Whale Rider's 16-year-old actress pregnant with first child!!

Um I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get pregnant at ages 3 or 4 due to the fact that they have not started ovulating yet. Due to an increase in hormones in food people eat, women/girls have generally started their periods at a younger age than 25 years ago but it's pretty unheard of for anyone under the age of 8 or 9.
First of all i want to say congratulations to Keisha and good luck, secondly...the first thing i thought of when i read this thread was how long Keisha and her bf have been together and then i thought that it was kind of wierd verging on sick, that a sixteen year old guy had a thirteen year old gf...does nobody else thing this is a little strange?!?!?!?
Someone had just said that it is possible to get pregnant at a young age like that... I don't know whether it's true or not.
i dont understand what the big deal is... girls used to get married off at fourteen and have three to four children by the time they were twenty....

Perhaps, its the freedom, that we as women can now choose what we do and when we do it, obviously she's chosen to have her baby and is more than happy to announce it, i believe she's an example for young mothers out there that being a young mum isn't a bad thing.

Her children could benefit more from the young age she's had them, imagine when her daughter/son is 10, she'll only be 26 and when they are 20, she'll be 36.

It's a nice close age gap which eradicates the generation gap many teens and children complain about when they have parents in their 50s + claiming that "rock music" is non-sense and short skirts are "inviting".

Come on people.

Congrats to her!
Nemova said:
Teenagers commiting suicide is a terrible, sad thing. The difference between adults and teenagers is that the latter haven't developed completely in terms of emotions. I have some of the same issues in my life than I had when I was 16 - the difference between now and then is that now I can handle these things without desperation. Teenagers have problems, of course, but when we're adults we don't have a safety net to catch our fall. Sure there are teenagers who lack that too and their life sucks but when they grow up there will be a whole load of new issues to deal with. And from personal experience I can tell you that depression hurt a lot more when I was younger but it almost destroyed me as a young adult - it's bad either way.

Life is tough anyway we look at it. It gets tougher with age, but we are all grabbing the bull by the horn from day one. It's unfair to say that some problems are worse than others - but it's safe to say that more problems will show up as we grow up. Just don't lose hope on yourself - life gets harder but in many ways it also gets better. :flower: There is light at the end of tunnel, trust me.

Agreed :flower:
elegantly_wasted said:
i dont understand what the big deal is... girls used to get married off at fourteen and have three to four children by the time they were twenty....

Perhaps, its the freedom, that we as women can now choose what we do and when we do it, obviously she's chosen to have her baby and is more than happy to announce it, i believe she's an example for young mothers out there that being a young mum isn't a bad thing.

Her children could benefit more from the young age she's had them, imagine when her daughter/son is 10, she'll only be 26 and when they are 20, she'll be 36.

It's a nice close age gap which eradicates the generation gap many teens and children complain about when they have parents in their 50s + claiming that "rock music" is non-sense and short skirts are "inviting".

Come on people.

Congrats to her!

we don't live in the kind of society that young girls getting pregnant is acceptable, times have changed, girls are classed as 'children' at the age of thirteen and forteen, so i dont understand why your statement was relevant to this case!!! also, although i wish her every luck, i dont think shes quite the 'example for young mothers' that you say she is, i mean she has a job, money and a supportive boyfriend, i think i can safely say that the majority of young mothers dont have this kind of lifestyle so good for her that she decided to have the baby, but she's hardly an example
mustard said:
First of all i want to say congratulations to Keisha and good luck, secondly...the first thing i thought of when i read this thread was how long Keisha and her bf have been together and then i thought that it was kind of wierd verging on sick, that a sixteen year old guy had a thirteen year old gf...does nobody else thing this is a little strange?!?!?!?

It is a bit odd... I mean at my school, when a tenth grader (15/16) dates a seventh grader (12/13), they're considered a "pedo." :shock:
Meg said:
Um I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get pregnant at ages 3 or 4 due to the fact that they have not started ovulating yet. Due to an increase in hormones in food people eat, women/girls have generally started their periods at a younger age than 25 years ago but it's pretty unheard of for anyone under the age of 8 or 9.
They say the youngest girl to ever give birth was 5 year 7 months old. She started having her periods when she was 3. Can you imagine?

