What Will You Be For Halloween?

My god, I never know what I'm going to be until like a day before. :lol:

Most of the time I do a group thing with my friends, but I'm not sure what's happening this year.
I have no idea what I'm going to be this year. I usually do something sexy and fun. Last year I was a nurse and the year before I was a cowgirl. I was thinking of being a belly dancer this year but I usually go back to my hometown for this yearly party and it's freezing in Buffalo, NY at the end of October. I'll be checking in on this thread for ideas. Everyone seems so creative on this forum. :)
I'm going as Christina Auguilera from the Lady Marmalade video complete with red corset, elbow length cloves, hot shorts, and knee high fishnets. Anyone have any idea how to get my hair as big as hers?
Muah ha ha ha ha.

I don't know. One year me and a few buddies were goign to be Smurfs/vigilantes. We were going to chase down and beat on people snatching bags from kids or egging houses. Once I passed out candy to kids while drinking with my buddies. Most walked by. :(

Anyway, I think I might construct a costume that will look like the rabbit in Donnie Darko. I can even borrow my bud's Trans Am for the night. Hmm...
I guess for Halloween, I will be myself, that's scary enough! :D
It sounds so much fun to celebrate halloween in the US!!! in the UK people generally don't do much about it after they're about 10, except from the odd halloween party here or there. Nowadays there's hardly even any kids that come knocking around my estate :( there used to be loads when I was little. I used to dress as a witch alot: bin-bag with arm holes cut out, dragging a brush (yes a brush not a broom :lol:) behind me, with a stuffed cat toy fixed to the end with some string. I was also 'wednesday' from the adamms family a couple of times, and I vividly remember being batgirl once, it used to be so much fun :heart:

A couple of years back I invited a few friends round my house...and it happened to be halloween...I decided to make myself something bin-baggy again, so stuck one to my head in a sculptural kinda way, with a bin bag sellotaped on me as a top...it was great seeing my friends faces when I answered the door :lol: one of them had the same thoughts as me and came in little cat ears etc, and another in geisha make up :heart:
Halloween Costumes

I know its early but... whats everyone going as or THINKING of going as for Halloween??? *post pics*:flower:

This is what I got

(minus the bear tho) not sure if I should wear it all cutsie like that accessorizing it with a bowl of porridge or if i should make it a suicidal goldilocks or something like that:huh:
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Fantastic topic! I still don't know yet. :innocent:
Cute outfit Bexy. What about a mauled Goldie Locks? I have to work on Halloween, so I won't be wearing a costume this year.

I think we already have a thread about this topic.
i'm probably going to be marilyn monroe! complete with the bombshell blonde wig, red lipstick, pumps, and white halter dress
Rachelle said:
^hahaha! Good idea...pregnant nun. That's sure different from what my previous costumes were!! I think I'll do it! :lol:

Doooo it! that would be the best costume ever :rolleyes:
Wonder Woman Andora!! Pretty accurate I'd say with everything you balance ;) Plus, that was my favorite TV show back in the day :p

I'm required to be a musician. Doesn't matter who! I want to be somebody easily recognizable, but I'm having trouble thinking of one that will suit me :unsure: Hmmm...

Anyway, the beau is going as Right Said Fred :rofl:
I'm being the Corpse Bride.^_^

A couple of my friends are going as Raoul Duke and Gonzo! :woot:

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