True Blood

I like where they are going with this season, but I hope they don't go overboard with what seems to become a vampire holocaust.
This is such a mess of a show. For a 60 minute show I would expect the plot lines to be much better. I am one really bad episode away from giving up on it...
The last episode was not that bad, but nothing really happened either.
tonights show was full of excitement! A fairy/vampire and a homoerotic scene with Jason. My Jaw never left the floor.
The last episode is the reason why i am still giving it a chance, i just cant withe the previous ones this season, so cheesy, and dumb. I hope it picks up.
Last episode was surprising! I think this season is way better than the last, though i hope they would bring sookie and eric back!
I'm really loving this season so far. As heelscatchfire mentioned, there is some story lines i don't care and there is some reaaaaaly cheesy moments...
^ This episode has really changed somethings. Now the season is getting better.

OOh this new guy is suddenly waaay more interesting then he originally was. I had no idea there could be a hybrid creature. He is very powerful because he gets the best of both species!

Andy's daughters were cute...til this episode. Sucks for him.

It is interesting to see how the fairy blood differs from regular human. I hope Bill reaches his objective. Erik's decision is cool, it definitely changes the game. I wonder if its a future intimate relationship? Pam won't be happy when/if she finds out. Although I hope Sarah didn't end it. I wonder what Sarah's angle is? She seems to want something from the governor. She isn't in it for love. Looks like Bill's prediction may be coming true.

Jason's dream! It was the best part of the episode :lol:

Oh Sam, that was unexpected! I do miss Luna...

I don't really like where Alcide's storyline is going, he seems to be turning into a jerk.
I've been hearing talk that a major character will die and I hope it's soon, they always add in new characters every season but never kill any major ones.

About time the show picked up steam, the first 3 episodes were a bore, now it's much more interesting. I really hate the cliffhanger endings but that's what makes the show.
One of a very few tv shows that is still interesting to me now as it was back in season one.

Poor Sookie ...

And my oh my what will happen to Eric and Pam??

Jason is still doing stupid things ...

I wish they'd get rid of Nicole, she's weird, don't know why Sam trusts her and wants to help her?

CAN'T WAIT for the next episode ...
I am so team Andy in this season. Poor guy.
and was Lafayette wearing a zara coat? :lol: it looked like one i saw a while ago.

I hope the major charachter is not Eric or Pam!
Me too! But judging from that final Erik and Pam scene... :cry: in the preview they showed Erik. I can't believe it would end like that.

At least Andy was able to save one of his girls.

Lafayette's possession is funny... Dare I hope he succeeds....
Best episode of the season imo...
I love it when they do flashbacks :)
The music never disappoints, Go Peaches!!
^I know it was a pleasant surprise to hear a Peaches song at the end haha

Sookie is so boring to me this season, more than usual. The whole Warlow thing is very interesting though.

Next weeks ep. preview showed Eric but not Pam....I swear if Pam dies I'm done, she's one of my favs! && esp. since her and Eric haven't fully made up yet it would be tragic!
^when I first saw the episode´s title (f**k the pain away) I thought of Peaches, pleasant surprise indeed :)

I hope they don´t kill Pam! maybe they didn´t show her on the preview for effect... from the "big" characters I wouldnt mind if they kill Jessica off.
We find out the major character death this week! It's pretty sad! At least he/she died with peace of mind.

Bilith is getting so badass!
I love what is going on with the vampires and Jason. I wish Alcide wasn't so angry all the time!
Alcide is plain sucking this season. He drinks some vamp blood, becomes pack master and his douchiness comes out full blown. What is his problem telling Sam he couldn't go back to his own home when he barely came not too long ago? Does he forget he was actually banned from his home in Jackson?

That James guy was hot. Needs more screen time.
I agree about James, what a gentleman :)

I love Bill now more than ever, I love how he's not scared of anything or anyone, what he did to that guy was freaking awesome. He's my biggest hope for helping vampires, all those powers he has now really come in handy.

Alcid is being a jerk and I can't say I care too much for his storyline.

I felt bad for Jason, but I knew that Sarah would do something like that.

Can't wait for the next episode, until then I'm watching the previous ones again ...

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