UK Vogue September 2017 : Kate, Stella, Edie, Jean & Nora by Mario Testino

Franca had her 'farewell' issue. You could say it was due to her passing, but I don't recall Liz Tilberis ever getting hers. I've heard some nasty rumours about Kirtie Clements' departure, so I'm not shocked she never got hers. And had Carine not been sacked by those evil CN cohorts we'd certainly have seen the same for her, I'm sure. I think this fitting personally. When you've made a profound impact on a magazine I do think you at least deserve that (now whether said impact was good or bad is another story).

Valid point that a lot of the more noteworthy editors of the past twenty years have been fired, but to so blatantly sell the issue on the back of Alexandra's departure is a different approach that banks on the readers actually caring about the change of editors. These past 306 issues will now become the bygone, myth, even legend. The 'Shulman' era. I think we'll look back on it like people look back at the 'Mirabella' years at American Vogue, that is, 'beige', 'functional'. I know right now a lot of people are saying good riddance, but like everything that begins to bore us, once it's replaced we can't help but reminisce and find renewed appreciation.
Hm, I posted this cover as a thread last week but it got taken down. However, this is not a memorable cover and looks like Vogue Japan.
In a way I don't think so. I should say that on TFS we are way more clued up than the girl on the street. We'd be able to look at images and instantly point from which era/edition it stems from. But the magazine is not being created with us in mind. That said, starting with the Duchess Catherine cover to the documentary right through to Edward's appointment, I'd say that Alexandra may have been at her most famous yet.
I also think that the magazine landscape changed tremendously. Nowadays EIC's are no longer invisible. They're very much associated with the magazine. Why do they have so many SM followers then? Franca had her 'farewell' issue. You could say it was due to her passing, but I don't recall Liz Tilberis ever getting hers. I've heard some nasty rumours about Kirtie Clements' departure, so I'm not shocked she never got hers. And had Carine not been sacked by those evil CN cohorts we'd certainly have seen the same for her, I'm sure. I think this fitting personally. When you've made a profound impact on a magazine I do think you at least deserve that (now whether said impact was good or bad is another story).

You're maybe right even if i wouldn't put Liz, Carine and Kirtie in the same level.

Liz with all her brillance and talent gave that fresh thing to Vogue Uk but didn't stayed long enough to deserve the accolades. She became THE fashion editor she became thanks to her vision for HB.
Joan Juliet Buck didn't had her farewell even if she made wonderful things for the magazine. People were too excited about Carine coming.

Carine herself is a tricky case because her last 2 years at Vogue Paris were highly controversial. From her conflict of interest to the not so well received issues/eds and all the behind the scenes...

What Carine and Franca last issues of Vogue made me feel was a bit of an end of an era. I think that with Carine in 2011, we were really saying goodbye to irreverence, controversy and a form of freedom.
People are more and more conservative and it started at that time. People were into minimalism, excess was dead and everything that seemed to be excessive received a backlash.

I don't know what mark Alexandra left at Vogue Uk. It's not creativity, glamour or anything like that...Maybe Kate Moss being on the cover a thousand of times is her real mark.

The worst thing about that is that while Kate Moss is the "Brit" girl by excellence, she is also very Vogue Paris. I don't think one model can credit Vogue Uk for pushing her career, the same for designers or even photographers...

Thank god it's her last issue.
I like the McQueen and I'm happy for Nora but she looks so out of place here. The plain background is lazy, the posing is odd, and this cover is just a forgettable mess.
I´m annoyed by everyone´s expressions and the limp hair... and that tag, so the future is blue eyed blondes :rolleye:
sorry but boring... Jean Campbell obsession until the end haha ( the want to make her happen so bad)
Stella looks good!! So does Kate. Is it by Testino?
^ I think it's Patrick Demarchelier

British Vogue just can't seem to get the group cover right, the models always seem so disconnected from one another. But I'm pleased to see Nora. Great addition to the usual go-to British models.
You're maybe right even if i wouldn't put Liz, Carine and Kirtie in the same level.

