Victoria's Secret Show 2005

Dadum said:
AshtonK; How many models in the world do you like? 2..? You complain about almost all models.


Ok, let me clarify this again. I don't dislike any models (with the exception of maybe Tyra Banks, but that's mostly based on her personality), but there are definitely ones out there whose looks don't fit my preference. I am blunt and extremely candid when it comes to evaluating women in terms of their appearance, but this is just my opinion; it only holds weight if you let it. I objectively can understand the appeal of models like Natasha and Caroline W., but they're just not my type. I can see by your avatar that you're a fan of Doutzen, and I'm sorry if my comments about her offended you in any way. Obviously if I saw a woman like that walking down the street I'd be blown away, but as far as the modeling world goes, she looks out of place, imo.

Here's a list of models whom I "like" in some way or another, in case you're still interested (:D ):

Daria (the younger version)
Ana Beatriz
Everyone is soooo critical of the girls...I just downright enjoyed the show!:p
I agree^^^. There is a model type for everyone of us. Let's just enjoy the show.
Natasha rocks--especially since she lost her shoe and not only kept going, but acted like nothing happened.

Sorry, but Gisele owns the show. She's a ham but when she's on the runway she just steals it. Her body's just perfect.

KK is beautiful--I loove her blonde hair. Bringing in those pictures to my colorist. ^_^

I thought Adriana looked bangin'--she knows what she's doing and does it well.

Alessandra looked great. I love how her lower body is different from the other girls'.

Heidi looked amazing--come on, she just had a baby, people! But she has personality, which I like.

Tara, Tara, Tara. I know it's her last show but it seemed like she was taking it too seriously. She was better last year.

:heart: Angela

A few of the girls were too bean-pole for my taste, especially for a Victoria's Secret show, but oh well. I loved the costumes and themes this time. Fairies, toy soldiers, and of course the angels.

Liked the colors and music... platform shoes from the candy-theme were fun.

Overall I thought the show was better than last year regarding costumes and creativity--but I thought last year's video was put together better. And I liked the Overseer theme song. :D
MUSIC in the show?!

There is one song that was played bout half way through...and as much as i could make out of the lyrics, it sounded like the woman singing was saying Good Love Good Love...or Tell Me Tell was of course upbeat and i know ive heard it before but i dont remember what its called, if anyone has any idea what i am talking about and could let me know that would be fantastic! Thanks! :rolleyes:
brin331 said:
There is one song that was played bout half way through...and as much as i could make out of the lyrics, it sounded like the woman singing was saying Good Love Good Love...or Tell Me Tell was of course upbeat and i know ive heard it before but i dont remember what its called, if anyone has any idea what i am talking about and could let me know that would be fantastic! Thanks! :rolleyes:

"Tell me tell me is life just a playground
Think you're the real deal honey
And someone'll always look after you

But wake up baby
You're so totally deluded
You'll end up old and lonely
If you don't get a bullet in your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When your're resting your he

The song title is "Good Luck" by Basement Jaxx off their album Kish Kash, it's been used already last year by VS.
Hey guys.................can someone totally help me out with this?

My friend, Joanna, that I dance with was one of the dancing soldiers on the VS Fashion Show...and I've only got two shots....can anybody find any more?

This is her below. It's such an amazing shot. I was so excited when I saw this....she, like, fullfilled my ultimate fantasy (To dance on a runway surrounded by Victoria's Secret Supermodels while wearing the hottest lingerie on this earth!)

Ok, so i've JUST watched it, i know it's late,but i downloaded the whole thing that was on CBS.
personally i think Adriana, Ale looked great, Heidi is still gorgeous, Izabel looked great IMO too.
but, seeing as i lack the knowledge of all the models

can someone please be kind enough to repost the pictures from the show
(there were lots in page 4~5 in this thread)
with their names shown next to the pictures!?
so then i'd know who to fall in love with....
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i love the shoes natasha was wearing when one fell off.....:p
they are really pretty
PussyLee said:
"Tell me tell me is life just a playground
Think you're the real deal honey
And someone'll always look after you

But wake up baby
You're so totally deluded
You'll end up old and lonely
If you don't get a bullet in your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When your're resting your head"

The song title is "Good Luck" by Basement Jaxx off their album Kish Kash, it's been used already last year by VS.

Did anyone else notice Fernanda walked to this song in the 2003 show when the lace in her outfit got stuck in her shoe.. and she had to walk to it again in 2005... :lol: .. at least nothing happened this time..
CharlottefromCA said:
Did anyone else notice Fernanda walked to this song in the 2003 show when the lace in her outfit got stuck in her shoe.. and she had to walk to it again in 2005... :lol: .. ..

Absolutely! This song totally belongs to Fernanda and Leticia Birkhauer. If you know what I mean......:lol:
tFs enjoys deleting comments that faintly mention weight or size, so all I will say is...

Did anyone else think that Morgane Dubled was just too small for VS, in every sense of the word? She looked adolescent. :blink:

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