What Are Your Thoughts On Plastic Surgery?

I don't see anything wrong with plastic surgery in principal, as long as it's not excessive or mixed up with serious psychological problems like body dysmorphia. It's ironic and frankly cruel that our society values looks so highly, yet admonishes those who try to gain acceptance by improving their appearance. Sucks to be you if you're ugly. American culture is so puritanical and uptight. Countries like Argentina and Brazil have a more liberal, enlightened attitude toward plastic surgery.

Surely, we can all agree that a deformed person has the right to surgery so they can live a normal life. Now consider somebody who isn't deformed, but unattractive. They may be able to live a relatively normal life without surgery, but they will have far fewer romantic, social and career opportunities than other people. In general, they will be unhappier (many studies confirm this). Just because unattractive people are less disadvantaged than deformed people, doesn't mean they are wrong for trying to improve their lot. Those totally against plastic surgery seem to be living in a lala land where people frolick through daisy fields all day and judge each other only on "inner beauty."

Personally I wouldn't get surgery, but I have no problem with others making a different choice.
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If it increases your self esteem then I say hey go for it! But you should never expect plastic surgery to solve any problems in your life. I have trouble with my nose as well, when I look in the mirror I feel hideous, it's round. and upturned a little bit. and annoys me. I'm thinking of having a rhinoplasty done for the simple fact that I can't breathe through my nose, and I know that plastic surgery is one of the ways this problem can be fixed..basically my nose doesn't drain properly, I can't "blow" my nose..it all just goes into post nasal drip...constant painful soar throats. gross, but true!! I think that if someone has low self-esteem due to the way they look and that they think about it a lot, then maybe plastic surgery would be alright for them, because then they can concentrate on bigger, more important things in life, like improving personality, lifestyle, etc.! I wish that I , and others, could just accept themselves the way they are, but as I've found, once you get uncomfortable about something about your body, it seems to infest your thoughts 24/7. Maybe I'll get one done for breathing purposes, and while they're in there change the shape a bit? But who knows, I'm scared it'll look weird after!
Completely against it unless that person has been in an accident and it has caused physical damage or if that person was born with something abnormal.
Anyone interested in a boob job, go for a non-surgical treatment instead. One of my friends used this and went from an A to a big B.

at my age of 27 I don't believe in it. I like the natural beauty thing. And I am comfortable in the skin I'm in...but who knows...in 20 years I may have a different outlook. :smile:
i hate my nose...i can't even look at a picture of myself without hating it! it's awful. if i could afford surgery for it, i'd most likely do it.
I've hated my nose for pretty much my entire life, and as superficial as it might sound, my life almost revolves around my nose. I've discussed it with my parents and in two years, i'm going to get surgery done.
I think that as long as you can afford a trustworthy surgeon and your surgeon approves your psychological state, you should go for it if you really think it's goiong to make you happy.
^ I feel the same way about mine. It's not quite a "pig" nose, but people always joke about how cute my little "who" nose is (as in the who's from the Grinch who stole christmas)..it's not what other people think that matters to me, but I get so insecure about it. This is going to sound really crazy, but I've had times where I've been incredibly insecure (I am only 16) and just stared in the mirror for a long time, and just cried about my nose. So dumb, but I can't help it! Now that I'm having breathing problems, I'm considering going for a plastic surgery consultation.
My mom's friend's niece just died from a surgery which was supposed to make her skinnier. It wasn't liposuction - it was an operation which would make her stomach smaller, so she would eat less or something.. :yuk:
A couple of days after the surgery the stitches burst inside her, and she went into a coma and died a couple of days later :(

