Victoria's Secret Show 2005

PussyLee said:
Men watched CSI, Cold Case and Sports Channel, VS fashion show's viewers are Upscale women and Gay men. That's the reality!
no honey, its not. straight men like to see women that look like WOMEN & not the ******** that you put on pedestals.
I saw the VS show and am pissed they hardly showed clips of Isabeli Fontana. You could tell Adriana is a nice model b/c when she wore the huge blue wings or ribbon outfit she made sure the girl that passed her had enough space to walk. Unlike Naomi who almost whacked everyone within distance! I think the black girl they kept showing, or was she part host (?) is going to replace Tyra Banks, since she's "leaving VS."
PussyLee said:
You totally got the point,:blush: and yet I used to under-estimate you. Good note!:flower:
oh my lord, could you BE any more unrightfully and pointlessly condescending? What a god complex you have. No matter what anyone says you act like you knew everything all along and were just sitting back and watching as you basked in the glory of your own perfection. I personally find you not cute or funny or even close to perfect but flat-out pathetic. All you have to do with your time is go to internet discussion boards and try to pick fights? P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. I can understand it though, it must be hard to keep friends being as annoying as you are. It's just really a shame that you and a handful of others have to ruin an otheriwse fun topic by bringing in wholly unconstructive, uncalled for negativity. This topic was supposed to be about discussing all the beautiful women of the VS show and the production that was the show itself, not critiquing every last detail on the models' bodies and insulting them.
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Back on topic :flower:
Which part of the show was most enjoyable? I personally really liked the section with the Audio Bullys and Henry Mancini songs mixed together. Very fun and classy! The music was great! :flower:

And I watched the 2003 show (finally) and thought that the 2005 shpw was by far better. I thought it was well put together and the choice of models was superb! :heart:
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I thought all the music in the show was great for each could tell that the models really could get into it and I can only imagine that the energy there must have been great...I was just really impressed by the show overall.
my fave part was the russian music with drop it like its hot.

but seriously... this show was badly edited. 2003 was infinitely better... production wise & models.

and wtf happened to dewi, liya, ujjwala, deanna miller, frankie, and carmen kass?

those girls ROCKED the runway back 2003.
Pooja said:
my fave part was the russian music with drop it like its hot..

I loved that...the 1st model that came out with that songs outfit was awesome.
I love the shows and i hope they continue doing them, every single girl looks great in her own way. The show is just fun and people can say what they want about Tyara and Heidi and other girls like Adriana but they made Victoria's Secret so succsessful.
In this show, i really didn't like the music selection, althought my favorite sets were the one with the bang bang song and the russian drop it like its hot mix. I didn't like the candy one nor the others that followed. I think they should have had a song that was really upbeat and made you want to move, that usually makes the girls strut their stuff more because then they move to the beat of the song. I didnt like this years honestly. The Costumes were REALLY good, very clever. they seem to out do their design everyyear, it makes you wonder when they'll run out of ideas. Also, i think some of the Eastern girls really showed their stuff in this one, they were all so hot, i was like damn. and the other brazilians (not famous ones) didn't really look to good this year.

Oh i really don't like any of the newer models. selita and isabella, both show off too much. isabella looked really gross in the face, she looked too old. my favorite model besides tyra was either fernanda, karolina, gisele, or the girl who came after tyra in the russian part, the one who was snapping her fingers, she is dead gorgeous and so sexy yet hot. also, i think tyra looked really hot in 2003, her body looked more modelesque, in this one she looked weird, her face or make-up or whatever and if it wasn't for her cool clothes, she would've looked terrible, and i think as her last performance, she should have been better then in 2003. anywho that is my 2 cents. well more then 2.
The long self-congrajulatory 10 year aniversery retrospective was kind of annoying. Wasn't huge on the whole Tyra segment either, but I guess she's earned it. Ricky Martin?...ahem. Also the whole oooooh look at all the backstage chaos, cut to gay man with headset yelling out orders and telling the models what to do :o oh look at Gisele she just yelled at someone and told them to get out of the way :o she's such a diva, is getting a little old. The the ridiculously huge angel wings(they hide the models ***es, and I think one of the models was knocked in the head when walking by someone with angel wings on) along with the cheesy cirque de soleil type presentation with people in costumes hanging off of wires should go as well.
Otherwise it was a delightful viewing experience:)

And it seems people are complaining about skinny chicks. Skinny ones volumptious ones, I like both, and I like the the diversity.
aistobasbistoc said:
The long self-congrajulatory 10 year aniversery retrospective was kind of annoying. Wasn't huge on the whole Tyra segment either, but I guess she's earned it. Ricky Martin?...ahem. Also the whole oooooh look at all the backstage chaos, cut to gay man with headset yelling out orders and telling the models what to do :o oh look at Gisele she just yelled at someone and told them to get out of the way :o she's such a diva, is getting a little old. .

LOL, "Drama, Drama. Wings, wings, Follow her, foolllooowww herrr!"

LOL who is that guy? I'm not sure if he's gay, but isn't he model Audrey Marnay's Husband?

Alex de Betak, he's been working with VS for a while, he's the Director of Beureau de Betak, producers of fashion shows
i loved the show and especailly when one of the angels caught her stiletto in the stage and continued on like as if nothing was wrong .. i was impressed :-)
ameliao5o said:
i loved the show and especailly when one of the angels caught her stiletto in the stage and continued on like as if nothing was wrong .. i was impressed :-)

"The Girl who stole the show".........Natasha Poly is our modern day Cinderella. VS should booked her for Multi-Year contract ala Gisele! She can definitely Open a Show!!!!
i loved it

i loved it. my life dream is to be a victoria s. model!!
Mr. Fabulous said:
I loved that...the 1st model that came out with that songs outfit was awesome.
oh i LOVE eugenia volodina! she's SO versatile!
This is the first VS show i've ever seen, so i can't really compare it to the others, but I thought it was amazing! I'll definitely be watching next years! the one thing that bothered me was Ricky Martin's performance, I found it to be slightly boring, and I changed the channel to wait it out. lol. Anyways, the models were gorgeous, especially heidi, that soon after having a baby! I don't mean to be all snotty, but I think you guys are being a little critical of the models, some of you anyways, I mean if you can just insult them, lets see you do their job, I think they did absolutely amazing, and they all looked sooo stunning, so kudos to them. Loved the show!
hmm.i wonder where you can get the amazing music that was on the runway at VS...obviously it was all a mix and whatnot, but i wonder if you can somehow download it from the internet.
yea i know! lol. i love the mix, esp with snoop dogg and the russian thinger...and the kill bill song...soooo good! i can't find it anywhere tho! :( it makes me so sad. i WANT those songs! lol.


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