Liz with all her brillance and talent gave that fresh thing to Vogue Uk but didn't stayed long enough to deserve the accolades. She became THE fashion editor she became thanks to her vision for HB.
Joan Juliet Buck didn't had her farewell even if she made wonderful things for the magazine. People were too excited about Carine coming.

Carine herself is a tricky case because her last 2 years at Vogue Paris were highly controversial. From her conflict of interest to the not so well received issues/eds and all the behind the scenes...

What Carine and Franca last issues of Vogue made me feel was a bit of an end of an era. I think that with Carine in 2011, we were really saying goodbye to irreverence, controversy and a form of freedom.
People are more and more conservative and it started at that time. People were into minimalism, excess was dead and everything that seemed to be excessive received a backlash.

I don't know what mark Alexandra left at Vogue Uk. It's not creativity, glamour or anything like that...Maybe Kate Moss being on the cover a thousand of times is her real mark.

The worst thing about that is that while Kate Moss is the "Brit" girl by excellence, she is also very Vogue Paris. I don't think one model can credit Vogue Uk for pushing her career, the same for designers or even photographers...

Thank god it's her last issue.

Sad reflection and well said.

This is what Alexandra is selling, and this is her final goodbye, THIS?!
errr Buh-Bye.

Roll on the new British Vogue. May it be elevated to the Top :flower:
Truly, an end of an era! I will be buying this just to at my collection because it's her last issue!

The ladies look a little disconnected to one another, but of course my eyes go right to Kate Moss and Edie. Congrats to Nora for snatching a September issue.
a preview from the main ad
Kate and Edie look great but other than that the models are all so disconnected... Why this group?
Firstly I thought that Nora looks so disconected and this cover with 5 british models... You theoretically could have had three Campbells in a row (I don't know how much Naomi is a diva and why she is not on the cover). But Adwoa Aboah could have been the "ethnic girl", I guess she is British as well, so I'm glad it's not her on the cover. I guess it can be nice push to Nora's career after all.
Anyway, Edie, Jean and Kate look great. Even if this cover is not Shulman's best, at least she tried. I'm looking forward for Edward's covers.
It just perfectly encapsulates what Alexandra's reign at the magazine has become. Bland, expected, badly executed and entirely disappointing. So in a way, it's a very befitting end to her reign. I'm sure there'll be some good articles in the magazine but as ever, they'll be packaged in her very on-brand visually blandness.
You're maybe right even if i wouldn't put Liz, Carine and Kirtie in the same level.

I don't know what mark Alexandra left at Vogue Uk. It's not creativity, glamour or anything like that...Maybe Kate Moss being on the cover a thousand of times is her real mark.

The worst thing about that is that while Kate Moss is the "Brit" girl by excellence, she is also very Vogue Paris. I don't think one model can credit Vogue Uk for pushing her career, the same for designers or even photographers...

I only grouped those women together because they all made an impact on the magazines which they edited (btw, I'll agree that Tilberis' career at HB was far more impressive than what she did at Vogue).

And I do think Alexandra's tenure did a lot for Nick Knight, for instance. Also that stoic and austere type of aesthetic (think the style of Alasdair, Jamie Hawkesworth, Venetia Scott etc) the magazine seemed to love over the past 10 years gradually trickled into commercial fashion titles. We've seen it everywhere since, from the top 3 Vogues to global Elle editions. While she most likely didn't actively shape this direction, the freedom she allowed Lucinda made it possible for it to become sort of a movement.

I don't believe she's done much for Kate beyond the UK. In the UK she solidified Kate as an icon, especially by giving her a cover every time she sneezed. But in terms of quality covers and edits, Kate still had the majority of her greatest hits elsewhere. Same goes for Gisele, Natalia, Lara and Freja. These girls were already established or everywhere by the time she latched onto them. She did however did much to further the cult of Cara, Alexa Chung, and Victoria Beckham.

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