Yay for Twilight! xD
I read the first one because it was so popular online, and I could certainly see why.
It's an amazing book, although Bella annoys me to no end.
I'm on the werewolf side, Team Jacob, but I don't ship Bella/Jake in the slightest. I don't really ship Jake/Anyone but I think he'll probably end up with Leah. Although, he didn't imprint on her, right? It certainly wasn't mentioned, and I think something that important would be. Stephenie says it happens the first time you see that person, but how can that be literal with Embry ((it was him, right?)) and the girl from school? He must have
seen her before, even if he didn't really notice her much.. So by see, do you think she means something deeper?
OMG, what if she does make Jake date Leah and then have
him imprint on someone else.. Leah would probably go mad xD That would certainly be bad luck, if it happened twice to her, I mean.
What do you guys think of Eloise Mignon as Alice? I've only ever seen her act on Neighbours, she plays Didge, but she kind of reminds me of her. I think that the fact her character is a total tomboy takes away from it, as I can't imagine Alice wearing a shirt like the one below.. But yeah xD
Clip <--- Clip from Neighbours.
She's got the right hair, and she has bright, mischeivous ((sp?)) eyes.
Gah, I didn't want to post the video on here.. Because I don't know if that credit is enough, I don't know what episode it was or anything xD It won't let me post just a link though..