Tom Cruise Gets Squirted

Get real!

SO WHAT if some thinks he is weird!
There are some boundaries that should not be crossed. Humiliation is not nice nor is it funny. Especially when the other person does not know that they are the *** of the joke.

Honestly, if some random guy squirts you in the face with some sort of liquid, you would laugh? HA HA- HE HE?
I think it was rude and actually childish.

How dare he!
If anything, I think Tom handled the situation calmly and like a gentleman.

If he did not press charges and teach this guy some sort of lesson who is to say he wouldn't do it again?

The whole deal must have been embarrising for Tom.:(
I agree with scblonndie. What that guy did was really rude but the assault charges are a bit too much..... can get arrested for that?
if so, then i was quite a delinquent when i was little...
i think Tom was not overreacting. That wasn't some funny joke, that was just rude and disrespectful. He handled it very well.
Being a celebrity doesn't give people the right to just quirt water in their faces now. Tom is known to be extremely gracious to his fans, regardless of his recent behavior, this whole water thing was just ******** and his reaction was definately understandable.
if it was Russell Crowe or Colin Farrel or Sean Penn, that guy would have been beaten up, Tom definately took the higher route.
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Why does everyone keep comparing Tom to Russell Crowe and others? Russell Crowe is not MOST people anyway. MOST people would've called the guy an effing a**hole, moved on and ignored the guy. So just b/c Russell would've beaten him up means that b/c Tom didn't he's the most wonderful guy ever? Yes it was rude of the guy, but....blah.
DreamsAreMade said:
Why does everyone keep comparing Tom to Russell Crowe and others? Russell Crowe is not MOST people anyway. MOST people would've called the guy an effing a**hole, moved on and ignored the guy. So just b/c Russell would've beaten him up means that b/c Tom didn't he's the most wonderful guy ever? Yes it was rude of the guy, but....blah.

People keep comparing them because Russell Crowe, like Tom Cruise, are two of the few top Male actors in their age groups making over 20 million per picture in Hollywood right now. he is a famous actor, you have to compare him with his peers. No one is saying Tom Cruise is 'most people', most people don't star in summer blockbusters so your whole agrument about what most people would do is irrelavent.
*JJ* said: can get arrested for that?
if so, then i was quite a delinquent when i was little...

Yes, you can get arrested for that. What the reporter did was assault.

Hopefully as an young adult (?) you won't practice those sorts of things - you are likely to go to jail and have a stained record if you do. Be smart!:flower: :flower:
modelmama said:
Yes, you can get arrested for that. What the reporter did was assault.

Hopefully as an young adult (?) you won't practice those sorts of things - you are likely to go to jail and have a stained record if you do. Be smart!:flower: :flower:

I was lucky as a kid! I used to throw water balloons from our apartment balcony down to people walking on the sidewalk. :lol:
cocomonkey4 said:
People keep comparing them because Russell Crowe, like Tom Cruise, are two of the few top Male actors in their age groups making over 20 million per picture in Hollywood right now. he is a famous actor, you have to compare him with his peers. No one is saying Tom Cruise is 'most people', most people don't star in summer blockbusters so your whole agrument about what most people would do is irrelavent.
No, it is still relevant b/c Tom, like everyone else, is human. Just because he is a big movie star doesn't give him any more rights than're putting celebs on a pedestal.
He had every RIGHT to react the way he did--but that's not my point.
TourniquetMX said:
I was lucky as a kid! I used to throw water balloons from our apartment balcony down to people walking on the sidewalk. :lol:

I wasn't an angel either, but I was reasonable and was not into peer presure.
I would always (at least try to) think of how I would feel if (example) some brat tossed a water ballon at me while I was on my way somewhere. It wouldn't have been funny.
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^Well, most of them were in their business suits on their way to work. I suppose that does not make things better.
I should be arrested! :(
I really didn't find this funny at all. If someone did that to me, they would've gotten n earful. I thought Tom was quite collected, and handled it gracefully. I could tell from the look on the reporters face when Tom was asking for an explanation and calling him a jerk, that he really felt like an ***. He should too. And I don't think he should be allowed to do movie premieres anymore- very unprofesional behavior.
TourniquetMX said:
^Well, most of them were in their business suits on their way to work. I suppose that does not make things better.
I should be arrested! :(

You were very naughty!!
Wow there are alot of uptight in here.
Its WATER. It was a PRACTICAL JOKE. Jesus.

and FYI, when TOMMY LEE was punk'd - he was totally calm about it, and it was way worse than abit of water.

I agree that it was as tupid, not particularly funny joke - I think they should have full-on punk'd him :) and the dude was a dousche for walking away and not apologising, but you shouldn't treat abit of water as such a travesty.
A**l people.
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evexa said:
Wow there are alot of uptight in here.
Its WATER. It was a PRACTICAL JOKE. Jesus.

and FYI, when TOMMY LEE was punk'd - he was totally calm about it, and it was way worse than abit of water.

I agree that it was as tupid, not particularly funny joke - I think they should have full-on punk'd him :) and the dude was a dousche for walking away and not apologising, but you shouldn't treat abit of water as such a travesty.
A**l people.

WOW Evexa- be nice darling!!!!

First of,the reporter was not Ashton Kushur so he wasnt PUNK'D;)

Clearly in your case you would have handled it differently. The point of the encounter was to embarras and humiliate Tom- and not for shytes and giggles.

The anal people here are the reporters and those behind the shenanigan. Its not nice to do those things. PERIOD!
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It was rude etc, etc.. But Tom Cruise was really condescending to the guy
Come on, it was water! Was it immature? Yea kind of. But, Tom would have come off much better if he had just laughed it off.
maybe he didn't know it was just water?? I would probably freak out if some stranger just squirted liquid on my face! It was incredibly rude of the reporter to do that I think. It's not like a situation where friends are joking around or whatever. As weird as Tom is, he didn't deserve that.
morgan38 said:
Come on, it was water! Was it immature? Yea kind of. But, Tom would have come off much better if he had just laughed it off.

Yeah.... I guess.

Look, if it were a friend or family member ...then it could have been funny. I think he would of laughed to.
But it was a complete stranger AND while he was "working".

There is a difference.

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