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I was reading about that, really scary, I suppose that sort of genetic mutation does happen sometimes to allow such a thing...the baby would have been half the size of her! XO
MarilynMonroe said:
They say the youngest girl to ever give birth was 5 year 7 months old. She started having her periods when she was 3. Can you imagine?


Thank you for that. I was just about to rush out and retreive the article from google.

Funny that people thought I was making it up. It's a sick world, people. :innocent:
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Well just because one girl did doesn't make it common (I know you weren't saying this but just reiterating) Either way, I have no desire to know why she got pregnant at such a young age. Blech.

edit: Just read the article. The whole thing is really interesting actually....
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mustard said:
we don't live in the kind of society that young girls getting pregnant is acceptable,
Terribly ethnocentric and misinformed remark. Ethnocentric because there are many too many societies with diverging set of values and taboo to say thing as 'we don't whatever'. And misinformed because, in the UK, the legal age to get married without mummy and daddy's permission (and by implication to have sex and babies) is 16. So not only it is acceptable , but it's legal in your own country.
times have changed, girls are classed as 'children' at the age of thirteen and forteen, so i dont understand why your statement was relevant to this case!!!
Classed is the exact world. These categories are just that and do not reflect individual experience and outlooks. I think the remark was perfectly relevant because it shows that teenagewood, and indeed childhood are modern concepts. Hundred of millions of 16 years old (and much younger) women have done a great job being mothers through the centuries, and most of the time in unbelievably precarious conditions. Many 16 y.o. people are irresponsible because they were brought that way. I nor you know nothing about her values, upbringing, and maturity level.
i wish her every luck
I agree with you here and I'll add that although I am pro-choice, I certainly admire her for not aborting. I am 21 and would be terrified to be a mom. She does have some serious guts.
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^I would like to amend my post. At 16, in the UK, you need the go ahead of one of your parent to get married. Sorry for the confusion.
it's her life...she can do whatever the hell she wants...so be it having a
kid at 16....yippi dooo! :rolleyes:

Puberty Hitting Girls As Young As Four Years Old
Experts Say Environment, Genetics May Be Factor
Oct. 27, 2006

Most parents would agree that their kids always seem to grow up too quickly, but now, puberty is hitting young girls earlier than ever. Nearly half of African-American girls start showing signs of puberty by 8 years old, and some American girls are developing as young as 5, even 4 years old, experts say.

Skyla Jones is an energetic 5-year-old from Georgia who loves to play.
Last year, her mother, Melissa Jones, noticed Skyla was tired all the time, had a body odor, and had blood in her urine.

"I didn't know what was going on," Jones said. "I just went ahead and thought she had a kidney infection. And we went on antibiotics and still it didn't clear it up."

Skyla was eventually sent to Andrew Muir, a pediatric endocrinologist at Georgia Medical College who knew exactly what was going on.

Skyla was menstruating and was experiencing other unmistakable signs of puberty.

"That's what he told me that it was — that she was having a menstrual cycle," Jones said. "I was really freaked out."

Studies have tracked an increasing trend of early sexual development.

By age 8, almost half of African-American girls and 15 percent of Caucasian girls start developing pubic hair or breasts.

"The switch that normally gets turned on for pubertal development gets turned on too early," said Dr. Diane Stafford of Children's Hospital in Boston.

Until recently most doctors didn't expect to see these signs until age 10.

"It can have many causes," Muir said. "Some are related to genetics, environmental factors, and sometimes we just don't know why it happens."

For Skyla, a thyroid problem caused her symptoms.

While she was too young to really understand what was happening, her mother worried that other kids might.

"I was worried kids would make fun of her because kids are cruel," Jones said.

Because Skyla started treatment for her thyroid problem, all her symptoms have gone away.

Muir expects her next experience with puberty to be at a more reasonable age.
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