UK Vogue September 2023 : Linda, Naomi, Cindy & Christy by Rafael Pavarotti

is there any new/different photo of the editorial in UK vogue?
Not a single hand on the hip- how atrocious!

joke aside, I think it would’ve looked better if Naomi is stood up on her knees or something like that above Cindy (with her right hand on her hip)
I´m looking forward to Grace Elizabeth & Devon´s editorials :redheart:
I’ve been trying to manifest Grace Elizabeth on the cover of BV but it’s still not happened yet she’s had one great editorial after another in there- I’m starting to get pissed off
Just hope Vogue Korea don’t go this route :holdingbacktears:
The editing on all four of them looks different, giving it a discombobulated almost AI-like feel.
It's a sad day when US and UK Vogue share the some cover material, and for September no less. At least when they shared Adele for the November 2021 issues as cover subjects we got to see two contrasting approaches.

Whatever. Monthlies, especially Vogue, have been dead for years. Even the odd Meisel catalogue shoot can't change that for me. Bring on M, WSJ and D Repubblica for the true fashion this September I guess.
Happy for Linda and Happy for her fans (versustito)
I liked the US Vogue cover when we got the preview earlier today and I was surprised Anna snagged the supers when it felt like such an Edward move. But here we are.

Can’t begin to express how disappointed I am that they share the same cover story, and for September no less. Given that they had basically the same August issue, minus the covers, I’m guessing we’ll have an entirely duplicated magazine on our hands this month. I really hope not, but it’s looking that way.

It’s an awkward shot - what is happening with Naomi?! The shoot looks fun but it’s all so… heavy handed.
Expected way more than this..
If it wasn't a package deal with Anna edition we would have got Meisel for it and an epic goodbye from Edward

From the BTS they were all together on set for the shot ? So why ending with this result on the cover Christy has the same expression and pose on both UK& US cover.
Naomi & Linda beeefing but seen together on a set that must been awkward ... especially for the interview
I do not understand why they would choose such a talentless photographer (surely because of "diversity", being black/young/etc. This would have been perfect with Meisel. Or even better a naturalistic approach (after Peter Lindbergh 90s cover) with Annemarieke van Drimmelen, Zoe Ghertner, Lachlan Bailey, Jamie Hawkesworth, etc etc. This is AI generated, soulless and sad.
I like more this cover than the US one. I was excepted more to see this edit with the supers, but the results are boring.
I do not understand why they would choose such a talentless photographer (surely because of "diversity", being black/young/etc. This would have been perfect with Meisel. Or even better a naturalistic approach (after Peter Lindbergh 90s cover) with Annemarieke van Drimmelen, Zoe Ghertner, Lachlan Bailey, Jamie Hawkesworth, etc etc. This is AI generated, soulless and sad.

Of course you've answered your own question LOL

I get your frustration, but these are the fashion times we’re living in. And if I remove my bias(es), Rafael isn’t without talent; he’s just a much (much much) lesser talent. And he wasn’t always so. Looking at his early shoots for Vogue Brazil, there’s this chaotic, almost archaic, and still charming, passionate energy to how he captured the fashion moment. There was potential. Unfortunately, because he became the ideal representation of “Black, young, and gifted” — but not really, because even Edward openly declared Rafael as the Chosen One simply because he… loves Black people… (Can you imagine anyone else not just not getting away with saying such thing, but being celebrated/promoted/anointed for saying “he/she loves Latin/Asian/ME people…??? It’s absurd. But these are the warped times we live in.) Just hilarious how in Rafael's short time to reach the top, instead of becoming a better and better photographer, he became worse and worse; sloppier and sloppier; messier and messier LMFAO As someone already mentioned, this sort of saturated, shiny plastic glam is what Luigi & Iango made a career out of ripping off Mert & Marcus for Vogue Japan— just without the sloppy/messy/cheapness that’s so blatantly, deliriously displayed here. You have to LOL at the utter insanity of Vogue publishing such amateur efforts: That “shot” of the group w/editors at the table is some seriously juvenile cut-and-paste slop.

But all of this matters not when Edward will spin it amongst his sheep as “the first South American Black photographer to shoot an American Vogue September cover etc etc…” And all the sheep will bray along that this slop is revolutionary, historical, trailblazing blah blah blah without even caring/knowing/realizing how poorly it's shot …And may I add: I’m so sick of nostalgia and dragging out OG Supers only to turn them into mangled AI-generated avatars like it's still 1992 by such lessers. But again, I get it: OMG, OG Supers….
Her hand on her shoulder is a power move. Control.

Lol I'd really leave if this is the state of my magazine. Everything will slowly be shared and it will be under Anna.

The US did it better. This is borderline Maybelline/Top Model.

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