What Are Your Thoughts On Plastic Surgery?

i'd really like a nosejob too. i've been thinking about it since i was 10, i just find my nose to be very long and out of place on my little round face. other people say it's cute but if i do get rhinoplasty, i'm not doing it for THEM. i'm doing it for me.

i don't think plastic surgery is so bad in moderation, but it definitely won't solve severe emotional problems (a la the swan? those women seemed to all have negligent husbands). my thing is that yeah, a lot of times, the surgery isn't noticeable to other people, but if it makes all the difference to you, you will feel more confident about yourself. i don't think most people stare at my nose and think, "wow, what a shame!" when they talk to me, but every time i look in a mirror i think "ugh, my nose! i hate it." and it definitely affects how confident i feel about my appearance.

Also, people talk about the homogenization of appearances. I think that is definitely true to an extent. But I do think that sometimes, things just look out of balance and it's not an attempt to look more like what our culture tells us is beautiful. Some of the most gorgeous women I can think of have very strange, bumpy noses and I think it only adds to their appearance. I think I'm biased and trying to rationalize it, but I feel like there's a difference between wanting to look like Barbie and wanting to look more in-sync with the rest of your features.

And I don't think anyone ever NEEDS elective surgery (thus the term elective). That's why I think people had such a big issue with the Swan, the doctors actually told the women what they were going to do to them. An ethical plastic surgeon wouldn't try to convince a patient to get any type of surgery, but listen to what the PATIENT wants and go with that.

Anyway...just a rehash of things already said.
eternitygoddess said:
I hate when people who've done plastic surgery say, "I feel so confident now, I'm a whole new person". Since when was confidence based on looks?

Plastic surgery is the epitome of fakeness. All these people trying to look pretty and skinny and in the end, they all look like plastic clones of each other. There's going to be a lot less diversity in this world.

hate it all you want, but people say it because they mean it. i feel SO much better about myself, and your opinion, is your own.
I say, to each his own. If it makes you feel better about yourself, then why not? I agree, however, with whoever said that you might want to see a psychologist to see if it's really because you want to improve the way you look, or you have some unresolved internal issues.

I'm getting a nose job after I graduate from high school, and I can't WAIT.
If you are really sad about how you look, I would say it's alright.
Personally I wouldn't get a sugery, but starting accepting my look no matter what people said about me.

This is your choice so as long as you're happy you can do it (; (If you of course wanna)
im not opposed to plastic surgery, but i worry about how it turns out...wouldnt a boob job make your breasts rock hard? doesnt botox freeze your face? i was watching a show that featured joan rivers last night, and i think her cat eyes have scared me
^ Ah, that's why want to go to the best possible plastic surgeon you can find, cheap or expensive; simply shopping around for the lowest possible price is a real risk, the results could be disatrous and irreversible. Good plastic surgeons are like sculptors almost, they understand proportions and know their raw material...

But any plastic surgery can go wrong, even if you go to the best surgeon. You might end up with rock-hard boobs or have unsightly scars depending on how your body reacts.
I'm saving up for lip augmentation right now :flower:

My bottom lip is pouty but my top one is a little smaller than I'd like and thus want just a tad bit injected in my top one. It's going to be so lovely :P
I think there is a limit to plastic surgery. When people take it to the point where they get surgery in every part of their bodies such like butt implants, cheek implants, what else... breast implants (this is way overrated) so many women has breast implants its rediculous! One thing that really bothers me is when I see some women who think they need liposuction when they can just work that out at the gym! I think surgery is most neccessary when a person needs it for health reasons. But if some of you really wanted surgery I would understand, just dont go over board and end up looking like this one lady that had a ton of surgery on her face that she ended up looking like a lion:lol: horrible! And also BE VERY CAREFULL on who you pick to do surgery on you.

As for me I dont think I would get surgery unless its health wise. People have their own opinions about what they find to be hot, sexy, or beautiful. Just dont change the way you look for someone else.
I'm opposed to plastic surgery. Unless someone got into an accident and their face/body is badly damaged or if someone was born with disfigurations. Perhaps to me, it's okay too if someone suffers from TREMENDOUS anxiety and their self esteem is VERY low because of how they look. I just find it unnatural if it's for aesthetic reasons. I would never get plastic surgery..ever.

Maybe my self esteem isn't low...but I'm not even that envious of beautiful models, celebreties and even just regular people anymore...especially if they had surgery and I didn't...cos they didn't look that great originally then i guess.

But if other people want to get it then...that's great. Do what you want to do as long as you're happy:flower:
views about plastic surgery

would you ever get a botox or plastic surgery? and what on?

do you think it is wrong or right?
Already have it planned out.

Lip injections now.

When I'm 30 I'm getting botox for wrinkles.

When I'm 40-50 I'll get face lifts and possible lipo.

When I'm 60 I'll probably look like Joan Rivers. But it's all good :lol:
I don't want any plastic surgery... The thought of it scares me for one. I also just see a lot of beauty that comes with age. Gray hair and laugh lines are beautiful on ladies who have taken care of themselves throughout the years (eating healthy, taking care of their skin, etc).
:lol: :flower: @ VainJane for having it all planned out.

I think a lot of plastic surgery turns out really bad so it'd be very cautious:(

However when I'm older I can completely see myself being totally addicted to botox, face lips, lipo, breast lifts... :rofl:
I'm getting Botox within the next 5 years (figure college graduation present) and a breast lift before I'm 30 (so 12 years).
I personally would never go under the knife or the needle.
I also don't see it to be bad. Some people really do benefit
from plastic surgery, may it be to loose some baby fat, or
to go up a cup or two on their breast size. I do believe a
plastic surgery can bring a person's self confidence level up,
but then again it may not. Our body changes, no doubt about
that. So lets say you get some fat sucked out of you, well
then, make sure you maintain your new look with eating right
and exercising. Am I wrong there? The problem that I see
with plastic surgery is, you still have to maintain your new
look every so often. That can be costly. Then you see freak
faces as I like to call them. Example, Joan Rivers and Michael Jackson.
There is obviously some psychological issues with those two.
I forgot the name of that disease. Anyways, it's a disease where
a person believes that literally they feel something is not quite
right with their face. So they go back and back again to correct
their look. It's kind of sad. :( Just like eating disorders, it's a
psycological thing. Anyhoot, enough of my jibber-jabber, but
if you can take the beating, and you think it will make you feel
better, then so be it! :D
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I could never imagine getting any plastic surgery. I can't fathom looking in the mirror one day and seeing a different person staring back. I think the most attractive people are those who are self-confident, and self confidence means you think you're great just the way you are. Plus, plastic surgery is always so obvious; I never understand who people think they're fooling.
I had my nose broken in a car accident when I was younger and 2 years ago I got my nose fixed back up :D
I researched the surgery alot and found an extremely good doctor, I even talked with some of his past patients who had similar surgery. Even though it was reconstructive, it also had the 'plastic' element because they made my nose look better than ever! I am seriously so happy I did it, it looks so natural that most people don't notice unless I mention it...but it makes me happy and gave me a nice esteem boost...so if you have surgery for the right reasons (for yourself and not to please others) don't go overboard and have a good, ethical doc, it's just fine to me :blush:
im all for plastic surgery as long as its not taken too far! I'd love slightly larger boobs but then again who wouldnt!? id consider a nose job and definetaly botox and collagen injections. when im older if i need a bit of lipo i would def consider it

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