
sorry. :(
i can't edit it now...
sorry if i ruined it for anyone!

EDIT: i just now realized you've put a white spoiler, do tell!
you've read the script?
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Pages of comments like this is exactly why I avoid this thread most of the time.

Just because a bunch of you have some unfounded (by your own admission!) Nikki dislike, doesn't mean everyone else has, too. And it gets really tired, not to mention childish, to hear the same stuff repeated over and over and over, every time her name is mentioned somewhere.

Like TwiFans don't have a bad enough rep as it is!

I thought this thread was supposed to be for discussing the movies - and coming in here and seeing the constant bashing is just...ugh. Not everyone dislikes Nikki - I think she's great, for one. She's a very talented writer and actress, has won numerous awards for both, and she's very sweet and friendly - any fan who's met her, Twi or other, has commented on how genuinely nice she is.

So, can we please stop going off-topic and stop the incessant Nikki bashing? -.- It's getting really old.

I respect your point of view and sorry to go back to the subject but i dont think is off topic, she's an actress in New Moon and people who dont like her are just talking about it, no biggie. It would be off topic to go to her thread here and bash her just for kicks.I never even been to nikki's thread because i dont like her and i'm not gonna be a troll and go after places that are most likely meant for people who do like her and write hateful things. That is childish imo.
In this topic and this thread it is allowed so. its not a fan forum, its an open one, people will have different opinions on her for their own reasons, childish or not, I for one, think she only got the part on this franchise because of catherine. And no one is forcing anyone else to have to same point of view. :flower:
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I respect your point of view and sorry to go back to the subject but i dont think is off topic, she's an actress in New Moon and people who dont like her are just talking about it, no biggie. It would be off topic to go to her thread here and bash her just for kicks.I never even been to nikki's thread because i dont like her and i'm not gonna be a troll and go after places that are most likely meant for people who do like her and write hateful things. That is childish imo.
In this topic and this thread it is allowed so. its not a fan forum, its an open one, people will have different opinions on her for their own reasons, childish or not, I for one, think she only got the part on this franchise because of catherine. And no one is forcing anyone else to have to same point of view. :flower:

It would be no biggie if it was only once or twice. But it's not.

I agree completely with this being an open forum and everyone having their own opinions. I can't stand Robert Pattinson, and like you, I'd never ever go into his thread to bash him or anything. You won't find a single post by me bashing him, because I respect the fans that DO like him. Live and let live, is my motto. :flower:

However, this is a thread about the movies, and it just honestly is getting tiring to read the exact same Nikki bashing time after time. That's not why I subscribed to this thread. Plus, it seems the bashing against Nikki is unfair to be honest, and biased. The same untrue facts have been repeated here ad nauseam. I mean, Kellan also publicly said he's going to Italy, and his character is in none of the scenes there either - yet it's Nikki people are moaning about.

I'm not asking anyone to share my opinion - just to have some respect for other fans and not keep repeating the same things. We've heard it, we know, now let's move on and actually get back on topic, you know? Like I said, live and let live. The bashing is simply getting boring and annoying to those who DO like her. :)
^That's why i think people who actually like nikki should speak up a bit more sometimes in these kind of situations. I usually only see people being indiferrent or really against her. Never seen anyone speaking up for her or anything( this is actually the first time)

One of my reasons to not like her are just the way she presents herself on camera, and i i dont know her personally so i wont really have serious personal reasons for my disliking but what some people might see as genuine and adorable others(myself included) will see it as shady and annoying so its not like it'll ever be completely fair to nikki and those who like her all the reasons behind why people dislike her so much. Since we dont have "in you face, no denying now" proof, only the theories sorrounding her true reasons for doing things is what will always be in debate here.(if that makes any sense to you, cause it did in my head but idk if i managed to articulate well)

The Italy going thing, yeah, Kellan said he was going too but i think he's also a fame wh*re. He should just stand still and be relatively attractive and thats it. So i'm not going against nikki only in that subject. :D

