Get real!
SO WHAT if some thinks he is weird!
There are some boundaries that should not be crossed. Humiliation is not nice nor is it funny. Especially when the other person does not know that they are the *** of the joke.
Honestly, if some random guy squirts you in the face with some sort of liquid, you would laugh? HA HA- HE HE?
I think it was rude and actually childish.
How dare he!
If anything, I think Tom handled the situation calmly and like a gentleman.
If he did not press charges and teach this guy some sort of lesson who is to say he wouldn't do it again?
The whole deal must have been embarrising for Tom.
SO WHAT if some thinks he is weird!
There are some boundaries that should not be crossed. Humiliation is not nice nor is it funny. Especially when the other person does not know that they are the *** of the joke.
Honestly, if some random guy squirts you in the face with some sort of liquid, you would laugh? HA HA- HE HE?
I think it was rude and actually childish.
How dare he!
If anything, I think Tom handled the situation calmly and like a gentleman.
If he did not press charges and teach this guy some sort of lesson who is to say he wouldn't do it again?
The whole deal must have been embarrising for Tom.