ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahhaahhahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahaa no.
I actually feel pain looking at this. Why are editors so stupid? Why is fashion so pretentious? Looking at this shlt, I miss the times when fashion was blissfully ignorant. I know, it's unacceptable to say, I don't care. I want fashion to be about fashion. All the great editors of the past are currently rolling in their graves at the sight of this ungodly pretentiousness. If you wanted to run a travel and culture magazine, you're in the wrong goddamn profession. Please, switch!
I can't believe how hateful I've become over stupid magazine covers these days, they're like a disturbingly offensive joke and the fact that people praise this 'awareness' makes it all even worse. I truly wasn't going to say anything hateful about this, but I couldn't help it. I'm disgusted and disappointed and I want to sue someone for putting me in this position month after month. Vogue Paris is the only real Vogue left.