And its not like someone went " HEY GUYS, I'M BORED, LETS MAKE A NIKKI BASHING DAY TODAY?", someone posted the article about her going to italy, and it went from there. But i can see where you're coming from, the bashing can be boring for people who like her sometimes, i can see that, but its gonna happen and there should be two sides for this story so, dont avoid this thread like you said you usually do. Keep coming and showing your point of view cause as i said its important to have two sides of a story. ;)

So lets move on then( like we were already before i brought the subject up again, sorry for that) and see where this thread will lead us again.
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^^^ Yeah changing the subject .. I found this picture and I just thought.. Oh Dear :shock:
Maybe the Twilight merchandise has been taken a little bit too far lol .. Maybe there will be Twilight tampons next :lol:

^ agreed.

And thank you - it's a pleasant change to actually have a mature and normal discussion with someone about this lol. Some Twifans can be so childish about stuff like this, so karma to you!
^thanks! you too.

and omg, twilight condom???
hahahahahaha that doesnt even make sense. Stefanie wont approve.
Long before rumors emerged that Kelly Clarkson may have a song on the "New Moon" soundtrack, fellow "American Idol" alum and "From Justin to Kelly" co-star Justin Guarini was launching a campaign to get his song "I Can't Live" on the album for "Twilight" sequel.

Believe it or not, Guarini insists that he's not just trying to bank on the success of the franchise. He says it's because he's a big "Twilight" fan. "I'm a fan of the books," Guarini told MTV News. "At the time I went in to write this song, the two other writers were talking about the books, and we got into a conversation about it. As we were writing it, we thought, there's a new movie coming out, and so why not give it a shot? And so, we sent it in."

Although Guarini's "New Moon" fate is still up in the air, he did say that the folks at the Chop Shop, the film's music supervisors, have told him they've given the song a listen and will let him know if he makes the cut as soon as the decision is made. Guarini said that's more than enough recognition for now. "I'm just happy they are considering it," said the TV Guide Channel host, who's currently working on his third full-length album. "It would be an honor to be on the soundtrack."

Guarini said that the response from Twilighters has been mixed, however. Some fans have been supportive, while others have been "dead set against it." "The reason why I posted the demo is because I really know that the 'Twilight' fans are really protective of the 'Twilight' brand," he said. "I really wanted to see what they had to say about the song, and I'm pleased and thankful that the response has been generally positive."
^ i should have just listened to the song before reading that aricle. i cant do it now, i'm afraid of dying of embarassement.
^^ Actually its not too bad .. if i listen to it enough times i'll end up warming up to the song. The lyrics go well with the whole movie and Edward leaving Bella stuff.
I'm not asking anyone to share my opinion - just to have some respect for other fans and not keep repeating the same things. We've heard it, we know, now let's move on and actually get back on topic, you know? Like I said, live and let live. The bashing is simply getting boring and annoying to those who DO like her. :)

I´m sure that everyone would agree with me that nobody in this thread means to be disrispectful to other fans, whatever we say about an actress/actor has nothing to do with the fans.
i like the books, and the first movie was great. i really hope the next one is going to be bigger (with that i hope that the special efects are better too... :lol: )
and my favourite actress is Rachelle (Victoria) and actor, i go with little jacob black.
Regarding the "Twilight condoms" ...

can the makers be anymore desperate to make money ?

its just kind of disturbing since half of the Twilight population is under the age of 15.
^at least if they´re going to have sex they´ll have an extra motivation to use a condom :lol:
Yeah but now kids are gonna want to have sex just so they can use their Twilight condoms, cuz they'll think its gonna make them f**k like Edward.
^lol how ironic is that..."****ing like edward" hahahaha that would first include being a virgin of over 100 years old that bites pillows when they finally have the guts to do it, if your gonna fu*k like edward you'll need to be married first hahahaha omg there just so many non sense in the fact that there is a twilight condom.....
^ go figure... edward and the other vampires sure as hell didnt seem to be fans of the good old rubber johnny to me :lol:
i'm really blow away by this :lol:
Crazy/Beautiful where did you find that? is it really real?
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