My final predictions (some risks/wishful thinking included

Best Picture
1. The Social Network
2. The King's Speech
3. The Fighter
4. Black Swan
5. True Grit
6. Inception
7. Toy Story 3
8. 127 Hours
9. Winter's Bone
10. The Town
(alt. The Kids Are All Right)
Best Director
1. David Fincher, The Social Network
2. Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan
3. David O. Russell, The Fighter
4. Christopher Nolan, Inception
5. Tom Hooper, The King's Speech
(alt. Danny Boyle, 127 Hours)
Best Actor
1. Colin Firth, The King's Speech
2. Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network
3. James Franco, 127 Hours
4. Robert Duvall, Get Low
5. Mark Wahlberg, The Fighter
(alt. Jeff Bridges, True Grit)
Best Actress
1. Natalie Portman, Black Swan
2. Annette Benning, The Kids Are All Right
3. Jennifer Lawrence, Winter's Bone
4. Hailee Steinfeld, True Grit
5. Julianne Moore, The Kids Are All Right
(alt. Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole)
Best Supporting Actor
1. Christian Bale, The Fighter
2. Geoffrey Rush, The King's Speech
3. Andrew Garfield, The Social Network
4. Mark Ruffalo, The Kids Are All Right
5. John Hawke, Winter's Bone
(alt. Jeremy Renner, The Town)
Best Supporting Actress
1. Melissa Leo, The Fighter
2. Amy Adams, The Fighter
3. Helena Bonham Carter, The King's Speech
4. Jackie Weaver, Animal Kingdom
5. Mila Kunis, Black Swan
(alt. Heilee Steinfeld, True Grit)