Winter coats and jackets

I'm going to wear a vintage coat that I bought for almost nothing last winter.
The materials are wool, mohair and fake fur.
It looks much better in reality, it has such nice bell shape on the skirt part.
The sleeves are not long enough on me and that's a bit of a problem since it gets as cold as -30°C where I live.
Need to find some long and warm gloves.
I think I will wear some of my white wool dresses with this coat.


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I bought two wool coats/jacket from etoile isabel marant last year
Yes it is a bit pricey but if youre lookin for investment pieces I definitely recommend them its so warm I cant get enough of them !
Bought this american retro coat for winter the wool is kind of heavy but amazing it looks very chic & simple I love it !
It is time for new winter coats again. I like to have few or at least couple of nice coats per year, because winter is soooo long here, you really have time to wear them ^_^

I want something form-fitting this year, at least one shorter jacket and one longer, maybe right above knee. One of them HAS to be wool (and something, whatever they add to it??)

I would like to invest good money on coats, but since I need also to buy more stuff than just one 500 € coat, I need to watch something cheaper :lol:
Got these three:

Wool coat by Karen Millen


Long coat by Garçon by Garçonne


[own pics]

My lovely, warm parka from last year by Mango



Argh... just typed this then hit back by mistake instead of opening a dif tab to look at something else and now just goto retype... that is sooo anoying!

OMG Pocket kitten... I adore that KM coat... I had a bad experiance with a KM coat and its quality before so I always shy away.

Tommy girl... what you been looking at as a cheaper alternative... every coat I end up finding I love is over £500!

Kenysha75... your coats look fab... not my personal style but in terms of quality and cut they look lush!

I am soooo peved... the same thing happened to me last year too with a purple sonia rykiel coat.... its prob on here if you look back. Im strapped for cash and was then too due to stuff going on in my life... this year its a new house and spent to much on cards which I need to repay.... anyway... I seen on here an alpaca camel coat by max mara... i loved it and it was £690... too expensive... but been looking at coats for the past few days and could not get past this one in my head.... anyway I eventually made a rash decission and thought bugger it im going for it... whats another £700 on a credit card... anyway when I went to put the size in I wanted... its sold out... in fact sold out in every size except 16! Argh... I was so peeved... something is obviously trying to tell me something about saving money... but I so did not want to hear it... I so want that coat now... looked on ebay but nothing... off to set up a serch for it... and the last years coat... bet I end up with neither though...

I tell you one thing girls... If you see a coat you love... just buy it as you will always regret not... especially if you have to go all the way through winters with coats you have... wishing you had just acted sooner!
William: Thank you! I really adore it. :) It fits so nicely.
What happened with your coat? I've heard the quality isn't always too good on KM's, but I've never had any problems with my dresses and such, so I took the chance. :)
I LOVE this topshop coat, think I might get it, it has a hood and I love hoods :D:heart:
Thanks William it is a bit pricey but the quality is definitely here
The wool is amazing!:D
I know right ?
What a great feeling to bundle up in your nice wool coat love it :heart::D
Anyway lets quote some nice place or site to find coat
The designer section at asos is really nice this year lots of wool and unsual design (theres a diesel coat thats looks DIVINE ):D
Placedestendances is really great too they carry a large selection of french brands really beautiful coats
And acne brand is still the same amazingggg
I bought a wool parka from Topshop last year <3

I might invest in this Topshop one
it's 82% wool :)
^^ Not sure if I like that Alpaca coat so much as the MAX MARA one... I love the material though... Kenyasha .... I'm so with you on the bundling up LOVE!!! I adore it too... especially if there is fur involved with that coat too... I adore the use of fur for fashion... just feel its an amazing mix of femininity and warmth and looks!

I'll have to go have a look on ASOS!!!






I WANT THEM ALL!!! I need to move someplace colder so I have an excuse to wear coats all year long.
Love the first and the last but the jury is out on the second... Scotland would be fine if you want winter coats all year round... the last few summers have been terrible!

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