Tom Cruise takes himself way too seriously.
In England, they do this sort of thing to celebs a lot. Usually B-list ones, but they always laugh it off.
This is just another example of how awful his publicist (who is also his sister) is. If I were her, I would have told the crew, "look, we didn't appreciate that, we won't press charges if you agree not to show it on TV," or, he could have just laughed it off, as he has been in this business for a hell of a long time and knows that ultimately if he doesn't, he will end up looking like the bad guy. But instead, he acts like a baby and she does nothing to stop it. When he was rep'd by Pat Kingsley, he was the golden boy who could do no wrong. His sister also has no formal training and she has no idea what she is doing. I feel sorry for Holmes because now she's dumped her manager and is being influenced by his sister, who sat in on all her interviews for Batman Begins-which is weird, considering the Batman movie has nothing to do with her.
It also looks especially bad when his "relationship" with Katie Holmes is really weird. I was reading Entertainment weekly and 60% of ppl said that his recent behaviour makes him look bad.
If this happened to anyone else, that TV crew would not have been arrested. So what, does Cruise think that there is a whole special section of the Law devoted to movie stars?