What Are Your Thoughts On Plastic Surgery?

I've had restylane, juvederm and am getting fat done soon. The result can be very subtle or very dramatic depending on what you want and how the dr does it. The first time I had it done I could barley see a difference or you can get megan fox lips. on average resylane lasts about 4 months in the lips, juvederm about 6 months but it depends greatly on the person. Some people absorb it in 2 months while for others it can last a year. Most people are a little swollen for 1-3 days, my top lip swells for 2 weeks but I dont think thats normal. You should be able to go out to dinner with freinds the same day. Dont take asprin the week of since it thins the blood and makes you bruise and swell more, and some benedryl or other allergy medecine right before or after helps stop some swelling.

Great Thank you so much GuessGirl!!!! which one do you recommend the restylane or the juverderm? and how many times have u had it done?
the megan fox lips is too dramatic for my sharp features...although the doctor wants to go a la megan fox but i am a bit hesitant...
the thing is...i am getting the my vit shots tomorrow...and the day after i am travelling....and he suggested to get my lips volumed up tomorrow.....
do you think that i would have swollen lips the day after i get them done?
I would recommend juvederm, it lasts a little longer and is a little smoother in texture. I've had restylane once, juvederm 3 times. If your hesitant I wouldn't get the Megan fox lips, start out with what your comfertable with and then come back if you want more. It's very hard to get natural looking huge lips (look at half of Hollywood for proof!), if the dr doesn't do it right your pretty much stuck with huge lumpy lips for 6 months. You can get widase/vitrase to dissolve it but it's hard to find drs that do it. I wouldn't recommend more than 1 syringe for both lips to start unless you really trust the dr.

As long as you avoid asprin you should be ok the next day, youll most likley be a little swollen but nothing obvious. The first 10 days or so it will feel hard and you can feel it in your lips but it goes away. Hyaluronic acid (what juvederm and restylane are made of) absorbs something like 1000 x it's weight in water so drink lots of water to speed up it softening. After 1-2 weeks I can't feel it at all.

Let us know how it goes!
I would recommend juvederm, it lasts a little longer and is a little smoother in texture. I've had restylane once, juvederm 3 times. If your hesitant I wouldn't get the Megan fox lips, start out with what your comfertable with and then come back if you want more. It's very hard to get natural looking huge lips (look at half of Hollywood for proof!), if the dr doesn't do it right your pretty much stuck with huge lumpy lips for 6 months. You can get widase/vitrase to dissolve it but it's hard to find drs that do it. I wouldn't recommend more than 1 syringe for both lips to start unless you really trust the dr.

As long as you avoid asprin you should be ok the next day, youll most likley be a little swollen but nothing obvious. The first 10 days or so it will feel hard and you can feel it in your lips but it goes away. Hyaluronic acid (what juvederm and restylane are made of) absorbs something like 1000 x it's weight in water so drink lots of water to speed up it softening. After 1-2 weeks I can't feel it at all.

Let us know how it goes!

Thank you GuessGirl, gave you karma:flower: for your amazing explanition...i might give it a try...its just that i am travelling and i might do it either at my end destination or tomorrow...i'll see...but thank you soo much!!!!!
i want boobie implants, i have only a 34A/B and i wish i was a large C/small D....i've tried using super padded bras but they look weird and unnatural...

i saw on webmd.com that they have this new procedure where they suck the fat out of your stomach/thighs/wherever you dont want it and put it in your boobs...supposedly it looks natural because it's real fat
I'd love to have my top lip made a little fuller at some point, but somehow I feel like I've done enough with my face already :lol:
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I'd really like to get rhinoplasty but I'm so afraid of the plasticky look. I am 100% for plastic surgery but the result has to be extremely conservative.
^Get a good doctor that knows what your face needs. My own mum can hardly tell the difference on me...:lol:
I agree, good plastic surgeons can get very natural looking results that doesnt look like the tiny upturned barbie nose.
i wouldn't mind having a nose job. i have a lot of problems with nose bleeds and being stuffy throughout my entire life which nothing has cured. then again it could make me even worse...
^My (very tiny, but daiy) nose bleeds are gone after my nose job. Which is odd. But I still do sneeze a lot :lol:
^ ooh that is good to know! last week i was getting them daily. usually it's just every so often with a blocked nose nearly all the time.
How old do you actually have to be before you can get plastic surgery?... Or does it depend on the country?
^That depends on what you're getting done. Generally you have to be fully grown, I believe...
I've known children to undergo the operation for getting their ears pinned back, because of playground bullying. It seems to be perceived as a fairly regular operation for young people to undergo, some as young as 5-7 years of age.
^Well yeah... my ex had that done. His ears ended up crooked because he should have waited a year or two. He was very young when he had it done, though.
In the US you can have it done at any age as long as your parents sign for it, but I dont think most surgeons would work on anyone younger than 18 except in rare cases.

I added another small procedure to my surgery next month... I'm really excited since now I've addressed just about everything I dont like about myself but also nervous about everything turning out the way I want it to :ninja:

My nose is still swollen so it's too early to tell but I think I may want revision when it's done healing. The overall shape and size is perfect, especially considering how much he took off but there is a tiny little bump on one side that I want removed. It's barley noticable but one side of my nose is absolutely perfect so I'd like to make the other side match. I just noticed it recently as swelling is going away. I bumped my nose lightly a few times while it was healing and I think I may have disrupted something but the dr said it may actually go away on it's own as it continues healing.
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^Oh! Congrats :D I bet it looks great!

Does it hurt to get a rhinoplasty? Can the doctors change the width of your nose (around the nostril area)?
^I think that for rhinoplasty one must be past the age of 13, to be sure the the bones aren't changing as drastically after surgery.The procedure used to reduce nostril and base width is called alar base reduction/resection.

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