UK Vogue August 2020 : British Landscapes by Fourteen Different Subjects

An openly gay singer raising a family with his husband isn't, and shouldn't be, the only type considered as a role model for the LGBTQ+ community in Britain.

Ricky Martin is a role model only for the latin "Masc4Masc" gays, and facts are facts.

And don't talk about the surrogate conflict, female explotation is always a choice no matter how money they receive. But that's another story.

And about the covers, no comments. One is enough, 14 is very Farnet... I mean, pretentious.
Ricky Martin is a role model only for the latin "Masc4Masc" gays, and facts are facts.

Well, there's that too, lol.
But actually, it's not even that. It's just that it's not every day that a magazine like Vogue chooses to feature gay icons, and so I think that when that does happen, it should be someone whose presence alone will actually make a massive impact and have greater meaning. Just yesterday Prince Harry publicly pledged his support for Gareth Thomas, for instance. But I imagine his story would be considered too gritty and unglamorous for Vogue despite it being crucial to the community at large (the heteronormative and identity struggles/peer and public pressure/practicing safe sex etc etc.)

Anyway, sorry for hijacking this thread, I won't speak a word further on this. LOL.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Dulla Peppa comes to prove me wrong.
McLellan's cover is beautiful but I'm not being ironic when I say it would look even better as the backdrop to the fall collections, it would be fun to gave a scarecrow be the model's prop.
Covers #7 & #8 of 14 by Jamie Hawkesworth & Marcus Piggott:

Thanks for finding all those covers Vogue28! Appreciate the effort :flower:
Most of the landscape shots or depictions that we've seen - so far - are of a managed environment - managed via agriculture, forestry or parks service. Places might not have been open to the public, but these people did not stop working during the pandemic, and most of these images do not represent nature resetting itself (and certainly not if they're taken in previous years), but of the unseen and unappreciated work of those who continue to shape our natural environment into the forms we recognise, and put food on our plate.

If Edward's message is that we should appreciate this work - just like last issue with the health service and postal workers - I could see the continuity in the message, but if it's just a long series of nice snaps reprinted on the front, with some vague handwaving in the editor's note towards the wonders of nature... if farmers sat back doing nothing, like all these celebrities with their games consoles, food supply would have been in a terrible state.

It's not really Vogue's remit - but if you're going to use the pictures, you might as well think through the message and capitalise on it, for continuity.

When my subscription turns up in two weeks time, I wonder which one I'll get. Will it be the Hackney Crack?
Sims and Knights are strong. I like them all as images to be honest. Whether I want them on the cover of Vogue is anther issue. I’ll hunt out Hockney’s and maybe Knight’s or McLellan’s.
David Sims' cover should have been the only cover. It's hauntingly beautiful! I might get that.

Juergen Teller's is an eyesore. The rest still does nothing for me.

Thank you @vogue28 for finding all of these!
Knight for the win, but he probably retouched that shot to hell and back.
I'd be happy with any of the covers posted so far EXCEPT Teller's, which look so hideous and depressing. Of course, staying true to form.
If I end up with the shot of the view from someone's kitchen window, I'm going to start my own Vogue cover challenge where I'll hold it up in front of 14 different locations in Northern Ireland that are all within a short drive and none of the images will be retouched.
If I end up with the shot of the view from someone's kitchen window, I'm going to start my own Vogue cover challenge where I'll hold it up in front of 14 different locations in Northern Ireland that are all within a short drive and none of the images will be retouched.

It'll certainly be better than Teller's or Tim's. I'm sure if they could have gotten away with it we'd be seeing a shot of suspiciously stained nettle in a local park, and I don't mean stained from rain or water.....
I have to say, I think these are quite beautiful.

I definitely would prefer a fashion magazine to stick to fashion, particularly after seeing what French Vogue were able to produce for the latest issue, and after already having a "lockdown special" from British Vogue last month. Having said that, I don't mind these at all. They feel special and I personally think they fit the theme of 'reset' quite well - there's something refreshing about them. I just hope Edward doesn't stray too far down this path and go all Farneti on us; I don't mind it for a couple of months during this strange time, but I do buy Vogue for the fashion photography at the end of the day.

I'm looking forward to seeing which cover I'll receive. No doubt it'll probably be one of my least favourites, it always turns out that way. David Sims' and Nick Knight's are both stunning, I think those are the stand-outs for me.
Not the most diverse group of photographers/artists so far?

Two more covers to go and so far we've had only one female photographer, who also happens to be the only black person in the lineup. And yet there will be 14 covers, with Mert getting one on his own and one with Marcus. Yikes, so tone deaf.

What happened to all the up-and-coming talent that was promoted in the January 2019 issue?
Cover #13 of 14 by Lubaina Himid:

Must say I'm relieved that Meisel isn't attached to this mess... Some of these landscapes are magnificent, yes, but let's face it - anyone with a good eye can shoot a lovely landscape. The covers aren't impressive and I still find them incredibly stupid!
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