
Pollution? yes, LONDON :(
Harsh winds ? not really
Dry / Humid ? nah
Sun ? yes

Yes / No ? yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?nope
Natural sun (if yes how much)?yes, only in the summer, quite a bit, I like some colour.
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) yes,not in winter though
If yes
With what frequency ? and only in summer
What spf do you use ? bout 25

Is your life stressful ? sometimes
Do you get enough sleep ? not really :S

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? some of them


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? notreally
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? they generally guess about right
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : I never count, but a couple minutes?
Weaknesses ? Trying to pop spots, but I mostly am good at leaving them alone, especially when it's not poppable.
Strengths ? Cleaning without over cleaning, using sunblock.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Nope. Just tips I pick up from other people.

Water ? Yes, but even I sometimes don't drink enough.
Alcohol ? I rarely have any. There normally isn't any in the house.
Cigarettes? Never. :sick: I hate them. It's smells so gross when someone smokes near me.
Vitamin Supplements? Yes: Multi and flax seed supplements. Thinking of taking evening primrose again.
Carnivore / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Vegetarian.
Weaknesses ? Even though I drink a lot of water and have fruits and vegetables in my diet, I could sometimes have a little more of all of them. And sometimes I have something thats kind of a junk food just because I want some, but then I regret wasting the calories because it's not even all that great.
Strengths ? My overall everyday diet.

Yes/No ? Yes
If yes what and how often? Recently kettlebells and walking mostly various days during the week. I'm hoping we get an elliptical machine in this house soon.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Not really.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No, I wish.
Have massages (if yes how often)? No
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? Only me doing my own at home.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Often enough, usually only hair cuts and trims.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes
Pollution? Don't know.
Harsh winds ? Not really.
Dry / Humid ? Yes.
Sun ? Yes.

Yes / No ? Never
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? Never.
Natural sun (if yes how much)? A couple mins for vitamin D maybe, but not tanning. People don't need to tan for vit. D.
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? When I go outside.
What spf do you use ? Preferably higher than 30. I don't care if some people claim it doesn't make a difference. It does but not in the way people think, and I rather use higher. Plus it doesn't cost any more so why not?

Is your life stressful ? Sometimes. I try not to let myself stress too much since it's usually a waste of time.
Do you get enough sleep ? Yes. I have to if I want to function well.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Yes. My family has good aging genes anyway and I don't think my fam. really has extra money lying around they can be using for plastic surgery.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? Well, I'm pretty young anyway and I pretty much never get sick.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Younger.
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Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : 10 minutes
Weaknesses ? Picking at clogged pores!
Strengths ? Being religious with washing my face.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Drinking lots of water, wearing sunscreen.

Water ? Yes!
Alcohol ? Yes, but not that often.
Cigarettes? No.
Vitamin Supplements? Iron.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Carnivore, but I don't drink milk.
Weaknesses ? Lots of junk food.
Strengths ? I don't eat a lot of fast food, if any.

Yes/No ? No.
If yes what and how often?

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? No but I want to start.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? Would like to.
Have massages (if yes how often)? Would like to.
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? No.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Never colored, but am changing my hair soon!

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : No.
Pollution? Not much.
Harsh winds ? Rarely, in winter.
Dry / Humid ? Very dry heat.
Sun ? I live in Arizona!

Yes / No ? I like to lay out, yes!
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? No.
Natural sun (if yes how much)? Usually every day.
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) Yes
If yes
With what frequency ? Every day.
What spf do you use ? SPF 30.

Is your life stressful ? Not at the moment.
Do you get enough sleep ? NO, I have sleeping problems.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? Mom's side YES, dad's side not so much.


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? To an extent. I could improve.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? I'm 16, and people either assume I am my age or a bit older.

Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : About 2-3 minutes. 5 at the most.
Weaknesses ? I tend to cleanse my face too often. I've got oily/combination skin with an ultra-oily T zone, and I hate the feel of oil on my skin. I've read it's counter-intuitive for people with oily-skin to over cleanse.
Strenghts ? Can't think of any.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Nothing I can think of.


Water : 4-5 litres every day.
Alcohol : I don't drink, other than the odd wine with dinner.
Cigarettes: Don't smoke, either.
Vitamin Supplements: Omega 3-6-9, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, B12, C, Silica.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan : Vegetarian.
Weaknesses :I binge eat every now and again.
Strenghts : I don't eat meat, so that's got to be a good thing, right?


Yes/No : Yes
If yes what and how often: About 2-3 hours 5-6 days a week.


Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often): No.
Go to Spa's (if yes how often): No. I do steam at my gym, though.
Have massages (if yes how often): No.
Get your nails done (if yes how often): No.
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc): I've never coloured my hair. I do get it trimmed once in every 6 months. Can't stand having hair longer than my shoulder.


Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yeah, the City pollution leaves my skin dull and harsh.
Pollution: Yep.
Harsh winds : Not really.
Dry / Humid : Not really.
Sun : Yes.


