What's your signature color(s)?

black, charcoal and grey. My only real burst of colour this winter has been my coat - which is pillarbox red.
In the summer i stick mainly to black, purples and blues.
During winter now, I notice I like grey, black, white, pink, and purple frequently. I don't know if I would really say I have a signature color. I have the tendency to notice I don't own clothing in a certain one, then I decide I have to get some items in that color. Recently I want things in navy blue, but my interest in navy blue started a couple of years ago after seeing pictures of Lily Cole in a navy blue tank dress and more recently Charlotte Gainsbourg in a navy blue tshirt. I might also want more yellow.
It used to be hot pink. I wear a lot of cream now. I like to mix it in with other colors.
I wear a lot of light/bright colours: yellow, orange, pink, light green, baby blue, light gray, white, red... far out a lot of colours.
Number one is definitely black. I wear it almost everyday. And then my other ones are navy, gray and white. I like neutral colors that can go with anything.
grey, black, khaki tones, army green, navy blue, rich jewel tones. anything vibrant or particularly pastel usually looks bad on me, though i can get away with oranges and pinks.
black. definetly black. then comes gray. i like earthy colours, but i add colour for example using green,red or other rich colour.
grey,black purple and mustard thats all i ever wear really .. ooh maybe the odd dash of red
i'd say that i look fairly good in medium blue, like egyptian blue? it works really well with my tannish skin tone.

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