What Will You Be For Halloween?

Cleopatra was coming up a bit too expensive, and I was aiming for the Dior Couture look :doh: , I will have to spend a lot of money to make it look great.... So I finally decided that im gonna be doing Gwen Stefani, and Stefan is doing Gavin :rofl:

I already have the pinkish-purple Dolce suit I can rock with a blonde pomp wig and a huge flower on the side :rofl:

Maybe I can also incorporate my leopard print tights, cause the pants are cropped :shifty:

Waaaaa!! :buzz:
Alejandro that sounds hot :woot:
You gotta post pics.

Ahh..I'm not doing anything for Halloween. How sad... :cry:
Originally posted by Alejandro@Oct 30 2004, 04:31 PM
Cleopatra was coming up a bit too expensive, and I was aiming for the Dior Couture look :doh: , I will have to spend a lot of money to make it look great.... So I finally decided that im gonna be doing Gwen Stefani, and Stefan is doing Gavin :rofl:

I already have the pinkish-purple Dolce suit I can rock with a blonde pomp wig and a huge flower on the side :rofl:

Maybe I can also incorporate my leopard print tights, cause the pants are cropped :shifty:
Waaaaa!! :buzz:
Gwen Stefani!!!! i've done her so many times...for like free-dress days at school...i first did it about two years ago...the whole cropped pants, fishnets, bikini over a top...it rocks!!!
well, we had a halloween party a day early...and i'm in aus...it was awesome...halloween is not as big here, but the party was great...everyone dressed up hella good...i went as a hippie slash go go dancer...so weird, i should hav dressed up more...but yeh...amoung others, we had...

Kernal Sanders (best costume of the night)
Che Guevera
Little Bo Peep
Marilyn Monroe
A Morman Preist (he was soooo hot!!!!)
Wilma from the Flinstones (most original ideas i rekon)
Neo (it was so freaky, he was like his clone)
Punk Rockers
Karate Dude

and many others...but they were my favorites, i'll post so camera phone photos maybe later...
Halloween - What are you wearing?!

I love dressing up for Halloween.

What does everyone plan on wearing this year?!
Tom Hanks in Castaway .. already got my "Wilson" :p

But I dunno ... maybe I'll change my mind ...
Captain Haddock, from Tintin

hmm, 3 nautical themes in a row? :ninja:

rhiannonmars, you didn't say what your costume will be... ? :flower:
^:lol: Dont' even know yet. Any suggestions? I'm short 5"2 - 5"3 and asian. And I look innocent...:innocent:
^angel or fairy were the fist things I thought of...It would be funny if you went the opposite of "innocent"...like a pregnant nun.
^hahaha! Good idea...pregnant nun. That's sure different from what my previous costumes were!! I think I'll do it! :lol:
OMG a pregnant nun is genius.

I was thinking of going as a white trash janitor like Joe Dirt. I'd need to get some kind of jumpsuit and a big mop and a mullet wig and fake tattoos and stuff. The sad thing is I had this AMAZING idea a while ago and now I completely forgot it. So I think I may just steal pregnant nun .. haha.
This year my friend was going to get married. We were all going to be fairy bridesmaids. She called off the wedding, but I am still keeping the idea. I always wear 1920's antique dresses every halloween so this year won't be much different. I already have a dress I bought a few years back. It buttons up the back, so I can have monarch butterfly wings poke out the back. I want to find some vintage millinery flowers to wear in my hair which will be fingerwaved.

Here is the dress. It's brown silk satin with fuschia flowers on it. There is also golden embroidered flowers too. Back in the day, golden thread was made with real gold.:

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Anything that will be good enough to top some dragqueens :rofl:

I run with a tough halloween crowd...those gals have seen everything!

I wanted to be something funny and not sl*tty for once...last years costume needed a lot of double tape :innocent:

I wanted to do a rolling jailhouse and I'm martha stewart doing a live from jail arts session... but she already got out sooo.... changing my mind :unsure:

Hmmm back to naughty options once again :innocent: ....I'd usually be shy, but I'm around gay men so I don't care much. :lol:
i think ill just roll out of bed

i mean, the point is to look scary, right?

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