^ "Another ridiculous decision by the Academy"?
Avatar was visually unparalleled, sure enough, but strip away the visuals and in terms of substance it was neither groundbreaking nor particularly creative, especially compared to
The Hurt Locker, a truly bold piece of filmmaking. Personally, I applaud the Academy for once having made their own decision and not pat James Cameron on the back like everyone else. (I could also go into
Brokeback Mountain, but it's not really relevant to this.)
I'm really surprised that
Inception is even being discussed as a serious Best Picture contender, though. Although with 10 BP nominees this year as well


it is sure to be among the nominated, but the thought of
Inception taking the BP Oscar rather than e.g.
The Social Network or
Black Swan seems impossible to me, and not so much because
Inception would be "forgotten" than because it's simply a weaker film by comparison. Judging from
The Social Network's Rotten Tomatoes rating, its Best Picture nomination (and I dare say, win) seem given.
On a related note, the Academy needs to urgently scrap their current practice of having 10 Best Picture nominees. There was a time when a Best Picture Oscar nomination alone was a coveted and prestigious achievement, when the Best Picture nominees would generally be considered
great films. But the inescapable reality is that there just aren't 10
great films to be had in one year, and therefore a couple of "just"
good films are now ranked as high as the "great" ones, which to me lessens the prestige of the nomination (if not the award) considerably. Take
Inglourious Basterds last year, for instance. A good film, an entertaining and even to an extent creative film. But a
serious Best Picture contender? Possible Best Picture of 2010? Really?...
Hmm. Anne Hathaway and James Franco seem like an odd choice, both as a pairing and as hosts. But I suppose the show can only go up from last year. God, I miss Billy Crystal.
Personally, I'm secretly hoping for a long shot Supporting Actress nomination to Milla Jovovich for her beautiful, raw performance in
Stone. But that's not gonna happen.