Tom Cruise Gets Squirted

modelmama said:
Yeah.... I guess.

Look, if it were a friend or family member ...then it could have been funny. I think he would of laughed to.
But it was a complete stranger AND while he was "working".

There is a difference.
Meh you have to put it in perspective. Yea he was "working", but let's be honest...he was walking down a red carpet, not performing heart surgery. The environment that he was "working" in wasn't the most serious. When Tom Ford (I think it was him) got hit with a pie on the red carpet, he just laughed it off. Tom should just chill out a little.
Two differnt people= two different reaction.
There are some that would have socked the guy in between the eyes.

Yes,let's put it into perspective. What the guy did was wrong and uncalled for.

I think most of us may disagree because of where we are.
In NY if some stranger squirts liquid in your face, its not seen as a joke.

Behavior as such should not be condoned, and I agree with Tom 1000%
Curious said:
I'm confused. I didn't think they had a disagreement previous to the incident. I thought it was just a practical joke :huh: Have I missed something?

My statement was in reference to post #55-
Posted by Scott :"Yup. I mean,he has alot of gall to tell these guys they're rude when he's said some heavy things about her choices. Saying that it's all in her head and stuff. I really despise people like that,who use their religious convictions to criticize other's when they know nothing about what they're talking about in the first place".

Sorry for the terrible cut & paste job:blush:
It was rude etc, etc.. But Tom Cruise was really condescending to the guy

I agree, I felt sorry for the guy. Tom went a little overboard on the lecture. I would've just said, 'That's rude of you, please don't do that again.' and walked away.
modelmama said:
WOW Evexa- be nice darling!!!!

First of,the reporter was not Ashton Kushur so he wasnt PUNK'D;)

Clearly in your case you would have handled it differently. The point of the encounter was to embarras and humiliate Tom- and not for shytes and giggles.

The anal people here are the reporters and those behind the shenanigan. Its not nice to do those things. PERIOD!

I didn't say they punk'd him...I said they SHOULD HAVE punk'd him :)
Or at least do something to that degree.
I don't think arguings going to get me anywhere but all this about the principle behind it, pardon me but :blink: I'm not sure I see the huge deal of water in the face.. Yeah, it was definately rude, shouldn't have been done.. but it was, and if thats the worst thing to happen to tom cruise recently so be it. With all this couch jumping lately, he's lucky he doesn't have a sprained ankle or something..

I think if I were to examine "the principle" behind this is that we are lacking in down to earth folk these days. A condescending tone is probably my BIGGEST pet peeve..The way he lectured that reporter was really excessive.. can't wait to see this clip on best week ever :lol:
Agree with Pointup...... It's not cool to get squirted, but the man is OVERreacting. :rolleyes:
Tom Cruise strikes me as someone who has come to believe his own PR hype. Every film of his, especially the Last Samurai has "I deserve an Oscar" written all over it.

Can't the guy take a joke? Just because something came out in publicity that wasn't a planned part of his tight PR schedule. Pressing charges - grow up! And then start talking about how hard he works on everyone’s behalf, no need to make himself into a martyr as well. :lol:
I bet you if a celebrity was on the red carpet and had a water gun, and was shooting it into the crowd, he couldn't be charged with assault because he's a celebrity.

Remember the joke with the water pistol in the flower, and someone asks you to smell the flower.

Criminal charges over this is SERIOUSLY too much. Maybe it was dumb of the guy, but come on. Get over yourself Tom.
and you think Tom's reaction was overboard:

the same "news crew" did it to Sharon Osbourne -

Channel 4 confirmed that a crew from the same show had squirted Sharon Osbourne with water at a cinema screening last month.

Rock manager and X Factor judge Osbourne responded by getting a bucket of water and going after her assailant.
it was disrespectful for the crew to squirt water into an actor's face (whether it's Tom Cruise or any other person) during an interview. I do not think Tom Cruise overeacted, it's just disrespectful and immature for the crew to do something this childish while giving an interview.
^no, but just because they were immature, does not mean that Tom should act like a child. Seriously, a lawsuit?! It was just water.
If anything Tom was very mature in his action. This will teach them a lesson- since this is NOT the first time they have done this- but hopefully the last.
morgan38 said:
^no, but just because they were immature, does not mean that Tom should act like a child. Seriously, a lawsuit?! It was just water.

Just a note, but criminal charges are not the same as a lawsuit. Lawsuits have to be filed in court, and criminal charges are done at the police station. Charging someone with a felony or a misdemeanor is not the same as filing a lawsuit.

Actually, on that note, I don't remember anywhere where it said TOM filed criminal charges. I can see it more likely as the police charging them with breach of security or threat to the populace (as they would not have known that it was water and that it could've potentially been something else which could have been even more serious, especially considering at that a movie premiere, it's nearly guaranteed that there would be a large crowd)
As far as jokes go, squirting water in someone's
Hell-o, if you're going to put yourself in the position where you might piss off a couple of rich&famous people, at least make sure the joke is funny. Water squirting is so kindergarten-fart-jokes

If I were on the red carpet wearing a Gucci dress and a couple-hundred dollars worth of make-up, plus some expensive jewelry (and I bet Cruise was wearing the equivalent of that)....I'd be pissed as hell if someone squirted water in my face.
I mean, I go to all the trouble to get dressed up for this elegant night and then some wacko with a very immature sense of humor pulls some stupid prank on me (even if it was Ashton Kutcher, who has the mind of an 8 year-old). Not only would I be angry, but I'd be embarassed:( It's the red carpet, not an SNL party!

Pressing charges was kind of harsh, but I don't exactly feel bad for the reporter:innocent:

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