I think that in some cases surgery is understandable (like after an accident etc.), but surely what matters most is what kind of person you are on the inside.
I think that if your going to get plastic surgery done, really assess why your doing it. If you find yourself thinking that it will make you aesthetically (sorry if i spelled that wrong) pleasing go for it, but just dont go in hoping that when the surgeons are done, your going to look like a star or something. And if your going in have surgery to have procedures done to look like a star, maybe you should think twice. I know so many people i say " god, i want to have____ done, cuz i wanna look like____". I think you should try to improve yourself, not become someone else. And dont think that a certain procedure will be life altering, because it wont.
To be honest, ive been think of going in for something that would make my butt bigger. Now BELIEVE me, its not cuz of this jlo, beyonce booty craze thats going on. Ive always had this issue with my heinie. Ever since i was little, i was made fun of because my behind was so much smaller than everyone else in my family,and in my culture (Im cuban/mexican) an hourglass shape is an assett and very attractive. Basically what im trying to say is that yes, i have a small self esteem issue caused by my family, and yes i am considering plastic surgery as a means to make myself feel better, but im doing so not because i want to fit in with whatever craze is in at the moment, But because of what i consider beautiful based on the background i come from.
I couldnt care less what the craze for the perfect body type is, right now its tall, very slim, and boyish; me? Im 5'5", a size 12, and my measurements are 36,30,38- and i think thats beautiful
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Plastic surgery is great if you dont go overboard,just like with everything else.I have a boyfriend who is a plastic surgeon.And no i never had any work done.I always get that question or look when people find out what my boyfriend does for a living.But thats because i like the way i look and never had any problems with my appearence.Maybe when i am older i will consider it.So if you really want to have the operation i would recommend that you get as many information about the surgeon as possible and try to find a good one because there are a lot of buchers out there without nessecarry expirience.So be careful to who you trust.
I would never do it but I think it's up to everyone to decide for themselves whether its for them or not. But personally I'd rather be stuck with what I've got than risk end up looking like a monster!
I don't know what's my opinion on plastic surgery. If it makes you feel better,go for it, but in the other hand I like the thought of accepting people like they are. But the society unfortunately does not work like this.

I've yet to form my opinion about plastic surgery.
i've had it, i love it, don't regret it for a milisecond, and think if anyone wants to have it, more power to them.
If it's going to make you happy, sure go ahead. There is nothing wrong about plastic surgery, especially in this day and age. Just don't get carried away or you'll look like an alien.
I just don't think I could ever risk my life to look pretty.
It seems crazy to me. And my mum would just kill me! She's been telling me to accept myself, and what I cannot change about myself since I was a wee thing.

But if someone chooses to do it, it's nobody's buisness buy their own.
Like when Cher said she could put t*ts on her back if she wanted and it's nobody damn buisness cause it's her body.
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I will never see the logic behind peoples disgrcefully backward attitudes to plastic surgery. It's really a form of grooming, like doing your makeup, hair , mocrodermabrasion and anti-wrinkle moisturiser. Just more invasive.Why shouldn't peope take advantage of ways to make themselves more beautiful? the risks are so minute it's unbelievable. you are no more likely to die getting your nose done or whatever than you are during any other surgery, elective or not. and you are less likely to die during surgery than you are crossing the road, and certainly less likely than driving a car, which is the most dangerous thing you can ever do. Is it considered noble to have things you want to change but just live with it? if you don't want to change anything, fine, but I can't understand why you wouldn't want to look better.
The only issue I have is the gastric banding operation,and liposuction, as I feel since it's restricts your appetite so much, you may not eat enough to get all the nutrients you need, and you will probably be healthier in the long run if you educate yourself about diet and exercise and get healthier in the process than justgetting the fat cells sucked out.
I hate when people who've done plastic surgery say, "I feel so confident now, I'm a whole new person". Since when was confidence based on looks?

Plastic surgery is the epitome of fakeness. All these people trying to look pretty and skinny and in the end, they all look like plastic clones of each other. There's going to be a lot less diversity in this world.
i guess the way I look at it is, I don't have a confidence problem- in fact, I am a very arrogant persons. it isn't a confidence problem, I do actually have a horrible nose, chin, cheeks and jawbone. and once they are fixed, I wont have to hate them anyway. people wont look the same, because everyones idea of what is attractive is differnt- what I considerer I want my nose to look like to look good might to someone else look worse than what it is now- but I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks of my face!

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