White & Green tea

The Lipton White Tea with the hint of tangerine/nectarine (some type of -rine fruit) tastes horrible! I really hate it, but it still makes me wonder what white tea tastes like. Since I've only consumed white tea cold, are there tea bags for a hot white tea?
I love green and white teas. I buy loose tea leaves from Teavanna. Normal green tea is bitter but I find green tea mixed with tropical flavors is the best.

My favorite frromTeavanna:

Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls with Roobios Tropica


To Life (combination of above with silver needle)
Apologies if anybody has posted this already, but I think tea can be naturally decaffeinated with a bit of orange! :flower:
^good to know, Batabid, thanks for the info. But do you know how this works (what does the orange do to decaffeinate)?
I love green tea! I try to have one atleast everyday i dont know if i have noticed any improvements but it just feels good drinking something healthy. About the caffine, i dont think there is a lot i green and white tea. I remember some doctor on Oprah saying that if coffee drinkers switched to green tea they would automatically loose about 4 kgs in a week!!
I remember some doctor on Oprah saying that if coffee drinkers switched to green tea they would automatically loose about 4 kgs in a week!!

I find it hard to believe, 4kg in one week is a lot.
I think green tea helps you digest and "discard":blush: faster, this is why they say you lose weight when you drink it. But not as much as one might think.
I don't think people even lose weight when they drink green tea. They've found it can mildly suppress one's appetite but even that is disputed.

I'm pretty sure I posted elsewhere in this thread about the Clipper organic white tea. yum. I'm drinking some now. I really like 'pure' tea. ie no weird fruit flavors.
^good to know, Batabid, thanks for the info. But do you know how this works (what does the orange do to decaffeinate)?

It works like methylene chloride which is an artificial chemical solvent that binds to caffeine molecules to remove them. I think theres additional steps. The substitute solvent is ethyl acetate and its a natural chem found in citrus fruit! :buzz:
Maybe it wasnt as much as 4 kgs but he definitely said that if you substituted coffee for green tea you would loose weight. I dont think its the digestive process just the lack of coffee in your system
its possible because most people put creme and sugar in their coffee which is lots of calories plus caffeine and sugar make you crash which can cause insane cravings and green tea can act as an appetite suppressant *_*
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I just read that you should avoid green tea in teabags - it contains more caffeine than the loose tea and you suffer loss of quality.
You can infuse loose leaves a few times!
One cup of green tea can contain between 15 to 75 milligrams of caffeine. I like my green tea loose, it should not be with boiling water and it should not be kept in more than 3 min (as that's what makes it go bitter) :)
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Has anyone tried Matcha Tea?
What is Matcha Tea?
Matcha - literally, "powdered tea" - is a special type of green tea: a precious, jewel-green powder that is whisked with hot water in a bowl to make a frothy beverage of the same name. Preparation of matcha is the focus of the Japanese tea ceremony and has a long association with Zen. Matcha is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, and because it is made from top-quality leaves that are treated with great care, it delivers more of the healthful elements of green tea than other forms. A unique, beautiful and richly flavorful drink, matcha gives most people a feeling of well-being. In addition, the simple ritual of preparing it is both enjoyable and meditative

Health Benefits of Matcha
In addition to providing trace minerals and vitamins (A, B-complex, C, E, and K), matcha is rich in catechin polyphenols - compounds with high antioxidant activity. These compounds offer protection against many kinds of cancer, help prevent cardiovascular disease and slow the aging process. They also reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, stabilize blood sugar levels, help reduce high blood pressure and enhance the resistance of the body to many toxins. The most important polyphenol in matcha is EGCG (epigallo-catechin gallate), which is the subject of many medical studies. Matcha has a significant amount of dietary fiber and practically no calories

I got a leaflet on it at my Origins counter and then the above comes from the Dr Weil page. It looks like a bit of effort to make cause you have to whisk it up and all and is *really* green looking from the pics. I find regular green tea quite sharp so was wondering if anyone could tell me what this one tastes like?
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Matcha tea

Has anyone tried Matcha Tea?

I got a leaflet on it at my Origins counter and then the above comes from the Dr Weil page. It looks like a bit of effort to make cause you have to whisk it up and all and is *really* green looking from the pics. I find regular green tea quite sharp so was wondering if anyone could tell me what this one tastes like?

I've never tried Matcha. Saw it in a large box in Bon Marche but didn't get as it was very expensive and I wasn't sure I would like it. I think it was sold as leaves. I didn't realise you had to whisk it up though.
I was looking for it to use in recipes. I have a recipe for madeleines and macaroons with matcha tea. I've just checked my macaroon recipe and it says to buy powder.
I'm intrigued... will look for some and let you know how I get on ...
Thanks Violette! I had a sniff of the Origins tester (which is the powder form) and it smelled ok. It is rather expensive though. I am going to try to track in down in my local asian supermarket and see what price they have for it there...
i tried white tea in an asian restaurant once and it basically tasted like water, only more bitter:S

also a waiter at another restaurant once told me to never drink green tea on an empty stomach, as its rly unhealthy and u could faint. Is there any truth to this? Cuz ive done it loads of times and nothings ever happened to me!!
also a waiter at another restaurant once told me to never drink green tea on an empty stomach, as its rly unhealthy and u could faint. Is there any truth to this? Cuz ive done it loads of times and nothings ever happened to me!!

:huh: No I really don't think that's true. Especially not that you will faint.
But then again I'm not a doctor, but until someone else proves me wrong, I don't believe it.
^ That's really bizarre and wrong advice re: green tea on empty stomache.

I've not had matcha served in hot tea, but if you've had some good quality green tea ice cream, there is matcha in that. Its not the floral, sweet green tea taste that some of those green tea flavored ice creams have. Its like green tea distilled; which is in fact what you are ingesting ground tea leaves. Kind of metallic, I really like it.

You know what taught me the most about tea? My Asian art and history classes. There are so many scholarly works on tea and its presentation.

Anyway, that's where I first learned that tea was consumed in the form of matcha, as in ground leaves. Using the whisk to whip the tea into a frothy state was an art form; there used to be contests between people to see who could whip up the froth the most and in the most interesting patterns. It was sort of like how people create designs in lattes. They had books about it, and some could create 'wave' designs and more elaborate ones. Unfortunately, the knowledge of how to do so was lost and cannot be reproduced.
Has anyone tried this? :flower:


Original Anti-Oxidant Water Booster

An innovative and easy way to harness the power of green tea and white tea antioxidants to repair skin, fight free radical damage and slow future signs of ageing from the inside out.

Key Benefits

  • Grape seed extract protects the collagen and elastin fibres for firm skin.
  • Entirely natural, caffeine-free, sugar-free and calorie-free.
  • One dropper is equivalent to fifteen cups of green tea.

source: spacenk.co.uk
i love Matcha. it tastes really mild to me, yet has a strong green tea taste.

y'all should try Matcha Milk tea. just add some sugar/sweetener to the Matcha and add some milk. mmmhhh.... might freak out some people cause it's green (with milk, it's a gorgeous pastell green) but tastes wonderful.

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