- Uggs- not only when worn in the summer... they just should not be worn at all. Not ever.
- Jack Wills- It's so untrendy that it can't really be considered as a trend. Everybody under 15 is wearing it and has ruined the brand. And now Americans have their hands on it, so it doesn't even have that British exclusivity any more. My 13-year-old sister epitomises everything I hate about brands like Jack Wills (oh, and Ugg). Actually, I just hate the British preppy look in general. I used to love it but now, oh gosh, I really loathe it.
- Wearing a lace top with nothing else underneath but a bra- Tons of people I know from school (not as friends, though, it should be noted) do this and they think it looks sexy. They just want an excuse to show off their cheap, slaggy underwear and lace tops (from Topshop, New Look etc etc) are the perfect oppurtunity. I HATE THIS LOOK.
- Bodycon skirts - Not all bodycon skirts, just the cheap ones which are, again, from the likes of Topshop and New Look. They are cheap and vile and the only people who wear them are those who are cheap and vile. They are often teamed with the infamously skanky lace top (see above point) to create the ultimate tacky outfit.
- "Geek" glasses - Which aren't really geek glasses at all because 99.9% of silly girls who wear them are not geeky at all. They are, in fact, quite the opposite; quite brainless and just wearing stupid glasses because all of their stupid friends are doing the same.
Rant over!