Yes / No : I have olive skin, so I don't really need to tan.
If yes:
Tanning beds (if yes how often): N/A
Natural sun (if yes how much): N/A
Do you use sunblock (No / Yes): Yes.
If yes : Shiseido
With what frequency : Once a day in the morning before I leave to work.
What spf do you use : 55


Is your life stressful : Yes, very.
Do you get enough sleep : Nope. I sleep about 3-4 hours every day, and that's nowhere near as sufficient.


Do members of your family age gracefully or not : Yeah, I suppose. At least there isn't anyone who's added outright badly


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy : Well, I'm only 23 and am healthy. I'll let you know whether my routine worked or not in 10 years time.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age : Well, people think I'm in my early or mid twenties, which is my age.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : say, 10 minutes? an oil-cleanse and moisturise. 20 minutes if am using my Dermalogica Cream exfoliant
Weaknesses ? i occasionally get dry patches between my brows, on my nose and chin. the occasional break out and little lumps but that seems to be a result of using makeup that reacts badly on my sensitive skin. VERY black around my eyes
Strenghts ? very soft, smooth skin (bar the occasional dry patch in winter). rarely get breakouts.
Any personal beauty secrets ? i just don't over cleanse. it makes me breakout more. and i stick to routines i like. my skin reacts badly to many products, so why risk it?

Water ? not as much as i used to but still more than a bottle a day (2 bottles on busy days at work etc)
Alcohol ? i never used to drink, now i would say one glass of wine now and then with dinner (say once a month), but i don't go out 'drinking' more than once every 4-5 months
Cigarettes? never, ever. never tried, never intend to. no smokers in my immediate family or circle of friends
Vitamin Supplements? none
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? none. rarely eat red meat (not for any reason, just don't fancy it much). eat a bit of dairy.
Weaknesses ? i have acquired an addiction to Red Bull. i average about a slab per week but at my worst i drank 7-8 cans a day. i have cut back to anywhere between 1-4. it makes me sad because i NEVER drank soft drink (i still don't) until i drank red bull after high school. i don't dislike soft drink for health reasons, i just can't handle the bubbles. i can't swallow them. but red bull is not very fizzy at all so its easy to drink. i often (read: most times) supplement red bull for meals which is terrible and so unhealthy
Strenghts? bar the red bull habit i have never had more than a mouthful of soft drink in my life. i don't really drink alcohol and don't smoke so i allow that one vice. i love fruit and don't eat much junk food

Yes/No ?
i danced for 16 years, hrs upon hr every week. now the most exercise i get is work (which is very labour intensive and a lot of walking and i have actually developed more muscle strength from it so i guess its better than nothing)
If yes what and how often? i will occasionally do some sit ups, crunches, lunges at home (i have always hated cardio) while watching tv but it hardly counts as it is so infrequent

Do you :

Have facials (if yes how often)? no. i had one about 2 years ago on a holiday which felt pointless. i want to find somewhere good though and have them now and then, to help with blackheads etc (though i think i think mine are worse than they are)
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? no
Have massages (if yes how often)? i hate airy fairy relaxation massages. i get occasional (not as many as i should!) massages from a physio as i get severe knots in my back and there are sections of my back that are like a brick
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? never
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc)? i haven't coloured my hair since high school (late '07). i get it cut about once every 8-9 months. i have very long hair, so i will chop about 4-5 inches off (to about my bust) each time to make up for my lack of hair cuts. its never unhealthy, and i don't get any split ends, its purely to make up for my laziness, because if i didn't cut that much off each time it would be down past my bum. i really should go more often so i can keep it the length i want all the time by just cutting an inch.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : for my face climate is definitely a factor as my skin is much drier in winter. but other than that i don't really compensate for the environment and pollutants
Harsh winds ? it only affects my hair which i rarely style anyway
Dry / Humid ? this is often a factor in australian summers. i love summer but once it is over say 35 degrees (Celsius) i really struggle and get faint and/or vomit even if i am perfectly hydrated. it seems to have been something that developed in my late teens. and i don't really know why, as temperatures that high aren't exactly rare in australia??
Sun ? above ^. plus: i haven't seen really HOT sun in a long time as last summer (december-feb) i was in the US. i don't burn much, i tan VERY dark (strange because i am SO pale atm as i haven't had a summer in 18 months) which i just as bad as burning i guess!

Yes / No ?
yes (though not in a long time as i have missed summer)
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?
used to be an addict unfortunately. from the age of 16-20. i haven't been since nov '09 though (i didn't need to for a few months after that as it was summer and i tanned outdoors, and since then i have only had winters because of travel)
Natural sun (if yes how much)? not in a long time but i do tan a lot in summer
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) no... so much shame.

Is your life stressful ?
in certain periods of time during the year
Do you get enough sleep ? i have 1 night a week in which i get the recommended hrs. but with work (getting home after midnight and my body still being awake til 2am) and study (then having 8am class) i don't get enough sleep to be doing 16 hr days.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? yes, my mum is mid-50s and everyone is shocked when i tell them that. both her and her sister (60) look mid-40s and early 50's respectively.

