What to wear to a party

Tiamaria, thats a shame you had that experience in Edinburgh. I live in Aberdeen and have nights out both here and in Edinburgh, and whilst it is true that dressing down is totally acceptable on a night out here, we do still have nights when we love nothing more than to get glammed up to the max. It also depends on where you go as well - in some of the more relaxed pubs and bars, dressing up just does not fit. Also, we tend to have to be more mindful of the cold weather, so jackets are a must!

I had a night out after planning to meet a friend for tea, but we got carried away on the wine and ended up clubbing in our jeans and T-shirts! But It was actually had one of the best nights ever, maybe cos usually I spend most of my time in the ladies fixing my lipgloss or pulling my dress down :lol:

I think as long as you are comfortable, happy and having a laugh, each to their own what they wear xx
^^ it was still one ofthe best weekends ever so it couldnt have been all that bad could it ?? :kiss: nah edinburgh is one of my fav cities
It is annoying though when you have made heaps of effort and it took lyk three hours to get ready, when the person next to you at the bar looks exactly like you did before you started getting ready :lol:
yeah same casual is good but going out is when you're meant to get dressed up!

me and my friends went away for a weekend only about an hour away - we got dressed up but we were pretty casual by normal standards and didnt stand out too much but people still looked

the guy looks were good but we got stared down by some girls and got the dirtiest looks! hehe I mean i'm nothing special but i felt good when we got death stared at by the girls hehe
It is sooo true about England it's either boobs and bums out with oddles of fake tan or t-shirts and trainers (even in the theatre!!)

In Bristol I tend to wear wrap dresses, shirt dresses, jeans and nice camis or a sheer shirt and trousers....

Because of this and my height (5'11) people think I am about 30 when I am 23 just cos I don't dress like a tart or a teenager!!

Girls tend to dress classier in Bath but I think thats cos there is a lot of money in the area......
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Ok well, this is good for a laugh I think, where I live the clubs people go to are like country bars. You would usually see, tight bootcut or flared jeans, cowboy boots, or maybe sparkly recycled prom heels. A sparkly skimpy top (usually black for ultimate slimming effects) tiny guess logo purse, costume jewelry, and perhaps a cowboy hat. It's all very :sick: to me. As a result, I never go to bars or clubs. :lol:
whenever i go out i keep it relatively casual and dressy at the same time. i make an effort but not too much. i don't think you'd be out of place in glasgow tiamaria, our approach to club dressing is a bit more like the liverpool kind ;) of course as a glaswegian i must say glasgow is much better for night life than edinburgh in so many ways! a lot less snobby and more fun :)
tiamaria said:
I went out to town in edingburgh (capital of scotland .. dont know how to spell it) the other weekend and i was discusted and embaressed by the dress code.

Hear in liverpool the dress code for even the most casual bars and pubs are:

no jeans
no trainers
no big logos or brands
no sportwear or sports shirts
and some bars even like the lads to have a collar on their shirt

and if you dont look good you wont get in .. full stop no argueing

and its a well known fact liverpool girls dont wear jackets and dress up ALOT but i didnt realise how much so untill me and the girls went upto scotland

the first night we got there we dressed up as if we were going out to liverpool ... nothing ott i wore a seventies style drappy dress with healsand my two friends wore healed peep toed heals with little dresses as well

ANd omg i have never felt so out of place in my entire life... as soon as i got out of the taxi that was it i felt out of place... people were staring at us as if we were outsiders... lads shouting stuff.. not jsut the usual stuff but everyone walking past.

Then we went into our first bar to wait for friends... people stopped dead as we walked in and turned to look :( we looked around and realised that everyone else was in the club in jeans and trainers ... so we got drinks then made our way into the outside smoking area (you cant smoke in doors in scotland). and we got talking to the bouncers and they asked why we were so dressed up .. we explained that we were not by liverpool standerds and they just laughed at us. Then we were like oh by the way you just missed some guy wearing trainers .. he could not see the problem .. and we spent 5 minutes explaining it to him.
Then we went back inside and were we saw someone wearing *drum roll please* a jacket, a tee shirt and jeans with trainers ... and a beanie hat.. after we had got other our intial shock we realised we were out of place.
So we quickerly moved on and the night just got worse everywere we went we felt out of place.

Even the next night we went out in what we would neve dream of wearing out to liverpool .. to casual and still felt over dressed.

SO basicly the point of my rant was what are the dress codes in your city .. what are the standerds of dresses .. are there clubs you cnat get into if your dress is not instantly reconisable as a designer piece ??

Regarding the sentence in bold: How pretentious. I think that is an awful attitude for an area to uphold. Of course your not going to get into a club or bar in Manchester or my hometown looking like youve just woken up, but if you mean this to be literal, I'm glad that I live in an area where the focus is on having a good time, not looking good.
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unfortiantly it is litteral .. thats why i get so self consious when im out so many gorgeous girls :( but basicly you only get in if the bouncer fancys you .. not everywere is like that but those places do excist :( shallow and cruel :( :(
for clubbing, if I plan on dancing a lot, I usually wear beat/worn in shoes because my feet are going to get stomped on all night on the dance floor. But if it is a more relaxed type party at a bar and pool table, I like to wear black patent leather shoes.
^ I had a pair of GORGEOUS suede Gucci drivers ruined that way, some dumb wh*re spilled champagne on them...I was about to b*tch slap her!!
I feel your pain, there was a time when a woman stepped and scrapped on my dress shoes with her metal pointed heal. She did it unintentionally, but ever since that instance I always wear beat up shoes when I plan on dancing. Matter of fact, the pair of the shoes that she had ruined are my dancing shoes. LOL
I find my feet get stood on more if i go bare foot ( usually thats at about 4am when i have been partying for a while lol lol ) so thats why i prefer to wear heels :)

I just so much prettier in heels too :)
I noticed this thread hasn't been touched 4 a while & i wanted 2 know what kind of outfits people think are nice 4 going 2clubs/bars etc... espcially now we'r coming up 2spring? sometimes i find it hard because i like 2stand out on a night out but i really don't want 2look tacky! i also always try 2avoid wearing jeans... any thoughts?
Depends where and what. We got studentnights on some of the clubs/bars on Thursdays or Fridays, and then I'm dressing pretty laid-back, almost like how I dress ordinary (this is also what I do when I'm going to gigs. Which doesn't mean that I look boring, because my ordinary style is not ordinary. :p ). Mostly this is what I do when I'm going out, but some few times I go to more fancy places and then I wear more sexy clothes, and always a coat when it's winter.

On NYE I wore heels for 12 hours in a row, and I promised myself after that I'd never wear heels on nights out anymore (which is a promise I've kept).
In my head I've been a wear whatever you want type since I can remember. Recently I have started to push. Being part of all that East London trendy crap makes it easier. Cover of darkness lets the freaks come out to play, get messy and get photographed. Last week me and my girlfriend went to a warehouse party dressed as identical Thai ladyboys/hookers. The theme was 'Bangcockney' in honour of a girl leaving east London to return to Thailand.

Starting to mix womens tops and accessories into my wardrobe. A staple of skinny jeans is giving way to leggings (the neo rock trash rave electro culture is allowing men to mix it all up). My latest experiments have been leggings with cowl neck jumpers and very bold, playful belts and jewellery all balanced on top of old fashioned womens stiletto laceup shoes. A little mascara and eyeliner helps even things out. I like to mix all this with slightly dishevelled hair and a little stubble. It helps that my girlfriend is actually encouraging this to happen.

So far I have had nothing but praise and a few 'interested' eyebrows

It's all fun I hope.

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