WhiteLinen said:You are right, but what does this have to do with teenagers having sex? Of course, that can lead to such a stupid thing as a teen pregnancy, but then should only people who are ready to have a child have sex? A lot of people in their twenties and thirties don't feel like they would be ready to raise a kid, but should they not have sex? People who do an abortion are not ready have sex?
I know it's not PC, but I do feel that if you are not ready to have a child (there's an arguement that no one is ever truly ready, no matter what the age or financial situation, but I'm talking about it not being an end of the world scenario) then you shouldn't be doing what could be leading you to have a child. Like, if you really don't want to get in a wreck because you've been drinking, you don't drink and drive - you don't drink and then drive really really slowly all the way home, clutching the wheel and concentrating really hard and hoping you don't crash. You probably won't crash, but if crashing is that horrible a prospect for you, why would you risk it?
I'm pro-contraception, and while I believe abortion is always the taking of an innocent life, I do believe it's not a black and white issue, and sometimes it's understandable and sometimes it's self-defense and sometimes it's murder. Every case is different, and I'm not for outlawing abortion, and I'm extremely pro-sex, but pro RESPONSIBLE sex. People of all ages don't seem to get that while sex does not have to be done only for procreative reasons, procreation is the natural result many times because of simple biology - women want it more, and are more attractive to men, when we're fertile. And too many people think with their genitals, or don't think at all, or think they can outsmart the system, and then are shocked and appalled when nature wins.
So yeah, I think you should have enough maturity and sense of responsiblity to be able to handle whatever may result from consensual sex before partaking in it. And again, I am NOT saying that people who have sex should be having babies willy nilly, or that's all that sex is there for, and I do think they should have some sort of basic intelligence when it comes to cause and effect. No form of birth control, outside of tying your tubes I think, is 100% effective. Even vasectomies have been known to reverse themselves. Everything else is below 100% by the Pill/condom/IUD/etc's makers own admission. If you're not ready to have a child and either raise it/put it up for adoption/have an abortion, you need to either not be having sex, not be having sex while fertile, or using like 3 different kinds of birth control at the same time.
I'm tired of people who don't bother with birth control, or don't bother to read the literature that comes with it (take the pill - 99% effective when used CORRECTLY - that doesn't mean just every day, that means every day at the same time, you're off by more than 3 hours for the estrogen pills, or 1 hour for the progesterin, you ovulate) and then act like their "surprise" pregnancy is some sort of inexplicable occurance. I'm tired of no one thinking things through, or taking responsiblity for the result of their actions.
And for those of you screaming that she's too young and should have an abortion - you're not pro-choice, I take it?
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