Trends You Are Sick Of...

well are Parkas a trendy fashion piece or necessary?

They are not considered a classic here, believe me. :D Young girls wear really thin parkas just as a fashion statement. Mostly with leggings, skinny jeans and Uggs or similar footwear. :rolleyes:
^I think uggs are a classic by now. Classics don't have to be good looking, I think.
Yes, they definitely are. I was talking about the basic uniform of approx. 75% girls from age 15-25. :wink: Those parkas I am talking about are worn in autumn and considering they are paper thin, they don't have any function in our climate other then being a fashion statement. I pressume girls are thinking they would look too bulky in a thick down jacket. The horror.
Outsizing. When the cut is so big it makes a model look heavy and makes anyone else look frumpy and obese.

I hate that people wear oversized clothing/jackets/sweaters in some dusty ugly homeless looking color that does nothing for ones body... I'm sure they wear it with some crop top and ugly distressed demin.

stage makeup
I'm so done with that dusty contour and sky high liner.
don't mind if dark lips stay a little bit though

This as well.... why do some women do this to themselves, and some men too... what happened to some pretty and simple make up to highlight certain areas, not change your face completely with contouring and using chalky cool base them slapping on some overtly shiny highlighter on your cheeks right above that obvious darker line where you tried to thin out your face like no other and eyeliner to the max with false lashes and overtly plumped lips... all just to go out and about for regular everyday chores... I can understand a bit extra here and there for a special event but that much on a daily basis.. dear lord, how do people find the time?

^ It's the same with parkas here where I live. Preferably lined with some nasty fake fur at the hood. :wacko:
And This! The parkas fall right under with the whole oversized trend. It's just sloppy.

They are all worn by the same kind of people, it's so irritating.
-Off the shoulder jackets (as seen on bella hadid and the likes), seriously!
-That unnatural and overly done "youtube" make up ... to name a few
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Totally agree about this trendy makeup, it's horrible. I think Kardashians are to blame and (v)bloggers made it even worse. :innocent:
-Off the shoulder jackets (as seen on bella hadid and the likes), seriously!
-That unnatural and overly done "youtube" make up ... to name a few

Totally agree about the chokers. They weren't that cute in the 90's and they aren't cute now ^_^
^Oh I thought chokers were very cool when I was 9. But I guess I agree they were never cute.
Completely agree about the over the top/drag make-up, would love if it could just disappear over night.

Also, it's usually paired with over the knee high-heeled boots, which I cannot stand seeing anymore.
They're everywhere and that's just during the day, I can imagine it being only worse by nighttime.
-Off the shoulder jackets (as seen on bella hadid and the likes), seriously!
-That unnatural and overly done "youtube" make up ... to name a few
all of this together.. plus boxer braids :lol:. I see it all the time. Comes with the mandatory lycra top too. In more extreme cases, with Yeezys (sounds like the stuff of nightmares but I am not kidding!).
Oh, and I forgot about those fluffy jackets/coats.
The courtesy of Eastern Europe for ya. :D
Over-knee boots usually say "streetwalker" to me regardless. Even though I've grown tired of leggings and tights, I almost wonder if [at least] leggings are overrated compared to over-knee boots. There are some over-knee boots I actually like, but the list is very limited. The knees are the limit with boots. Exceeding that limit doesn't exactly lead to a good pair of boots. I have yet to see over-knee boots I actually love.
I hate these lace up tops that have been in all the stores for the past 4 months. they're soo ugly.

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^Past 4 months? Those have been worn by everyone for at least a year. Consider yourself lucky...
^ yeah, past 4 months in the stores where I live, at least.

Another thing I'm starting to hate is floral print. We should just never make anything in floral print ever again.
I'm very fine with floral print. At least floral prints are more pleasant than (for example) skulls. And I don't care if I hurt anyone's feelings simply because I [still] dislike skulls in fashion.

I actually wanted to pop in here to make a note I forgot to make from my previous post. I mentioned before how I just am not fond of over-knee boots. If there are any I especially dislike, it's flat over-knee boots or low-heel over-knee boots. While over-knee boots just don't look right to me much, flat over-knee boots even more just don't look right. You're better off getting BELOW-knee flat/low-heel boots instead of flat/low-heel over-knee boots.
I used to dislike flower prints with passion, but it can look really pretty if done right. I don't think I own a single flower printed piece with it though ... But it is one of favourite patterns for lace fabrics.

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