Does your routines make you feel young and healthy?
i am only 22 but i think physically i LOOK healthy. my skin and hair are in great condition and my body is lean with muscle. but the dark circles around my eyes (which are worse some days than others and sometimes i just can't be bothered concealing them) constantly make people ask if i am sick, but they are genetic i think! i constantly lack energy, which i know is a result of my preference for red bull over food, but i am still always on the go. i think it will catch up with me soon unfortunately.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? when in my work uniform everyone thinks i am about 18. i think its because the uniform makes me look like a boy and hides the fact that i have breasts and hips. plus i rarely wear makeup to work and just wear my hair in a ponytail. when i come into work dressed casual i always get comments about how i look 'grown up'. out of work everyone thinks i look about my age. when i was in mid-teens though everyone thought i was late teens because because of both my looks and maturity (read: i mean ACTUAL maturity, not that i was engaging in adult activities haha)
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis : Less than 5 minutes :unsure:
Weaknesses ? I don't always wash away my make-up at night...
Strenghts ? My skin is very low maintenance.
Any personal beauty secrets ? Water and SPF!

Water ? I always have a glass of water in my hand!
Alcohol ? My skin would probably prefer if I drank less
Cigarettes? Only with alcohol, looking to give that up..
Vitamin Supplements? Never.
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan ? Carnivor, but rarely red meat.
Weaknesses ? Late night cravings for disgusting processed "food"
Strenghts ? My water drinking and vegetable eating.

Yes/No ? In phases, hehe..
If yes what and how often? In phases I do it every day; it's either all or nothing.

Do you :
Have facials (if yes how often)? Not anymore
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No
Have massages (if yes how often)? This summer once a week ^_^
Get your nails done (if yes how often)? No
How often do you get your hair looked after (trims, toned, coloured, highlights, cuts etc) Once every three months probably :ninja:

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? Yes/No : Yes!
Pollution? I have to scrub my skin a lot more often and it becomes more sensitive.
Harsh winds ? Not so much.
Dry / Humid ? Oh yes! In northern europe I moisturize 24/7, in the middle east I don't need to at all.
Sun ? I always wear SPF, always.

Yes / No ? Yes
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)? No
Natural sun (if yes how much)? 3-4 times a week during summer season
Do you use sunblock ?(No / Yes) YES
If yes
With what frequency ? 50 on the face and 30 for the body in the beginning, then I gradually go down to 20-15.
What spf do you use ? Any!

Is your life stressful ? Not so much right now :)
Do you get enough sleep ? Too much sleep...

Do members of your family age gracefully or not ? My parents are very young, but so far so good!


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy ? My lack of routine does make me feel young in the sense that I know I can't keep this up for long.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age ? Both, depends more on what I wear than my beauty routine I think.
Time you spend on your skin on a daily basis: 10 to 20 mins
Weaknesses? I don't exfoliate as often as I should.
Strenghts? I don't know. Maybe soft skin.
Any personal beauty secrets? Vegetarian diet low in milk products and sugar + lots of water and tea.

Water? Water and tea :heart:
Alcohol? Rarely (few times a year)
Cigarettes? Non smoker
Vitamin Supplements? Green tea extract capsules, Das Gesunde Plus capsules (quartz, zink, silicium), Das Gesunde Plus A-Z Depot (can't wait to finish them and buy Supradyn Q10)
Carnivor / Vegetarian / Vegan? Vegetarian
Weaknesses? Eating too much or not enough
Strenghts? I can stick to a diet regime for quite a while.

Yes/No? Yes but not that often.
If yes what and how often? I love jogging, pilates and DVD workouts (Jillian Michaels, P90X). Lately I've been into yoga.:heart: I do it when I feel like it.

Do you:
Have facials (if yes how often)? Not professionally
Go to Spa's (if yes how often)? No, but would like to.
Have massages (if yes how often)? No, but would like to.
Get your nails done (if yes how often? I don't like nailpolishes and stuff.
How often do you get your hair looked after? Few times a year.

Does your enviroment / climate factor in when you take care of your looks and health? No
Pollution? Don't think so
Harsh winds? Yes
Dry / Humid? Yes.
Sun? Yes, that's why I try to stay out of the sun.

Yes / No ? No
if yes
Tanning beds (if yes how often)?

Natural sun (if yes how much)? I don't like to tan (not in tanning beds and not on the beach)
Do you use sunblock? Yes
If yes
With what frequency? It depends on whether I use it on my face or on my body.
What spf do you use? As high as possible (also depends on season)

Is your life stressful? It comes and goes.
Do you get enough sleep? I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep/night.

Do members of your family age gracefully or not? I don't know actually. I think they do (especially my mom).


Does your routines make you feel young and healthy? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I could do a lot better.
Do people guess you to be younger or older than your actual age? Younger (few weeks ago our neighbour asked my mom if I was already in high school and I'm 21, 22 in two months).

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