What Will You Be For Halloween?

A couple pictures of me being excessively dorky!

:lol: I have titled those last ones, "I murdered my husband with an antique butter knife..."
Originally posted by twilight fairy@Oct 5 2004, 03:25 AM
If my friend's gonna have that Halloween party, I'm going to be Avril Lavigne. How much scarier can you get, really? With all her clothes.. :ninja:
My idea...stolen. :cry: :innocent:
I found out five of the teachers at my school are coming in as the Spice Girls!!!! I can't wait to see this!!
:lol: My teachers did that last year...it was funny cuz they performed.. :P

I hope this year is as entertaining as the last...last year one guy was party boy from MTV's Jackass and when he was gonna pull off the pants to reveal the teeny speedo ...the speedo went with it :rofl: the guards tried to cover him but he ran off naked round the halls....best halloween "SHOW and tell" ever
Originally posted by purplelucrezia@Oct 6 2004, 09:02 AM
A couple pictures of me being excessively dorky!

:lol: I have titled those last ones, "I murdered my husband with an antique butter knife..."
You should title them "No Pre-Nup for an Oil tycoon"


I'm going as Marge Simpson. I am making a giant tall wig out of cotton balls that I will paint blue, a lime green dress, giant white plastic ball pearls necklace, red flats, white potholders, and a metal dish with pork chops in it (probably just SQUEEKY TOYS) lol.

fun stuff.

Or maybe I'll go as an impressionist painting and just paint myself with latex paint and carry a strategically placed frame...
Originally posted by oceanharlot@Oct 7 2004, 12:45 AM
You should title them "No Pre-Nup for an Oil tycoon"

I'm going as Marge Simpson. I am making a giant tall wig out of cotton balls that I will paint blue, a lime green dress, giant white plastic ball pearls necklace, red flats, white potholders, and a metal dish with pork chops in it (probably just SQUEEKY TOYS) lol.

fun stuff.
Or maybe I'll go as an impressionist painting and just paint myself with latex paint and carry a strategically placed frame...
Awesomeness to all of it! :rofl:
i was cruella deville a couple years ago...i had a white stripe in my hair and it was shorter and spiked out...people kept saying 'what a great wig..!!!'....but it wasn't a wig... :ninja: :lol:

another good one was years ago...i was a dolce and gabanna ad...
it was the year meisel shot all the supermodels on the scaffolding in blk and wht wearing bustiers and caps with collars and cuffs but no shirt and pinstripe pants w/suspenders...no one knew what i was...but it was a sexy sexy outfit... :angel:
high heel granny boots and cropped leather gloves...hot...!!!

i basically use halloween to wear all the super sexy stuff i would never wear during the rest of the year... :D :innocent:
My friend wants me to be a "Dior Angel"....think Dior runway crazy make up and clothes ...if I stay in Rancho....

If in Weho....its those themes I talked about earlier...

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: .....I am going nuts trying to figure this crap outtt!
Originally posted by prixi@Oct 6 2004, 09:27 AM
My idea...stolen. :cry: :innocent:

You had that idea too? I was just going through my mind who wouldn't require too much of a costume (other than ugly clothes) and Avril came to mind. Mwaha :flower:
i'm going to be a greek/roman goddess. not sure as to which one yet though. i already have my tunica and an insane amount of white cloth for draping the toga. @_@ wrapping it all is a serious pain in the ****. :wacko:
Last year i was a scary nurse - i had a lil fake syringe and wore a pvc nurse dress and my black patent pumps i looked like a total sl*t :shock: - i was embaressed all night long haha - never again! :yuk:

I want to do something good this year - but i'm not sure what.
I'm being Uncle Sam. I have these pants that are blue and white striped... I was gonna wear them to school but they're just too loud even for me. Then a red top, a flag vest, one of those hats... a white beard... etc, etc....

Then at our [four hour long!] Halloween dance I can go up to guys and say... "I want YOU to dance with me" :lol:
I have no idea what I'm gonna be this year. :( if anything
Originally posted by luna@Oct 9 2004, 07:20 AM
I have no idea what I'm gonna be this year. :( if anything

maybe you could try being a peacock?! :flower:
I have to dress up for my work this year (first grade teacher). Can't decide ...thinking of being the Tooth Fairy-big puffy pink or blue dress, tiara, wand, glitter, "bag of teeth", etc..... any other suggestions???

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