Tucking shirts in only at the front

it's officially on cobra snake... another trend bites the dust...

from thecobrasnake.com
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here is an other photo:heart::heart:

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its from Paris Fashion Week
He has the Hermes belt on.

OMG!!! he's so hot!
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I'm kind of a fan of slightly tucking in my dress shirts when wearing them with jeans.
Well shirts that are long are supposed to be tucked in so I add a bit of rakishness and casual to it by not tucking it properly.
yeah i don't think it's just for boys, as i do it and i'm a girl
but i like the look it gives, i do it with all my polos and plaid collared shirts because it doesn't give you a snobbish, too-pulled together look, but it takes away that sloppy, unflattering feel from any outfit
oo i should def. tale apic...guys i have a funny story about this look ...I lLOVE this look and so when I went out last week, I had skinny jeans, booties, and a button blouse half tucked in in front. In the cafe/lounge I was taking a few shots and was already "good." Later on I went to the bathroom, came out and sat...and then I thought..omg, these people are gonna think Im a total mess, so drunk that I cant even tuck my shirt in properly after the bathroom...lol!
i dont think that this is a trend, it just something you do when you think the shirt is better tucked in or just left out. it's nice when it seems effortless, but when you go around town and see everyone is doing the exact same thing... hahaha i dont think its great.

one of my friends have been doing this "trend" since like forever, so it's just something you do because its like a habit or something?
I think its very grunge...and started because it adds to the rock n roll style I enjoy...not many people..actually no one I have seen in this particular area of where I live...esp. girls have their shirts this way....I really love the look!
I actually like this look, it's a good alternative to leaving your button up shirt totally open to show the belt.
I love this look as well. Especially with v-neck tee's. I think weather or not this look can be pulled off depends on the shirt and figure of the person doing it- that's not to say that only one type can do it but the looseness has to be just right.

The other day I saw someone with their shirt only slightly tucked in but in the back. I don't know if it was intentional but I thought it looked interesting. It was with a plain v-neck, the shirt stopped just a few inches below the hips.
I prefer doing this when wearing tunics with shorts. It prevents the tunic from looking like a failed attempt of a dress ^_^
This always reminds me of Emmanuelle Alt


Both from her thread and sourced on the photos.
i used to do it a lot in school and it is a trend, a good one
Is this a trend? Do people do it on purpose? I do this since times immemorial but just because in some shirts there seems to be no other way...

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